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Open Challenge Thread

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Zerieth, Oct 11, 2009.

  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Ladies and gentleman!
    Boys and Girls!
    I present to you, the Rp arena!

    This is not a story, but you all pitting some of your favorite rp characters against each other to answer that age old question, who is the best rp character!?

    The winner will be decided after we have all fought to the death for, The Grand Rp Trophy! Rp trophy.jpg

    Now here are the rules.

    Do not get into very gory details.
    No god modding
    Any real characters are strictly prohibited.

    Here is the template.

    Name:You have a name right?
    Pic/Description: Give us a picture or a very detailed paragraph
    Weapon:You can use fists and feet if you like. Otherwise, describe or post a pic of a weapon
    Abilities:What can your character do?

    Again, no god modding. This means you can not control your opponents character in anyway. Post your character here, then wait for your turn in the arena. I'll let both participants know who is up. If no fights are scheduled, i'll pick one at random. 1v1's unless i'm told otherwise. Good luck rpers. Kick each others butts =D.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    O.O How many characters can we have? I might join!
  3. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Name: Jacob
    Abilities: can see into the future and into darkness, but loses a part of himself each time
  4. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    So we can use a non-canon character that we've RP'd before, essentially? I guess it's time to dig up one of my poor old guys. . . Ghira, maybe.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    We've had a thread like this before. Kinda died. Mainly because people said they'd join, but they didn't. Only three, four people max actually joined.
  6. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I might actually just sticky this. . . It's a good idea to have an area that pits RPing talents against one another without the wait.
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I know =D. Its a good idea.

    Anways, you may have up to 3 characters. After all, were trying to find the best CHARACTER. If you win the challenge, you shall get that trophy i put up there. Just post it into your sig or something. I'll add the characters name and the person who owns it.

    Also, i'll try to stay out of this with my chars since i am the judge over all. I will hold no favs. Any god modding will result in instant disqualification. No exceptions or warnings. Only good rpers should post in here.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2009
  8. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Kilet Jan

    Alias, Nicknames, and Titles:
    Pumpkin Reaper

    Blue? Er. . . 24.

    Male, but extremely feminine in appearance.

    The Accused

    Physical Description:
    + Moonlight flight - HH + by =iruka-loves-kakashi on deviantART

    Personality and Mentality:
    I suppose, to start with, I call him a freak. And by this, I mean he's extremely aloof. Bound to give creepy smiles, following you around until you finally are creeped out enough that you yell at him, but then he asks directions to the nearest supermarket. Popping up out of nowhere, things like that. But, that's all just a part of how he was raised - Him being a Halloweentowner and all. But other than that, he's really helpful - and just between you and me, he makes a mean pumpkin pie.

    The pumpkin staff depicted, and a rather large and wicked, black, curved carving knife. Wicked in the sense that "OHMIGODTHAT THING LOOKS SHARP AND DEADLY!"

    Ignite! - Ya gotta light pumpkins somehow! Equivalent to Fira. Flame spews from the head of his pumpkin staff.
    Ghostly Chill - Ya gotta put out the pumpkin fires somehow! Essentially the equivalent to Blizzara. Same effect as the first, but with ice.
    Stopra - There's never enough time in the world.
    Pumpkin Raid - Kilet throws several small pumpkins, or one large one at an opponent and it explodes. This effect can be combined with his Fira, Blizzara, Or Stopra abilities to give different effects. Also can be timed explosions.
    Bone Raid - A bone (Usually a femur but can be a skull) pops up from the ground and into Kilet's hand or from a location in a ten yard radius. These things can be 'thrown' from the ground too.
    Ghostly Gait - An passive ability that can be activated to give Kilet the ability to float/hover above the ground. Cannot go through walls.
    Banshee Shriek - A chilling shriek. Scares or stuns with a high chance.
    There was a Barber and his Wife. . . - A move that sends several enchanted/posessed razors at an opponent, and then one large meat cleaver.
    Tomb Shield - Kilet pulls a tombstone out of the ground and uses it to block an attack. Also can create an actual tomb with it by pulling up one tombstone on each side and then a fifth falls out of the sky.
    Ghoulish Trickery - A ghostly hand comes out of something inanimate or from Kilet and can be used as another arm.
    Beware the Raven, Nevermore! - Black wings come out of Kilet's back. He can use these to glide, send sharp feathers at an opponent, or cause the wings to disappear in an explosion of feathers, obscuring view.
    Mirror, Mirror - He summons a doppleganger of himself or his opponent to control. Can either be an illusion or solid, but the doppleganger posesses nothing more than a stronger body than an average human and the weapons the 'doppled' is wielding.
    Seven Years. . . - Kilet summons a rather expensive and nice looking mirror and uses it to reflect an opponent's energy based attack, or blocks an attack. Far sturdier than the tombstone.
    - Nightmare - Using the mirror, Kilet can show somebody their worst nightmare. (Uses the mirror like a screen)
    Thriller! - A summoning that involves skeletons/zombies armed with basic swords or clubs and dance-fighting.
    Pumpkin Forge - Kilet's most powerful attack. An uncarved pumpkin comes out of the ground, the lid on a hinge, and swallows his opponent. The lid then snaps shut, and Kilet's knife grows into a scythe - and then he carves out a face, feeds smaller pumpkins to the large one, and then it catches on fire on the inside. AND THEN EXPLODES.

