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Pokemon: Amethyst Version [Reset]

Discussion in 'OOC and Sign Up' started by Become, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    The following RP was, to the best of my knowledge, brought forth originally by Destiny. Due credit goes to her, and those who may have contributed elements both written and illustrated prior to her. Credit also goes to the makers of the Pokemon series, without whom this RP would not be possible.

    For those that might desire it, here is a link to the old thread: http://www.khplanet.com/forums/archives/12810-pokemon-amethyst-version-ooc-su.html

    PS - I had tried to run some aesthetic edits on into this repost, but was then unable to post them without an error. I apologize for any blemishes in presentation.




    Is this thing even on?!


    Ah! That's much better. Thank you!

    Ahem. My name is Professor Oliver Cypress, Pokémon researcher. I have recently been promoted to status as the Chief Pokémon researcher in the Acirema Region! So, on behalf of the Region, welcome to Acirema!

    Now then, as of late, it is believed that all known Pokémon species have been discovered and documented quite thoroughly by the scientific community. Here in Acirema, we've noticed a most wonderful instance amid our studies: it appears that ALL species of Pokémon seem to exist somewhere within this very region; in addition, no new versions of any Pokémon exist here either. What does this mean? Well, simply, it means that, pretty much every species of Pokémon can be collected without ever having to leave Acirema. You can just look up information on any Pokémon with your new iPoke-tech devices!

    Of course, you probably know that already, after going through Pokémon Trainer Academy. And if you haven't been through there, I'd strongly suggest that you do, since the education will be more than valuable on a Pokémon journey.

    Anyways... where was I now? Sorry... Kind of lost my train of thought there for a second. Ah! Yes! Even with so much data already collected on Pokémon, there are still many subjects that need some light shed upon them; still many mysteries that remain to be solved. That's why I'm gathering all of you young, aspiring trainers. You see, I need your help in my research. You see, I've been summoned to this post to study the bizarre nature of the Acirema Region. How is it that all of these Pokémon species, which can't or simply don't coexist in other regions, be present together in this one? What makes Acirema so unique? For this, I need your help!

    So then... now that I've given you the mission, tell me a bit about yourself. Just fill out this questionnaire...

    What is your name? (Hopefully this is something interesting and unique).

    How old are you? (I am only accepting youth applicants for this mission. Ages 13-16 are preferred for this journey).

    Are you a boy or a girl? (We're all human. So we're probably not ambiguously gendered).

    How would you describe yourself physically? (You're pretty young, so unless you've had quite the childhood, you probably aren't the most physically defined person just yet).

    How would you describe your character? (I want at least some detail. If you can't describe yourself with at least a paragraph's length, then you're probably too unsure of yourself to partake in this mission).

    What is your story? (This can be as long or short as you would like. If you'd rather not tell me up front, I won't pressure you).

    What is your ideal starter Pokémon? (Here at my lab, we have a large range of basic, starter Pokémon from which to choose. They are all in their first evolutionary stages. All have two of their standard moves, such as tackle and leer; some even have moves that they learned through genetic inheritance. They will, of course, learn new moves as they grow and mature. What's more is you won't have to sacrifice old moves to bring in new ones anymore! Be sure to keep an updated roster on your iPoke-tech devices as you capture more Pokémon. It'll upload directly to the lab computers!)

    What items will you request for your journey? (The lab will be sending you backpacks and any camping gear necessary for your adventures. We will provide other basic items on request. Provide a list of items; sorry, I can't offer advanced Pokeballs or TMs and HMs).

    Is there anything else you would like me to know? (Perhaps there's a piece of artwork, or a musical score that you feel personifies you. Feel free to share that with me).

    Alrighty then! While you fill that out, allow me to explain how your journey will be organized.

    Those of you that receive my approval will be sent out on this adventure as a team! That's right, you will all be working together to develop yourselves as Pokémon trainers, and to assist me with my research. You will have a chance to get to know each other a bit before you head out on your journey. Some of you may already know each other, from being in the same town, or by having attended the Trainer Academy together. While hardships will be inevitable; odds are, you'll quarrel amongst yourselves along the way. However, I know that you will all work through these troubles and bond as a team, maybe even a family!

