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Organization XX

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Sephirothruler23, Aug 16, 2008.

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  1. Sephirothruler23

    Sephirothruler23 New Member

    Name: fenelox
    Age: 21
    Gender: nobody
    Weapons: psychic energy
    Elements: fire, dark, light, and water
    Appearence: black hair, cloud's hair-style,
    and tan skin.

    Xemnas: "I need more rage. I need more...hearts."

    Sora: "There's more to a heart than anger, it's full
    of all kinds of..."

    Fenelox: *shuts off all-seeing screen* "Worthless Xemnas.
    Not a surprise that he was beat by that weakling. But when
    the Organization starts a mission, we end it with a success
    at all costs. This time, Maleficent won't meddle in our plans
    either, right?"

    Maleficent: "You may be able to dicinagrate me, but
    Sora defeated me, Xemnas, and the entire Organization XIII.
    He will defeat you!"

    Fenelox: "Perhaps I shall allow to see the outcome,
    from the heavens." *faces his palm towards maleficent
    and a light appears from his hand and maleficent disappears*
  2. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Um i would join....But theres no story. I'm lost.
  3. Sephirothruler23

    Sephirothruler23 New Member

    well srry im kind of new to rps this is my
    1st on khnet
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Well, it is easy. First, you think up a storyline for the RP. Then, you set the rules for it, and then give a character template so people know what to put when they create a character.
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    This looks cool. I'm in but I might not have time to post a profile tonight because I have to go to practice in about 5 minates.

    Plus, Desert Warrior is right. I like your beginning but you could add a little more detail. What characters do you want the people to join to be for example. Other wise, you'll get things as crazy as from Sora's ex-girlfriend to a hearltess that lays eggs on your face. *It has happened to me before* and then you can't say anything about it because you didn't make it detailed enough. Plus, it makes RPs easier to manage if you have rules. Like for instance, keeping romance scenes at PG-13, or no god modding, or no spamming. Other wise, people will start arguing. *Starts ranting about the importance of rules.*

    ...Anyway, sorry. I'm not trying to be offencive, thats just some ways to make sure your RP doesn't die.

    *Sorry, this thread was in the wrong space so I had to move it to Cannon Roleplays*
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2008
  6. KnuXl3s

    KnuXl3s New Member

    Yeah I want to join
  7. linka8

    linka8 New Member

    I wana join..
  8. 1-up salesman

    1-up salesman New Member

    I so want to join this.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Okay, alot of people want to join this. We just need Sephirothruler to work on somethings about it. I myself have a guess on what the story is about based on his first post.
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    I think you should join the Savage 7. A group of people neglected from there past lives. You could be 2nd in command. Nobodies,Heartless,and Keyblade warriors alike can join. Contact me for information.

    Until next time,

    K.O.D A.K.A JoRdAn.
  11. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    I would join this, if you need help with story or anything i'd be more than pleased to help :)
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