    If you so desire, your character's history within this RP's timeline can be touched on as the RP goes on. If not then just make it interesting here.


    Name: Riona Starling

    Age: 23

    Gender: Female

    Personality: A quiet, shy type. Although, due to the symbiote, she hears a voices* in her head, and argues with them frequently. Was an eccentric artist of sorts.

    Apperance: Tengu Jerusalem by ~MaullarMaullar on deviantART

    Symbiote Name: Sonias

    Symbiote Apperance: Human robot +andromeda+ by *teri-san on deviantART

    Bio: Riona Starling was once a joyful artist. Bouncy, bubbly personality - and although she wasn't too well known, she didn't care. It was the fact that at least somebody knew who she was that counted. But, one day something happened. There was a fire in her home - she was asleep at the time, so the incident was a blur. The cause of the fire? The reports said nothing. It was just blamed on a faulty plug. The fire destroyed her house completely, incinerating everything. But, miraculously, Riona survived. Somehow, she was moved outside onto her lawn. Of course, she didn't remember a thing - the paramedics called it, "Trauma-induced amnesia". Of course, the truth lies elsewhere. . . Now, she wanders from place to place, her abilities stealing food and finding safe ground to sleep in.**

    # Heavily enhanced cellular regeneration
    # Able to induce powerful sonic 'shouts' (However, backlash causes the symbiote skin to become weaker for a short time)
    # Sticking to Walls
    # Superior hearing capability/Sonar
    # Can vibrate an object to it's natural frequency*** when touching it.
    # Use 'Hair' as whiplike appendages to a length of 30 feet each.
    # Enhanced physical abilities (I.E. Speed, strength, etc
    # Able to move alround silently
    # Using the natural frequency thing, she can also fuse objects together.
    # Can sling sonic 'packets' like the web bullet ability

    *I'm not going to RP the voices.
    ** She didn't have insurance. END OF STORY.
    ***That means it can shatter.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2009
  9. Character Template

    Name: Reonarudo Chiisutofupu Bustuchiru
    Mode of Combat: Tae Kwon Do
    Ability: Aero Magic
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Birthday: Nov. 26, 1993
    Height: 5"11
    Weight: 140 lbs.
    Birthplace: U.S.A.
    Hobby: Tae Kwon Do
    Personal Treasures: His Father's Coin, His Skills.
    Personality: Laid back, calm, kind.
    Favorite Food: Pizza
    Dislikes: Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking.
    Forte in Sports: Tae Kwon Do
  10. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Pic/Description: [​IMG]
    Weapon: Sword,like the one in the pic.Has streaks of orange and red on it
    Abilities:What can your character do?
    Great ability in magic,strongest is Fire,weakest Ice,can set his sword on fire (Where the streaks come from)Portals of Darkness.
  11. When are we going to start this summonerbrandon? I'm sort of excited for this.
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ??? What in the world? I'm not over this rp. Zerieth is.
  13. Oh oops, sorry about that. I guess I wasn't paying attention to the author :-\
  14. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Most of them are Canon characters. And you godmodded with Hrist, last I remember.
  15. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Time for the new character to get some action before he starts

    Name: Reaper

    Pic/Description: Wears a jet black cloak that can blend in with shadows and the night
    easily.When not covered with it he wears a dark,long sleeved shirt with dark purple flames adorning the sleeves,along with dark fingerless gloves.His pants are just a simple black.Black boots (ever seen the shoes Zero from Megaman Zero wears?Looks more like that,but I dont know how to explain those good.)Has brownish-black hair and yellow eyes.Their is a scar running from the bottom of his left eye to down below his neck.

