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playing as Kairi

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Venhot2, Jan 2, 2008.

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  1. Venhot2

    Venhot2 New Member

    Is there a code to play as Kairi because my friend`s cousin played at Kairi when she had to fight the heartless:confused:
  2. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    nope sorry...........
  3. Luke

    Luke Member

    Actually there is, I`ve seen it, but i dont know the code, i`ll post it when i find it.
  4. DjC

    DjC New Member

    there is no play as kairi code, and there never will be in kh2, sry. but please post in the ar max thread instead of making its own topic. we will try r best to help, but this code isnt possible sry
  5. Venhot2

    Venhot2 New Member

    oh ok, my bad
  6. DjC

    DjC New Member

    thats okay, we all make mistakes :)
  7. Demi Shock

    Demi Shock Guest

    please close this thread
  8. DjC

    DjC New Member

    that remeinds me that i neeed to talk to lion heart, anyway ill pm khfan
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