    Of course, living and working together will only be part of your trial. As you progress, you will meet other Pokémon trainers, all of whom share similar ambitions to your own. You will be forced to battle other traveling trainers, and, of course, challenge the Pokémon League Gym Leaders to earn your badges so you can compete in the Pokémon League Finals! But, be wary: there is word afoot of some malicious activity around Acirema. It appears not every trainer is out to forge loving, peaceful relations with their Pokémon. You may encounter groups seeking to use Pokémon for selfish or destructive gains. I implore you all to stick together against these sorts, and overcome the desires they may tempt you with.

    With that out of the way, you should all take with you one of these nifty little maps, outlining the Acirema Region. I'll even tell you a bit about each town, in case you don't know already.


    Yaksha: A quiet, picturesque little town, Yaksha is nestled in a tranquil valley along the southeastern coast of Acirema. It's mountainous passage acts as something of a gateway for those looking to embark on their Pokémon Journey. Here is the site of the Regionally renowned Trainer Academy, which most young Trainers attend. This also happens to be where my laboratory is located, and where your adventures will begin. I would suggest traveling northwest on your way out of town, as the road directly north is dangerous, and off limits to new trainers. The path you'll take is Route 1, which takes you through the Yaksha Woods, and along Spire Island Beach. The Islands are said to hold some sort of secret, but you'll need a well-adapted and trained water-type Pokémon to access the caves within the spires.

    Terrera: This city is quite bustling, a bit large, considering that you've only just left a small town. Those of you unfamiliar with city life will be in for an experience, as Terrera is one of the popular beachfront resorts in Acirema. Tens, maybe hundreds, of thousands of tourists flock there each year to partake in the warm climate and festivities. But for Pokémon Trainers, this is anything but a party venture. Here in Terrera is the first of nearly a dozen Pokémon League Gyms in Acirema. The trainers there deal with Rock-type Pokémon. Victory yields the earning of the Granite Badge, the first step on the road to Pokémon Mastery. Once you've chiseled away at the Gym Leader, you'll do best to move on to Route 2, bringing you along Quarry Road, with your second Gym challenge laying on the other side.

    Pugilis: Don't let the cute name throw you for a loop! After emerging from the Quarry Road, you'll be on the famed Ken-ten Crossing, a rocky training ground for martial artist-Pokémon trainers, all working their bodies, minds and spirits in the hopes of taking on the next Gym Leader. The center of this town is set around a martial arts Dojo that doubles as a Pokémon Gym. There, the trainers utilize Fighting-type Pokémon, and are certainly tough customers, unless you happen to have a good Psychic-type on your roster. Surpassing the Sensei will reward you all with the Strike Badge. Once you've broken enough bricks at the Dojo, you'll do best to ignore the northern road for now and venture further west.

    Ignis: Boy is this place HOT! If you thought the beach was getting warm, then you're in for quite the time in Ignis. The city was constructed with the caldera of a dormant, massive super-volcano, which has since hardened into a stone suitable for the foundations of buildings. Due to the efforts of humans and Pokémon living and working in harmony with one another, the volcano is kept from erupting... at least on a catastrophic scale. The city is a wonder in and of itself, considering where and how it was constructed. Lake Magma sits near the center of town, where some specially gifted Fire-types reside and will frequently surface in an entertaining display, if you're lucky enough to see it. Speaking of which, Fire-types are choice at the Ignis Gym. If you can stand the heat, then the Lava Badge is as good as yours! Douse the fires at the Gym, and you'll have a few options on where to go next. Whether west, south, or sort of southeast, you'll find a new challenge.

    Aurora: Admittedly, this little town is a bit dull after the resorts, karate masters and volcanic activity. It's a pretty plain town with plain, simple people. But it's a friendly place where you can always find someone willing to talk with you about one thing or another. In fact, these simple people seem to have some of the sharpest knowledge bases of most, and can discuss many topics fluently. It does help that there is a massive library, with tones of interesting information. I think just about everyone in Acirema yearns to get in and read a book or an article from their files. Oh yeah, and there is a Pokémon Gym in town, which is a plus too. The trainers there are fond of well-rounded Normal-types, but those shouldn't be too much of an issue for you, right? Sweep through them and collect the Commons Badge and get on to the next town, assuming things don't get interesting while you're in town. If you've gone this way, then it's best to take a quick trip a bit further south, back towards the shoreline.