    Weapon: Jet black scythe around 5'0,the blade having a dark blue streak going through the middle of it.

    Abilities:What can your character do: Death magic (Final attack,when a character is too weak to truly fight back and thus can be taken out of the tourny.Really just knocks em out if this is like a KH one in the Colisuem.),Dark,Darkra,Darkga,Darkja,Haste and Slow.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -____- I had permission from the person who was over their character to do something to them, so that don't even count Moog since I had permission to god-mod. Also, Zerieth didn't say if we need canon or original only.
  17. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    That was only after most of the fight had happened. And I was just saying the Canon part. Granted, it was an intent to discourage. I mean, what if I had used Creed Diskidence from Black Cat in an RP? Just about everybody that went up against him would get their asses handed to them on a golden platter with diamond trim.
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    HELLO!! Zerieth said that using real characters are banned from the rp arena. He didn't say that we can't use canon or original, so it's up to you whether you want to use your canon character or use a original character that'll get whooped real good.
  19. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    SO true!But then I would just use Train and we would have an epic fight (Rematch if you want)

    But not using real characters might include canon characters from video games and the like.
  20. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    No real characters period. Try for just canon characters, though i will allow original chraracters if they are not a real character. This is to test your imagination and writing skills. By the way, for every typo you make i will deduct one point from you during your fight. Its always made me unhappy when ever i see a word mispelled or a sentence that makes no sense at all. Punctuation i won't care so much about unless its a third grade mistake. Points don't contribute to your characters score, but if you go from 10 to 0 during your fight your disqualified.

    To avoid this i suggest two things.
    One, if your not sure about a word, ask someone you know or keep a dictionary near by. With punctuation stick to what you know, comma's after and/or/but. Also try to imagine your character talking. ! only if he's announcing something important like an attack, or shouting. The maximum sentences that can be used are 7. Attacks and defends are only 3 sentences max. You have plenty of time to let your character speek as there is no word limit.
    Another thing is to READ WHAT YOU WRITE. All writers, yes i'm a writer, reread their work so they can pick out things they mistyped or wrote. I can't stress this enough, so make sure once your done typing to read things out loud. You would be amazed at what your ears will tell you. Analyze sentences out loud, that way you can hear what your wrote. It might seem unfair, but it's unfair to your opponent if something you wrote made little or no sense, causing him to miss something in his attack or defense turn.

    Also try to be realistic. No hits, no matter how small, should go un noticed. If your characters sword arm gets cut, try to make him act like it hurts or was cut. No, "I can't feel pains," will be allowed. If one of these is used, you will lose two points. We want realistic bouts, so they won't go on forever and ever. If your fights take up 20 posts, 10 for each guy, it will be considered a sudden death and it must be decided in the set. Each set is 2 posts, one per person. If you don't settle it in sudden death, I will compare points and how many times each character was hit. If they each took the same hits, i will base the winner off of the points.

    Also so this isn't over really fast, your character must win 3 fights, and they are out if they lose 2. This will give you a chance to get some redemption. I will be using a referee who will be able to god mod against cheaters. Basically, canceling their abilites and damaging/removing them for cheating. I'll be using the card system like in Final Fantasy Advanced Tactics.
    Yellow Card=Penalty
    Red Card=Disqualification

    If you guys want some special rules in the fights do let me know. I myself will make the terrain, and i ask you to use the terrain in your posts.

    Again, even though this may seem unfair, this is to make things progress as smoothly as possible. If you have any questions, post them to me. I will look over the characters and we can start the first match tomorrow. Until then, try to get your characters straightened out.

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