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Pale or Tan?

Discussion in 'General' started by Kanzen, Dec 7, 2007.

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  1. Kanzen

    Kanzen New Member

    I find both pale skin and tan skin attractive, but it really depends on the person.

    I don't like the tanning-bed look. I know a lot of people use it, and think they look better with it, but honestly they just look kind of orange to me.

    Anyway, what do you guys think?

    Do you like pale skin? Do you like tan skin? Does it matter?
  2. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Doesn't much matter to me overall. I don't date for looks. However, on a simple matter of what I find more attractive, I'm really not all that crazy about either. I find that whole bronzed look just as unattractive as someone who's white as a ghost. I prefer kind of an average complexion. More rosy. ^_^
  3. Destiny Angel

    Destiny Angel New Member

    Pale pink is bad, pale...no pinkness is good imo.
    The tan depends on the person overall. If it's a orange looking one, no; if it's a brownish tan then it depends.

    I'm happy with my colour :D
    I'm light tan on winter, then i turn brown on summer, well certain body parts XD
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I don't have a preference really. Fake tan that makes your skin look like Leather face is gross, but then so is having skin so pale you're practically see-through. My skin is generally on the palish side, since I won't pay to go to a tanning bed and my skin just burns when I try anyway.
  5. gumbi500

    gumbi500 New Member

    Obvious fake tans in places where the sun don't shine (Both on your body and where you live) are scary to me--I mean, if you live in the cold snowy north, you're not going to look like a californian that spends all their time on a beach.

    but lighter/darker skin in terms of attractiveness really doesn't matter to me all that much. I just know that most of the time, I'm going to be quite a bit paler than them. :D
  6. ShiningSugar14

    ShiningSugar14 New Member

    As far as other people go, I tend to go for paler ones. My track record shows more pale people than tanned.
    I, myself, am on the tanner side of pale. Tanner than most of the people I've dated, paler than most of the student body.
  7. Raiace

    Raiace New Member

    Somewhere in the middle, leaning towards the pale side. Not too pale, but not too tan either.
  8. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    i kinda like tan people but just as long as they don't overdo it.
  9. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    orange tan looks dumb it looks like the person might have a desease, or has eaten too much carrots, a natural tan looks good in the summer, but if someone has a tan during the winter, its obviously fake, so a REAL tan during the summer looks good, and being moderately pale during the winter is fine.
  10. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    For some reason I really like more Pale-ish women (I'm a guy). Tan is good too, depending on how tan they are. But I preferably like Pale, clean skin. xD Well that's basically how my gf is so whatever.
  11. Zexion_14

    Zexion_14 New Member

    i dont really care but its true some people do look orange but I have like some friends who tan in a bed and it looks real so I guess some people tan good and some bad I myself have a natural tan being of well latino descent so Im happy i dont need to tan
  12. boo_baby2012

    boo_baby2012 New Member

    In my opinion. I think that tan is way better than pale because pale just kinda freaks me out cause i ran into a really pale person one time and he started making weird nosies and crap. So yeah TAN is way better to me. (wow that story is way funny to tell any more cause i just about fell over typing the story)
  13. Anitnexttoe

    Anitnexttoe New Member

    I'll go with pale since when it's cold they get rosy cheeks that makes them look cute (and the only time I find myself even a little bit good looking) but I only like tan skin, if the person was born with that tan.
  14. rencoinfreak

    rencoinfreak Banned

    i like pale people better than tan people............. fu fu fu fu. '_' no, seriously. i do.
  15. Syku Wolf

    Syku Wolf New Member

    Not too pale and not too tan.
    What... golden!?
  16. Lost Darkness

    Lost Darkness New Member

    Tan is the best well because I come from Peru and tan is what I am so I'm the best so Tans the best...
  17. Kairi008

    Kairi008 New Member

    I like people who arent really tan but have a medium skin tone, i am naturally light tan
  18. Nearosaki

    Nearosaki New Member

    it doesnt matter for me aslong as there not orange, for guys it doesnt really matter, im not the biggest fan of proper tanned guys, bit in the middle or paleish, but no like too pale o_O
    haha ima pale pretty pale actaully but in the summer i get a nice lil tan ^.^
  19. MickeyMouse

    MickeyMouse New Member

    Tan I think
  20. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    I like girls that are not too tan but kinda of is.
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