    Fontaine: You're back on the waterfront now. This town is located around a fresh lake at the convergence of several rivers that flow inland from the ocean. Fontaine is also a place with a resort-like feel, but it's a bit more relaxed and family-oriented than the lively, festive Terrera scene. It's filled with spas and the like, where you and your Pokémon can rest up a bit before moving along on your journey. But before you get that R&R, remember to go in and challenge the Gym Leader! The trainers here dive in deep with Water-types. Swim the lengths with them and beat out the Leader and you'll be sure to emerge from the pool with your very own Tide Badge. Whether you chose to head this way first or second after Ignis, you'll need to head back west to continue.

    Greenleaf: If you dealt with Aurora and Fontaine first, then you'll probably find yourself a bit lost in the maze-like forest. It's a bit difficult to negotiate which what is what as you get deeper into the woods. However, if you're fortunate, or skilled enough to make it through this area, you'll happen upon the Greenleaf Botanical Gardens, a nursery hidden deep within the forest that serves as both a small, gated community, grass-bug Pokémon research facility and the next Gym challenge. As you can guess, the trainers here prefer to use Grass-types and Bug-types in battle. Dry up the saplings and swing your way to earning the Ivy Badge before heading out. A bit to the north of the Gardens, you can also visit the Safari Zone, where you can catch some rarer Pokémon, albeit under a particularly challenging set of rules and restrictions. When you've had your fill, the best way to go for another Gym Badge is north, unless you chose to head to Greenleaf after Ignis, in which case you'll need to make your way to Aurora and Fontaine.

    Violight: As you head further north along this route, you'll notice that the path starts to look more and more like a cemetery. Further up the road, you'll come across what looks like one of those old western sorts of towns... except that this place is pretty much abandoned by most "normal" society. There's an old manor on the far side of town that used to act as the town hall, but has since become two things: a nerve center for eccentric, often rude, mediums trying to contact the dead spirits of the abandoned town, and a Pokémon Gym. The trainers in the Gym are preferable to Ghost and Dark-type Pokémon. But, if you can overcome your fears, then you'll be sure to walk away with a shiny new Shadow Badge! After that, get on out and keep pushing north.

    Chrysalia: An interesting town. Unlike the other places in this region, Chrysalia is the only town that doesn't seem to have a focus on Pokémon battles. Instead, it's something of a resort specifically for couples. Young lovers frequently make date-trips to this place in the hopes of tying the knot. If you have that special someone along for the journey, you might want to stop here to confess your feelings. There is a good wealth of entertainment here, including movie sets, theatres and a huge shopping mall where you can get people and Pokémon items that you just can't find anywhere else. When you're done, you'll be en route to loop back east along the northern coastline.

    Illusio: Wait a minute! Where in the heck's the city?! I can't seem to... Oh yes! Now I remember. Illusio is a wondrous city, somehow magically floating some distance above the ground. You'll need to find some way to make it up there... your flying types should be adequate flyers by the time you reach this area. So get on up there and check out the Psychic Guilds. It's a bit unnerving, since most everyone there can apparently read your every thought. The Gym here is the main attraction for trainers, being home to a brilliant Psychic and Fairy-type discipline. Success over these mental giants will result in obtaining the Psion Badge, and a free teleportation back down to the ground once you're ready to leave. But be sure to stick around for a bit after and check out he runic collections and hear of some legends from the wise men of Illusio. Once you're back down on the ground, you can either attempt to travel straight east and cross the mountainous barrier the hard way, or head more southeast.

    Cragspur: This is the place just north of Yaksha that you couldn't get to earlier in your adventure. The place is kind of depressing, as the steel mills above ground eject great amounts of smog into the air, covering the sky and blocking out most of the sunlight. It's a wonder how anyone can even live in such a place. The secret behind that, is a passage that leads to a clean, filtered underground city! The steel mills make for an interesting side trip for the industrially inclined. Those interesting archaeology will find good company in a historic digging operation located on the outskirts of the town. Once you've entertained these activities enough to your taste, you should head over to the Gym, where Steel-types and Ground-types abound. Melt the metals well enough here and you'll walk out of town with a Forge Badge. When you're done, a trip back north is required, assuming you came in here from Illusio.

