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Play these games?

Discussion in 'General RPGs' started by Remedy, Jan 6, 2011.

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  1. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    AnYoNe play
    Dragon Quest 9?
    if yah do just comment
  2. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    If Dragon Quest 9 is the new one that just came out on DS then, yeah
  3. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    yup... fun game
  4. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    I'm just doing side quests at the mo' because I can't defeat the last boss XD
  5. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    lol i cant even beat retarded owl dude
  6. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    Well I HOPE it's the last boss, I believe it is anyway. Oh crap what if it isn't...

    Oh I know who you mean LOL :D, I gave up then for a bit but when I came back to it I managed to do it.
  7. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    who do you have in your party? i have
    Lv 32 Minstrel
    Lv 32 Martial Artist
    Lv 31? Priest
    lv 29 Mage
  8. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    hmmm if its corvus then no its not the lasyt boss
    after that u have the black dragon and corvus 2nd form and then thats the last boss
    (my friend beat it)
  9. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    Lv 47 Martial artist (I love this one, psyche him up and he'll bash anyone XD )
    Lv 47 Priest
    Lv 49 Minstrel (main character)
    Lv 46 Mage

    I just realised we have exactly the same, lol, I have other characters like a gladiator and a paladin but they are weak, level 10 and 12.
  10. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    i see
    i dont think your on the last boss
    i think you hav 2 more to go after this one
    refer to my previous post
    and lol i have 36,000 gold in the bank
  11. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I play MapleStory on rare occasions! Whenever I'm extraordinary bored I normally create a new character and do side quest to level him up xD Mind you, I've never stuck to a character long enough to get them their second job placement. I think my highest ever was lvl 28 ._.
  12. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    ats cool
    when i first started i did that i recently got hacked
    i was on a huge leveling streak (40 levels in a day...i know geeky)
    my highest level was 56
  13. zeno101200

    zeno101200 New Member

    I plan to buy Dragon Quest 9 soon. (After I get Re:Coded)
  14. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    You're so chill, you're like an ice cube O:
    I've never even reached lvl 30, let alone level up 40 times in a day. You've got mad Maple skills!

    Since you recently got hacked are you going to make another account, or did you get it back already? Did you have a prefered sever when you did play the game?
  15. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    yup i got it back and i always played on kradia
  16. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I was a Bora person (;
    I tried many of the classes (well actually only warrior, ninja, mage, and pirate) <So need to be a bow man and go all Link style> but my favourite was a mage. In almost all games I always seem to prefer the magicians, I think it's the magic and killer spells that they possess. Their robes are beautiful also.

    Did you prefer any job?
  17. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    hmmmm definetly a ninja person
    but i also enjoy warriors
  18. FatewithFury

    FatewithFury New Member

    wassup cuz
    we play maplestory together
  19. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    yep me and you both
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