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Pokemon: The Secret of Mew

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Destiny, Sep 26, 2012.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    The World...


    A home filled with many fascinating creatures...


    Living in Perfect Harmony...


    Where Legends rise up...


    And Legendaries are Born...


    This same world though holds many secrets...

    Secrets that can prove dangerous...


    The Secret of Mew

    YouTube - Pokemon Platinum Remix: Distortion World
    2000 years ago...
    "I need to hurry!" a tired woman ran out of breath, tired, and looked ready to fall over. She was running for her life, for some sort of purpose.

    `Hurry, Teressa!` a voice pleaded in the woman`s, Teressa`s, head.

    "I`m trying!" Teressa exclaimed.

    Teressa turned in the cave where she was suppose to turn and came to a stone wall. She knew what she had to do and took a step forward but stopped hearing someone behind her. She quickly turned around coming face to face with a creature of some sort, not a good creature.

    (I realise this is a Mewtwo, but that's not mewtwo in this RP)

    "No, Dark!" Teressa exclaimed.

    "Teressa, Teressa, Teressa" it spoke, "you should have known better than to run away from me. To run away from your king, your lord. Even worst to go against me." the creature, Dark, stated. Teressa found herself covered in a red light as she was lifted up off the ground by Dark. Teressa began screaming as she felt the pain go through her body.

    'Teressa! You can't let him win!' The voice rang in Teressa's head. 'You have to escape!'

    "I'm trying, I need help!!" Teressa shouted out. Suddenly four mews appeared out of no where.

    "What-?!" Dark turned around seeing them. He quickly flicked his wrist causing Teressa to get thrown towards the wall. She went through it though.

    Teressa slowly sat up and looked around the secret cave, a secret place only legendary pokemon and legendary people, like herself, can enter. She was in awe. For a long time the mews and her have been looking for this place to finally end the horible lives they live. The life Dark ruling pokemon like Dark's rule over the humans and weaker pokemon. For a long time the mews and Teressa's ancestors have been fighting them to try and bring peace: a new world with pokemon and humans living in harmony and new legendary pokemon to assist the mews in keeping that balance. Teressa was trained by her father to continue fighting and Teressa just gave birth to her own child, a child she'd hate to go through what she had to go through. Bad enough a month ago Teressa was captured by Dark and forced to become his queen and watched as he murdered the man she loved.

    YouTube - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2: Primal Dialga Remix
    'Hurry, Teressa!' One of the mews called to her, pleading. They were in trouble. Teressa nodded and stepped forward through the magical cave. Different crystal glowed different colors, each different colors representing the different elements of pokemon.

    Teressa then came to what she needed. A large marble staircase leading straight up to a pedistol containing a dark crystal for the evil pokemon ruling over the world. Teressa, with a goodness of heart, had to use magic she wielded to change that crystal to light to give birth to the new legendary creatures so new crystals for those creatures could be born. However, Teressa would have to give up something, she remembered speaking to the mews about it.

    Quickly, Teressa ran up the stairs to the top. Sometimes two at a time. She finally reached the top and saw the light shining down on the pedistol with the small, floating, black crystal.

    'Remember, you'll have to give up something when you do this, just keep you heart good and it won't be bad, think about the world, about the town, about your baby.' Teressa remembered the conversation with the mews.

    About her baby...


    Teressa, without hesitation, wrapped her hands around the crystal. Her body and the crystal immediately began to glow. Teressa could feel herself being pushed back but held her ground before yelling out as light shot up.

    Meanwhile... in the town above ground... an old man watched in the distance holding a small child, the child of Teressa. A light suddenly errupted from the mountains.

    "She did it..." The man said in awe. Gasp could be heard from different people around town as they gathered behind the man, obviously the town's leader. He looked back at all of them and nodded.

    The night sky soon luminated with multiple color lights and forms began to take shape in them and become a solid, the legendaries being born to protect the balance. Many big and some small. The townsfolks watched in awe as they hurried towards the mountain to see their hero.


    Meanwhile...with the mews... The mews kept fighting hard against Dark, a loosing battle one would say.

    'We can't do this...' a mew said to another.

    'We have to!' The other exclaimed as all four mews laid on the ground.

    "Giving up? You pathetic little pokemon, to belive you're suppose to be a legendary, pathetic." Dark said to them.