    Viperia: If you thought Cragspur was depressing to behold, Viperia and the surrounding swamp land is even more so. The people here will probably scold you for having even set foot in Cragspur. This is because the smog form the steel mills has had a bad backlash on Viperia, covering over the swamp lands and making things even more unsuitable to most common living standards. Because of the high frequency of illnesses in Viperia, resulting from poisoning from the smog and swamps, the hospital and Pokémon Center in town are probably the best at what they do. You'll probably need to stop into both for a checkup before taking on the Viperia Gym. The Gym in Viperia is dedicated to Poison-types. Those who can kick the illness are granted the Venom Badge for their courageous immune systems. When you're done here, head further north, and bundle up.

    Avia: If you chose to head this way from Illusio, then you'll have to brave a difficult trek through the mountains. If you're coming from Viperia, then the path is a little less troublesome, as there is a passage. Still, you should be ready for cold weather; this is the opposite of Ignis temperature wise, so you'll want to be bundled up in layer after layer. The mountain there is the highest peak in Acirema, and at the foot of it is the town of Avia. The town is home to a vibrant ski resort and lodge, a plethora of log cabins for a more rustic overnight stay and even some hot springs located somewhere around the mountain. It's also believed that there's something worth looking for within and upon the mountain... but that might be best left for later on. Once you're ready, head on over to the Gym, where the Ice-type masters reside. Skate past these slippery opponents to score a Squall Badge and move down from the mountain towards a bit more temperate of a climate.

    Valora: Welcome Grand Hero! Oh, that's right. You're not quite the grand hero yet. You've still got a few more badges to earn for yourself. This Gated Community is home to trainers that have proven themselves as amongst the best within the Pokémon League. They've completed the Elite Challenge and have thus been awarded their own sanctuary wherein they can continue to hone their skills towards greater heights of mastery. Valora is home to what is known as the Valor Leagues, Champion's Mansions, and a sea port, from which trainers can venture out from Acirema to explore the wider world of Pokémon and take on other Pokémon League Challenges. But for now, you'll probably be denied entry and forced to take the underground tunnels that lead past the city.

    Nixtorm: As you near the end of the underground from Valora, you'll notice that there some wires lining the tunnel walls. This isn't a problem. The next town, Nixtorm, is home to a power plant, generating power from windmills spun by the high winds that rush across the landscape. It's also home to a nearby nesting ground for flying Pokémon. However, beyond the power plant and nesting grounds, the only things here are the Gyms. That's right! There's TWO Gyms in Nixtorm. One is located near the power plant, where trainers learn to control their Electric-Type Pokémon. The Voltage Badge is given to those that can ground these shocking opponents. The other Gym is formed of Flying-Type trainers, and they'll kindly present the Gale Badge to any that can clip their wings.

    Dragnor: You're getting closer to the end of your journey as you enter Dragnor. It's back into the mountains. While not as high up as that of Avia, the mountainous terrain here is more difficult to navigate, and more like a labyrinth than a road. As you climb ever higher, take note of your surroundings and you might just catch a glimpse of something most wonderful. Circling the high peaks surrounding Dragnor, Dragon-type Pokémon can be seen in flight. Deeper still into the mountains, you will eventually find the town of Dragnor, wherein lies a monastery dedicated to guarding the Dragon Dungeons and a place called the Cave of Legends. What is this legend? Well, you'll have to find that out for yourself, won't you? As can be expected, the Gym here focuses on the mythical Dragon-type Pokémon, and is sure to be your toughest challenge yet. But if you can rise above these legends, then you will be granted the Mystic Badge, and the gate way to the Pokémon League will open for you.

