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Photobucket advice.

Discussion in 'Video / Cinema' started by EtherealSummoner, May 16, 2009.

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  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Hey. As all of you know, I wanted to be a video game developer. Well, I tried out photobucket, and it's my first time, and right now, well, I'm getting the hang of it. When I tried it out, my ideas was flowing and I'm like, whoa. This is real interesting and it's something that keeps me occupated. I tried out my first pic on Warlic from dragonfable, but I'm not done yet. Will all of you give me ideas as to how to use photobucket to the fullest, because I realize that this is one way how I can start my ideas out as a novice video game developer at this age. This is my unfinished pic:

    All of your ideas will be very much appreciated. As I said, this is a unfinished pic, but I still is trying to figure out some kinks that I don't know how to use. Been using Geek a lot.

    Edit: I'm doing another pic. I'm almost done with this 2nd pic. How do all of you like this? It's still unfinished. I need to do the energy and maybe I'll do the wings and outerspace. Do I need to work on something?
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2012
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Well it's hard for me to explain but there's a video you can watch on it.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I got done with the 2nd pic and to me, it looks great. Uh, for some reason, in my first post, it suppose to show you my unfinished 2nd pic, but oh well. This is my 2nd pic that I'm done with. So, what do all of you think?
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2012
  4. lynilyn

    lynilyn Wish I still had time ;]

    I don't really get it... You wnat to be a video game developer but you edit images?? or am I wrong? You should probably work with making your own graphics rather than ripping them from already existing games.

    If you wanted to make video games you could try these ways:
    1) Practice making games using flash [Macromedia Flash, Adobe Flash etc....]
    2) Use Game Maker [Although it isnt as professional]
    3) Download RPG Maker VX/XP
    4) Learn to script with C++ and much more scripts like it
    5) Professional companies such as Square Enix, Camco etc... have their own programs to make the games, they have a program to make their 3DIMENTIONAL graphics or not 3d but either way they have their own technique. They definately use original characters like Sora, Riku etc but sometimes with the permission of Disney they use Donald Duck, Goofy etc in their games. Try working with 3d Graphics making, get programs such as:
    Maya 8
    3D Maxs
    3D Studio
    Cinema 4D

    Easiest way would be to use Game Maker or RPG Maker
    Hardest would be flash then super hardest would be C++
    and then the maybe posible would be to get hired by a professional company and learn to use their programs... XD

    Hope this helps,
    P.S If you need any help I could help you, just PM me
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I'm not actually ripping them. I'm using these pics and photobucket to see how to let my ideas flow and when I'm ready, I can really use photobucket to the fullest. I hardly know any game making internets, so thanks for telling me, but I was using photobucket to help me see if it'll help me in anyway right now so that I'll get better with my career.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2012
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