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Old KH Fanfictions

Discussion in 'Traditional' started by iridaceous, Oct 17, 2008.

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  1. iridaceous

    iridaceous New Member

    I wrote a couple of fanfictions based on Kingdom Hearts about a year ago, but I didn't finish either of them. I'll post them here, chapter by chapter, then I'll decide whether I want to continue them or not... =S But the thing is, I've had terrible writers block for months now. DX Tell me what you think about my stories.


    The moonlight was vague behind the darkness, only casting its light on various rocks and trees. Night had arrived and everything was still.


    What was that?

    Yellow eyes peered from the forest, unblinking and wide. The slightest flicker of movement could be seen. The black veil of night had obviously been unable to hide all. There was a pause and suddenly – there they were. A heap of Heartless, swarming and soundlessly stumbling step by step. It was a river of ebony figures; a sea of never-ending doom.

    It made Sora smile.

    A keyblade suddenly appeared, radiating pure power. Sora grabbed for it, enjoying the feel of a heavy weapon in his hand. Then he ran. Right to the Heartless. Raising his keyblade, he felt even more energy pulse through him and boy, he was loving it. Sora brought it down in a quick motion, preparing for the satisfying slashing sound as it rips through the Heartless…


    A young teenage boy stirred on the sand, his eyes still closed. Nearby ocean waves tickled his elbow.


    “Guhh?” Sora sat up, his spiky light brown hair falling across his face.

    He looked up and squinted through the blinding sunlight.

    “Kairi?” he murmured.

    A pretty girl of his age stood above him, arms folded. Her narrowed blue eyes bored into him.

    “You’ve been asleep the whole day!” Kairi complained, kneeling beside Sora.

    Sora groaned and sat up, his own blue eyes still drooping. He shook himself and stood, pulling Kairi up with him. He felt a little strange. Ever since the Keyblade had decided to vanish suddenly, Sora had felt vulnerable and confused. Why had his only weapon left him? Riku had assured him that it was just because the worlds were at peace now and there was no further use for the Keyblade. Still, he felt as if he had lost something dear. He sighed and threw a glance at his almost forgotten old wooden sword.

    Kairi’s eyes narrowed further. “What’s wrong?”

    Sora snapped out of his thoughts and smiled at Kairi. “Oh, nothing.”

    “You’re worrying about the Keyblade again, aren’t you?” She could read him like a book.

    Sora rocked on the heels of his yellow shoes sheepishly as the smile died on his lips. He shrugged, trying not to care about it anymore. It was the past. Gone. It didn’t matter anymore. Did it?

    Kairi sighed. “Why do you still want the Keyblade? Don’t you like hanging out with me and Riku? Isn’t it heroic enough for you?”

    Sora protested strongly to those accusations. “Of course I like being with you and Riku! Really, I do! I don’t need the Keyblade anymore!”

    Kairi leaned forward suspiciously to search Sora’s eyes for any untruths. Giving up, she turned and walked away, leaving Sora with his uncertainty.

    Did he really mind not having the Keyblade by his side? Could he really settle on his current and undramatic life? Despite what he had told Kairi, his heart was still clinging on. Clinging to the power. The glory. The Keyblade.
  2. worbs

    worbs New Member

    not bad keep it up
  3. Rhodis=Jynx

    Rhodis=Jynx New Member

    O.O waiting for next chapter...
  4. iridaceous

    iridaceous New Member

    Kairi trudged away from Sora in a huff, her auburn hair whipping her face in the wind. Something told her that Sora was still moping about losing the Keyblade and she didn’t want to be around him when he was all starry-eyed. She kicked solemnly at the ground, etching slowly forward. Kairi’s eyes were glued to her bright pink boots – that were now covered in sand - as if they were the most interesting things in the world.

    Nothing could cheer Sora up. It seemed as if she and Riku had tried EVERYTHING.
    Watching the sunset together, having parties, swimming out into the ocean… nothing worked. Kairi had even tried taking him to the Secret Place and the childish drawings hadn’t even brought a hint of a smile to Sora’s face.

    Kairi was fed up.

    She sighed, slumping down with her back against her favourite palm tree – a tall plant with a broad trunk and a collection of coconuts tangled within its leaves. Her pink dress creased instantly as it touched the rough tree trunk.

    A voice from above startled her. “Hey! Kairi! Up here!”

    Before the Kairi could tilt her head back to find to owner of the voice, a teenage boy rocketed down in a flurry of blue.

    “Hey Riku,” Kairi exclaimed, glad to see her friend who WASN’T dwelling in unhappiness.
    Standing before Kairi was a 16 year old with shaggy hair coloured with the palest shade of blue, half-covering his mesmerising aqua eyes.

    “Is Sora still sleeping?” Riku asked, dusting himself off.

    Like Kairi, he wanted the old Sora back – he was beginning to dislike the tired old blob that had replaced his energetic best friend.

    Kairi stifled a giggle. “I woke him up and told him to stop being so dreary. He told me that he didn’t need the Keyblade anymore but he had that faraway look in his eyes again!”

    Riku frowned. “Sora still doesn’t have the Keyblade? I thought that it would come back to him. Eventually.”

    Kairi waved the matter off. “It doesn’t matter now, does it? Besides, it probably left for a reason.”

    Riku still seem troubled. He lifted his muscled arm and it was immediately engulfed in a pure stream of light. There was a flash and Riku was suddenly holding a giant weapon in the shape of a key. Both Kairi and Riku were expecting it to appear.

    “Why did the Keyblade stay with me then…?” Riku was dumbfounded.

    After all, Sora had always been the pure one. The hero and the Keyblade Master. Why had the weapon left Sora but not Riku? It was confusing but it was a secret. Sora must never know about it. If he found out that Riku still wielded the powerful weapon, he might feel even worse than he was feeling now and it would undoubtedly wreck their friendship.

    Kairi shook her head. “Why ask me?”

    Although she knew it was necessary to keep this from Sora, Kairi felt queasy about lying to him all the time.

    Riku hadn’t heard Kairi’s reply, or noticed the worried expression on her face. He was looking off into the horizon with his eyes glazed over. The Keyblade swung casually by his side, the tip of it scraping along the ground. He was deep in his thoughts and right now, his mind was whirring with farfetched ideas.

    Maybe Sora’s heart isn’t as pure as you think it is…

    Riku pushed out the nagging voice in his head. It couldn’t be… Sora couldn’t be EVIL… could he?

    Kairi watched Riku’s mouth twitch and walked a few paces away, intending to leave Riku alone for a while.

    Riku finally noticed her, it seemed. “Wait Kairi!”

    He turned around and half-sat, half-collapsed onto the ground. Riku patted the sand beside him.


    Kairi hesitated and moved towards Riku, settling down next to him but also making sure that her dress didn’t crinkle.

    There they stayed for the next few hours, watching as the sun sank rapidly into the water’s depths.


    Sora had retreated to his quiet sanctuary: his bedroom. Sitting down, he hadn’t noticed the sun dissolving into the ocean or the rise of the moon. That is, until the room became completely dark. Sora looked about him, wondering how it could’ve gotten so late so quickly. Shrugging, he leaned forward to switch on his lamp. Almost reluctantly, the lamp emitted a few rays before flickering and dimming again, fading until it was off again.

    ‘Great. Now light’s abandoned me too,’ Sora thought to himself, sourly.

    He lay down on his bed, staring at the ceiling until sleep finally took its toll.
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