    Spectra: Here you go. This is the end of your journey... almost. To get to SPectra you will need to walk along victory road, and battle many trainers of great skill. But this struggle is more than worth it, as the end will bring you to the one and only Acirema Pokémon League Headquarters at Spectra. It is a small, castle village, home to the League and dormitories for the competitors to stay in while the final bouts of the League contests are fought. Here, you will finally face the Elite Challenge and have a chance to etch your name into the history books.

    I know that's a lot of information to take in. But this will be a journey of utmost patience. I'm certain that all of you will be able to handle the task of both aiding my researching, and growing yourselves into worthy Pokémon Trainers.

    Now then, before you start, I should remind you of a few simple rules to live by while you're on your journey.

    1. Remember that it's one thing to be a master, and another to be a show off. A young trainer using an inexperienced Pokémon will likely lose outright against an older trainer with more seasoned Pokémon.
    2. You can only control yourself and your own Pokémon. Don't go deciding what others do and say. Don't go doing the same for the Pokémon owned by others without their permission. You may make suggestions, but by no means may you simply take control of them.
    3. Keep an active log of your journey. The more active and detailed it is, the better it will be for yourself and others to reflect on.
    4. You're all teenagers. So remember that adult activity will not be tolerated. Giving a smoochen to your love is fine; but no more. OK?
    5. Keep your paperwork updated as best as you can. If something new happens, log it in on your iPoke-Tech. If you've caught a new Pokémon, include it onto your roster of either on-hand or in-storage Pokémon.
    6. You're on a team. Work as such.
    7. You should fill out the questionnaire before you begin your quest, so I know as much about you as I can before letting out into the Pokémon world. Feel free to ask any questions of Become, my faithful aide.
    8. To prove that you've read these rules, kindly insert "I wanna be the very best" somewhere in your questionnaire.

    Well then. That should just about do it. I look forward to meeting you all very soon!
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2014
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Last edited: Jun 18, 2015
  3. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I'm ready to take in players here.
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I'll be joining again! I'll just edit this post when I have the time.

    Hopefully, the crew will be up for it again.
  5. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Good to hear, Angel. I look forward to seeing your character.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I'm up for it. I was gonna grab my past profile but looks like you guys really cleaned up the place. Admittedly it is probably better that way and force me to make a new profile.
  7. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    All I did was move the old thread. If you want to keep your old character go ahead.
  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I'd like to get this RP started up soon. I'll also be accepting applications for people to play Gym Leaders. Just PM me about it, since I do have some standards that I'd like to see, to somewhat keep the vibe of the Pokemon games and such.
  9. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    An RP I'm interested in doing again (and hopefully being active in). Where/When exactly will this RP be picking off from though or will it be restarted entirely? No complaints either way.
  10. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I'm just restarting it from the top. It saves us the trouble of writing out anyone that doesn't come back.
  11. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "Professor Cypruss Approves!"​

    Name - Sara-Kate "Little Miss Sassafras" Akins

    Age - 13

    Gender - Female​

    Personality - Sara-Kate is a fiery brunette with a quick mouth to boot who knows how to get her way. Her mother is so accustomed to her fits that she has branded her "Little Miss Sassafras", a name that infuriates her the most. An old angry habit of hers is puffing her cheeks and holding her breathe until she blue in the face. Sometimes, she just can't keep her hands to herself, and lacks the concept of personal space. Sara-Kate is very mischievous but ironically lovable. Her true gentle nature is expressed to her Pokemon companion. She isn't the type to jump into a dangerous situation, well actually she is. She is more methodological and calculative. Sara-Kate wins every argument that she has ever been in even though it is obvious that she has no clue what she is talking about or does she. She is quick to judge and always underestimates her opponent. Sara-Kate is more of an covert type. Apart from her personality, Sara-Kate's battling style focuses subtly on deceiving and manipulating her opponents. Her and Zorua are inseparable. Zorua is the yang to Sara-Kate's yin. Zorua keeps Sara-Kate in check.
    Appearance -​

