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Pokemon Battle Revolution: Tournament of Heroes

Discussion in 'Archive' started by ADogX, Jun 5, 2011.

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  1. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I never made my own RP before so I figured I'd start here. Obviously it's a Pokemon Tournament. This is an beginner Arena RP. Three lines MINIMUM This RP is required to have 4 or 8 people. Sorry if I'm not any more clear. This is my first time making my own RP

    Backstory: A Pokemon tournament is beaing held in the Sinnoh region. It calls for the best of the best Pokemon trainers for the chance to win one million dollars, the title of Top Sinnoh Trainer, and the opportunity to win a Pokemon from the Unova region, Zoroark. The trainers have gathered and are ready to battle.

    -Standard RP rules apply
    -No Godmodding
    -No Mary Sue characters

    Tournament Rules:
    -No Pokemon from the Black and White generation
    -3 Pokemon per trainer
    -4 moves per pokemon
    -If your pokemon knows a hacked move in one of your games, it CAN be used
    -Moves like Sheer Cold of Fissure can only be used once per battle. USE WISELY!
    -If your pokemon in your game knows hacked abilities, you CAN'T use them. (ex. Spirtomb/Sableye having the Super Effective hits only ability)
    -You CAN have shiny pokemon. Just explain the look.

    Legendary Pokemon Limits:
    -Acceptable Legendary Pokemon

    Banned Legendary Pokemon:


    Trainer Name:
    Trainer Age:
    Trainer Gender:
    Favorite Types (Optional):
    Trainer Pokemon:

    -Pokemon 1:
    -Pokemon Type(s):
    -Move 1:
    -Move 2:
    -Move 3
    -Move 4:
    -Pokemon Ability:

    -Pokemon 2:
    -Pokemon Type(s):
    -Move 1:
    -Move 2:
    -Move 3
    -Move 4:
    -Pokemon Ability:

    -Pokemon 3:
    -Pokemon Type(s):
    -Move 1:
    -Move 2:
    -Move 3
    -Move 4:
    -Pokemon Ability:
    Trainer Personality:
    Trainer Bio/History:
    Trainer Card (Optional):
    I will start the RP once there's enough people.

    Accepted Characters:
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2011
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Trainer Name: Sikorya (Goes by Sikou)

    Trainer Age: 16

    Trainer Gender: Female

    Favorite Type: None

    Appearance: Sikou is a beautiful girl with unique purple hair. Her hair is unimaginably straight and no one hair is out of place. The girl's eyes like her hair is purple except not as bright some compare it to perennial flowers. She has a small nose that flares when embarrassed. From my perspective she is slimming and weighs close to 115. Her fashion sense is remarkably matching. Her shirt is a pinkish purple that is low cut but not revealing. The skirt is white and short but unlike most girls Sikou wears shorts under them. Odd enough she wears light purple sneakers and pokeadot ankle socks. Her accessories consist of "The Star of David" earrings, custom made rings for each hand, a satchel and a pretty wrist band with her motto on it.

    Bio: Ever since she was young Sikou loved and frolicked with pokemon. Her parents were well known scientist who studied pokemon for the enrichment of the lives of trainers and pokemon alike. At a young age she was leered away from her home while playing hiding go seek by a strange pokemon. Deep within the forest she was losted; buried in groups upon groups of trees. That is when matters got worst. The tottler was surrounded by bee drills. They were angry because of the invasion of their territory, when hope seemed lost a small purplish pokemon came to her rescue and banished the horde deeper within the forest, from then on it remained her partner.

    Personality: Sikou is very girly and always concerned about the way she looks. One of her biggest obsessions is to twirl her hair multiple times sometimes even she is unaware of her actions. Many say she is bubbly and loves to smile, laugh, and plains out enjoys herself. The young girl has a deep passion for her love of pokemon. Her habits are hugging and snuggling wild and random pokemon. In all, Sikou is smart, kind, courageous, and a hundred percent without a doubt stands up for her beliefs.

    Cresselia............................Absol.............. .......Shaymin...............
    Type: Psychic.....................Normal....................Grass, Flying........
    Moves:...............................Moves:.............. .....Moves:.................
    Giga Impact........................Protect............ .......Solarbeam...........
    Psychic...............................Substitute........... ...Synthesis.............
    Hyper Beam.......................Giga Impact.............Air Slash...............
    Ice Beam............................Hyperbeam........... ..Last Resort.........
    Levitate...............................Super Luck.............Serene Grace......
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2011
  3. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Please do edit. Just look at the list of Legendaries that are and aren't banned. And remember, no pokemon from the Unova Region. Only because I've never played Black or White. And about the pokemon you mentioned, they ARE Legendaries. All are low-tier accept Shaymin. Shaymin would be mid-tier. And it's three pokemon per trainer.
  4. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Trainer Name: Zero
    Trainer Age: 16
    Trainer Gender: Male
    Favorite Types (Optional): None
    Trainer Pokemon:*

    -Pokemon 1: Heatran
    -Pokemon Type(s): Fire/Steel
    -Move 1: Flamethrower
    -Move 2: Hidden Power [Water]
    -Move 3: Earth Power
    -Move 4: Dragon Pulse
    -Pokemon Ability: Flash Fire

    -Pokemon 2: Meganium
    -Pokemon Type(s): Grass
    -Move 1: Earthquake
    -Move 2: Sword Dance
    -Move 3: Synthesis
    -Move 4: Seed Bomb
    -Pokemon Ability: Overgrow

    -Pokemon 3: Milotic
    -Pokemon Type(s): Water
    -Move 1: Surf
    -Move 2: Hidden Power [Electric]
    -Move 3: Hypnosis
    -Move 4: Recover
    -Pokemon Ability: Marvel Scale

    Trainer Personality: Quiet
    Trainer Bio/History: Zero was raised under his grandfather who was a nice man who loved pokemon. Zero was taught to love and care for pokemon. Zero only shows affection to his pokemon. Zero is quiet and doesn't do much talking unless he's battling or talking to his pokemon.
    Trainer Card (Optional):*
  5. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I noticed I forgot about Heatran somehow. Way to catch me on that. I'll let you use Heatran =D. You're accepted. The only thing that I got bored about was that you kept saying your character's name at the beginning of each sentence in the Bio/History lol.

    (Yay! MY first accept!)
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