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Otakon 2011

Discussion in 'Anime & Manga' started by Hatori, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    Hopefully we won't be evac'd this year ^^ Anyone goin'?
  2. Luke

    Luke Member

    I may.
    We should High Five.
  3. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    *Holds up hand* Totally ^^ Who would you go as?
  4. Luke

    Luke Member

    Probably just me haha, cosplay costs money D: and as soon as i get money i usually spend it on something stupid lol.

    Who would you go as?
  5. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    I'm actually trying out three this year. I'll mainly be Xemnas for the first two days, but I'm wearing my fem Germany underneath the cloak so that i can go to the Hetalia photoshoot with some junior friends of mine. Then on Sunday since nobody cosplays that day I'm just gonna wear casual clothes close to Hatsune Miku and her wig. The most expensive cosplay was probably the Organization coat, but everything else I just shopped around for.
  6. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    I swear...organizing rides and a panel schedule for six people, and not knowing half the peoples situation when planning is going to make my brains melt o.0
  7. Luke

    Luke Member

    Im sad now cause i cant go :(
  8. Noir


    What is this thread all about? :)
  9. Luke

    Luke Member


    Otakon is a fan convention in the United States focusing on East Asian popular culture (primarily anime, manga, music, and cinema) and its fandom.

    I usually go every year but this years is a no go u.u
  10. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    D: That sucks man, I'm sorry you can't go. TTATT
  11. Luke

    Luke Member

    Ehh its cool. Theres always next year lol.
  12. Noir


    Ohh.. but I live in Korea. Can I post?
  13. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    Aw...I can't go.
  14. Noir


    Always next year? But how about 10XX?
    (10XX is actually the year 3000, LOL)
  15. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    LOL, nice, maybe they have lots of upgrades, more fun to the Otakon.
  16. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    It's a freaking free-for-all XD I heard somewhere that Otakon was the second largest anime convention, second to Metrocon in Florida. Last year some guy tried to get in without a badge and my friend and I were watching him argue with te staff thinking there was gonna be a beat down, but the guy left peacefully :( Oh darn, lolz. And last year there were people from Britain at Otakon (THERE WAS A BRITISH RIKUUU!!!) But I was with a different group so i didn't meet British Riku :(
  17. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    Ok....that was a pretty sick con! (sick being synonomus with awesome) So many KH cosplayers, and i was the only Xemnas at the photoshoot :O I'll try to get pics up soon
  18. Luke

    Luke Member

    Im so jealous it hurts D:
  19. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    I went as a Black Luigi lol. To anyone that did go, did you see the creation of the latest great meme? "I got that ice cold water!! And it's only one dollar!!"
  20. Hatori

    Hatori New Member

    I was surprised that nobody sold buttons of that in the Artist Alley XD People kept chanting that during the mesqeurade. I was the person in the back who chanted "Strip!" during the what Sebastian does when the camera isn't on him skit XD Lolz. What panels did you go see?

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