    Biography - Sara-Kate is the daughter of a Pokemon Teacher and a Pokemon Con-Man. Sara-Kate mother now teaches in the Acirem Region and her father is a con-man for an extremist organization in the Arcirem Region. Sara-Kate just recently moved to the Acirem Region, so she's a new girl in a new region. Sara-Kate was born in the Johto Region. As the daughter of a Pokemon Teacher, Sara-Kate is very knowledgeable when it comes Pokemon. She knows the various types of Pokemon, their weaknesses, evolution, stones, and so much more. Her mother practically schoolled her in everything Pokemon. It was hard to discern whether she was her mother one day or her teacher the next. Also as the daughter of a Pokemon Con-Man, it was natural for her to adopt the style that is akin to her father such as deceit, trickery, and manipulation. Zorua was actually an egg that was given to Sara-Kate by her father who left when she was very young. Sara-Kate treasured and hatched the egg on her own. She would protect the egg at all cost and sleep with her arm around it. When it hatched, it was a Dark Type Pokemon, how convenient, and not just any dark type. Zorua was color-wise different from other Zoruas. She was a shiny. From then on, Zorua and Sara-Kate were inseparable.

    Party Pokemon:
    Slot 1: Zorua​
    Pokemon Details:​

    Pokemon - Zorua
    Pokemon Type: Dark
    Nickname: None
    Gender: Female
    Ability: Illusion
    Wiki Link: Zorua
    Level: 5
    1. Scratch
    2. Leer
    3. Pursuit
    4. Copy Cat
    Box - ​

    Bag - ​

    • iPokeTech
    • Running Shoes,
    • Poke balls X6
    • Map
    • Trainer Card
    • Potion X6
    • Roller Skates
    • Pokétch
  12. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Awesome Angel! First to across the finish for character sheets; accepted. I should be straightening mine out over the next few days.
  13. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    (I'd have had mine up a week ago but I tried to do something cool with my template, lost it all, and raged lol)

    Name: Krimson Bell

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Personality: Krimson has been high-spirited his whole life and is a very hard person to disappoint or let down. Almost always having a smile onhis face, Krimson is told that his smile is infectious. Having always studied Pokemon, whether it be abilities, typing, etc. he has always been the nerdy type. This has cause a bit of an outcast state of mind with Krimson, but he's usually nonchalant about it.


    Bio: Krimson was born into a family of breeders and as such, was expected to be a breeder as well. Although when he was littler he helped out on the ranch, and learned many things about breeding and caring for Pokemon, he aspired to be a Trainer more than anything in the world. After years of persistence of him saying he wanted to be a trainer, his parents finally told him how his father was cousin to the famous trainer Red. Due to Red's mysterious nature and fame, he was never at family reunions or mentioned. This made Krimson's drive to be a trainer burn even brighter. At the age of 12, Krimson began attending Trainer School, so he could ascertain all the knowledge needed to be a true trainer in the future.


    Pokemon Type and Nickname: Cyndaquil
    Gender: Female
    Wiki Link: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wi..._(Pokémon)


    Running Shoes
    Roller Skates
    Pokeballs x5
    Town Map
    Trainer Card
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Professor Cypruss Approves!

    Name- Laharl Magnus

    Age- 15

    Gender- Boy

    Personality- Laharl is incredibly arrogant as well as snarky and always tries to prove that he is the strongest in the world. He is, however, extremely powerful for his appearance, which, despite his age he houses an uncanny physical strength. He's been in physical training since he could crawl due to his father being the prominent owner and master of one of the most well known and largest dojo's in the world. However, he has a weakness towards extremly attractive women. so much so that he loses focus on whatever task he was doing to follow a pretty girl. has a number of childish traits, According to his Father Alexander, Laharl learns through his body, as he is relatively naive, simple, and being slow to understand a principle or situation, which often requires an oversimplified analogy in order to grasp what is being explained to him. Overall, Laharl responds best to competition and has a great deal of self-confidence, loudly proclaiming that he will master whatever technique he is learning within a fraction of the usual time, though he doesn't hesitate to ask for help if he needs it.While as naive as he appears to be throughout most of his antics, Laharl has proven to have a keen eye to certain things most people don't see, showing that he can be smarter than what most people think.

    Appearance -

    Biography- Laharl Magnus, the son of Alexander the Typhoon. Laharl went to trainer school in his hometown and though he didnt have the highest grades on paper when it came to battle prowress and stragety he passed all events with flying colors. He was the type of student that goofed off with others, played pranks on others and got along with just about everyone. Though he was very competitive with some of the higher ranking students he never let them tear down his care free demenor. Whenever they'd make fun of him for not being as smart as them he'd just give them a thumbs up and say " Thanks for the support" turning their negative comments into positive re-enforcement. Laharl wants to become a part of the Elite 4 and join the pokemon league as his father once was. He's always dreamed of standing on that stage with the other four elite proclaiming to be the best in the world. Laharl grew up with several pokemon always around him that his father and sister and mother collected. He found a special bond with the Pikachu that he found as a pichu. He has never formally trained it but it follows him wherever he goes sitting on his shoulder or on his head.

    Pokemon Type and Nickname:
    Wiki Link:
    Moves: 1.____ 2.___ 3.___ 4.___

    In party Pokemon

    1.) *Pokemon Type and Nickname: Shinx "Raijin"
    Gender: Male
    Ability:Lightening Rod- An ability used by some Pokémon that can absorb any Electric type move and nullify the damage. It also increases the Pokémon's special attack
    Shinx (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia
    Moves: 1.Charge 2.Spark 3.Leer 4. Tackle

    Box Pokemon


    Pokeballs- 10 Pokeballs

    Healing items- 5 potions

    Key Items- Runnig shoes, Hiking Boots, Roller Skates, map.

    Ipoke- tech


    Other- Theme Song !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsZ0oJjRWjQ
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    That'll do, Vox, KoD.

    Though I must say, I wish ya'll would have filled out the character sheets in character according to the questions.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2015
  16. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    That's what I was going to do, but like I said lost all my stuff. I'll fix it up later.
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Don't worry about it dude. I actually didn't even specify that as something that I wanted to see; so it's on me that no one actually did it that way (well, except for me).
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    i just posted it as a place holder till i can re-edit things is all.
  19. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I won't hold it against anyone who isn't up to reformatting their sheets. I'm gonna have my character sheet up within the week, and the RP started over the weekend.
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Without further delay, here is my character sheet. Took me forever to just settle on my original choice of starter Pokemon.

    What is your name? My name is Darrick Lee Kuhn III. There’s a lot in that name. I was named after my father, who was named after his father. Add that to the family and I’ve got a lot of history to live up to.

    How old are you? I’m about fifteen years old; just turned it before graduating from the Trainer Academy!

    Are you a boy or a girl? Well, last time I checked I was a boy; I don’t think that changes on its own

    How would you describe yourself physically? Wait a minute... I had a picture somewhere just for this occasion. Yeah. Here it is!


    I'll try to get some words to go with it. But I'm at a loss for them at the moment. I will say, since the photo doesn't read it all that well, I am currently five feet and five inches tall, and I weigh somewhere in the neighborhood of one hundred twenty pounds.

    How would you describe your character? I’ve always considered myself the family-type. So much of my life to this point has been built around and influenced by my family. From my mother’s care and nurturing, to my fathers hard discipline and my grandfathers smooth wisdom, I owe a lot to them and the lessons they’ve taught me. I feel that the best way to repay a debt like that is to be everything they’ve raised me to be. I follow in the footsteps of my father’s family, carrying the dreams and aspirations of their Pokemon legacy for another generation; their story teaches me to be both tactful and determined, that working hard and never giving up are all it really takes to go far in life. From my mother I’m reminded that, as hard as I need to work, I need a sense of humanity to accompany it, that I should always strive to do what’s right for others as well as what’s right for myself.

    I have a lot to live up to, and you can bet the I will!

    What is your story? OK. So the first thing that you’ve gotta understand about me is that my family has been involved with Pokemon since, well, pretty much the beginning. I mean at first it was nothing spectacular, as far as celebrity status goes; for the longest time we were all just caretakers, then breeders and some researchers over the years. But none of the family ever managed to make it far on the road to fame through that. No. It wasn’t until about three or four (or maybe it was five?) generations back, when the training of Pokemon became more and more widespread. My family made a name for themselves locally, becoming pretty big in our home in Yaksha, and a bit into the surrounding areas.

    If there were two people in my family’s history that really defined what it means to be a Kuhn, though, it was my grandfather and father, Darrick Lee Kuhn and Darrick Lee Kuhn Jr. respectively.

    My grandfather really started the legacy, being the first of us to venture out into Acirema for a Pokemon journey; this was despite the family’s insistence that the Pokemon League that he was competing in was no good for Pokemon battling. Even with family doubting his motives, he made the venture, toppling the Gym Challenge and eventually making his way into the Acirema League Tournaments. His time competing over the years was nothing too spectacular. He only made it into the top eight of the tournament once, and retired right after that. He always said that he stopped competing because the competition showed him just how far out of his league he was, and that everything he had already learned was enough to last him a lifetime anyways. I never believed that for a second, and think he just wanted to give younger trainers a chance to shine.

    Then came my father. Just like my grandfather before him, he left for his journey from Yaksha Town. This time, the family was a bit more accepting of the idea of the Pokemon League and their Gym Challenge. He lashed out into the world, but not without first battling his father, ending in what he’s always called “an embarrassing defeat, on my part.” But that wasn’t even enough to put a scratch on his spirits! Just kept on fighting is way across Acirema. And believe it or not, he went way further than my grandfather did! He pretty much made it into the final rounds of the tournaments every year he entered. He even managed to hold on to the Champion’s title for a few years!

    Long story short, he settled down with a wife, returning to the family home in Yaksha. Then along came their daughter, my sister Deana, and then me three years later. We’ve lived in Yaksha ever since, though my father is always running around doing Pokemon League business, sometimes filling for Gym Leaders during transitions.

    OK. With the family history lesson out of the way, I can finally get to me!

    Well, first, I suppose I’d best start by explaining some things about my sister, Deana. You see, she left for her Pokemon Journey, I want to say about three years ago. Just like our father had to battle our grandfather before leaving town, she had to battle our father; it was embarrassing for her, a really disappointing that, with some encouragement from our father, spurred her forward. She made quick work of the Gym Challenge, and started competing at the Pokemon League.

    She was there for a little while, but… something happened. I can’t say what, because I don’t know, but we just sort of… lost contact with her… like, she just stopped calling and writing home, stopped coming in for visits. In a way I guess it started tearing the family up. I mean, my father started running around doing all sorts of unmentionable jobs for the Pokemon League.

    That all started while I was in my last year at the Yaksha Trainer Academy. Even with home being a box full of worry and stress, I managed to pass my classes with some solid marks. When I heard that Professor Cypress was looking for trainers my age to run an errand for him, I signed up right away. I told my mother and grandfather about it and they relayed the news to my father. He’s been away from home for about four months now, apparently involved in some big operation on behalf of the Pokemon League, but said that he’d be home to see me before I leave!

    What is your ideal starter Pokemon? After a long time debating, I’ve found myself particularly preferable towards… actually, I’ll just give you a breakdown.

    Species: Mudkip
    Gender: Male
    • Tackle
    • Growl
    • Bite
    Informational Link: Mudkip (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia

    What items will you request for your journey? Hold on… I had a list of things I need written down somewhere in one of my pockets… Now where could I have put that thing… Ah! Here it is! For this journey, I will need:

    General Items
    • Campin-Hiking Backpack
    • 1 -0 Sleeping Bag - X
    • 1 Ground Pad - X
    • 2 3’x6’ Rain Tarps - X
    • Waterproof Strike Anywhere Matches - X
    • Running Shoes - X
    • Plenty of Extra Clothes - X
    • Multitool Pocket Knife w/ Sharpening Stone - X

    Food Items
    • Pokemon Food
    • People Food (Trail Mix, Energy Bars etc) - X
    • Aluminum Mess Kit - X
    • Two In One Fork and Spoon - X
    • Collapsable dinner knife - X

    Medical Items
    • First Aid Kit - X (Fully Stocked)
    • 5 Potions
    • 5 Antidotes
    • 10 Berries - X

    Pokemon Items
    • iPoketech
    • 5 Extra Pokeballs

    Is there anything else you’d like me to know about you? There’s this piece of music I heard once, from outside some concert hall while I was traveling with my family, it really comes to mind now for some reason… it sounded something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWlKqrgvMes
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015

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