    "Mew, meeew, mew, meeeeew mew!(as long as you die in the end at Teressa's hand, we've done what we had to do.)" One of the mews spoke out. Dark just grinned and laughed. Suddenly he felt to the ground intense pain inside of him as his body glowed.

    'Teressa did it!' A mew exclaimed and smiled wide.

    "No, no, what's happening?!" Dark stated as he was slowly fading. "I will come back, I promise!" Dark shouted when all the townspeople showed up right as Dark was disappearing.

    Inside the secret cave, Teressa stepped away seeing the crystal change. She was extremely tired and smiled. Her body was changing though.

    The mews all flew in and were surprised by what they saw. They could tell it was Teressa, but laying on the ground wasn't Teressa's normal body, she was a mew.


    They couldn't believe it. Teressa's body began to glow blue as the mews lifted her body up and headed out of the cave to meet the rest of the townsfolk.

    The mews floated out with the passed out new mew sister of theirs. The townsfolk looked confused as the baby smiled and pointed.

    "Moma, moma, moma!" The baby exclaimed. Slowly Teressa's eyes began to open up and look at the baby but was too injured and tired to go over and see it.

    "She became a mew..." The man holding the baby stated and stepped forward holding the baby boy. He knelt down where the mews set Teressa down.

    "Teressa?" The man asked. The mew looked up at the man. The man had tears come to his eyes. "My beautiful daughter!" The man began crying and lifted up Teressa, his daughter, in his arms while still holding Teressa's son, his grandson.

    'Father...' Teressa spoke in his head. Only her family able to speak to the legendary pokemon, mew. The father had tears fall from his eyes. 'Don't cry please, just take care of Mathew for me.' The man nodded.

    "We'll have a celebration, first we must head back to the town and get you healed up." Her father spoke.

    'Then I must go on my way. I'm a mew, I need to go with the other and protect the world, father.' Teressa spoke. He nodded.

    In that very cave on the magical wall where only the magical family and legendary pokemon can enter to the sacret cave, the story of how the world was saved by Teressa is written as well as a statue stands of Teressa and a small mew sitting against her leg.

    The town every year now holds a celebration to honor "Mew" and to be thankful for the harmony of pokemon and humans.

    Currently(the RP)...

    YouTube - Pokemon Black and White Battle Theme (Pre release Fanmade edition)
    The town of Terssa is getting ready to have their Celebration of Mew. Many pokemon trainers, researchers, and tourist are coming to the celebration of it being 2000 years since the defeation of the evil pokemon.


    Local townsgirl, and past pokemon trainer, Michiko(Michi) is really excited for this celebration, though also worried due to her grandmother being sick. She has been helping out whereever possible and through this celebration she'll meet many friends who will become long lasting friends. Michi has a secret though that Michi doesn't even think her grandmother knows, she's a descendant of Teressa. With magic power over pychic powers that she keeps hidden, she discovered through her good friend, a pokemon, a pokemon nobody but her can speak to, the pokemon, Mew.

    This year's celebration is going to be remembered.

    So Requiem approached me about redoing this RP, and with Requiem's interest, Zacax, and obviously myself, I hope to get this RP to complete. If you will not strive to finish this RP, then do not join and don't waste our time.

    There's a celebration going on in the town of Terssa(wow you know every pokemon movie that takes place in the town, there always seems to be a celebration going on). Your character is going to go to the celebration in which they will meet Michi. A friendly, kind girl who used to be a well known pokemon trainer in the region but had to quit a year ago due to her grandmother, the only family she had left, getting severely ill.

    Michi is helping out around town with the celebration and will meet your characters who will all become good friends(like in the pokemon movies, yay!). Something strange will be happening and boom there's our main conflict which will end quickly everybody saving the day.

    For the beginning of the rp, our characters will just be hanging around, I will be handling the major come in of the conflict, all you got to do is make a character.

    ~Advance KHPlanet RP Rules

    Template-(oh yeah, don't all of you try to be trainers, lets get a variety of thinks, maybe breeders, researchers, maybe even gym leaders and stuff, anything lets just not all be trainers)

    Pokemon- (max 6, I'm trusting you asll won't godmod with your pokemon moves in the RP and all so, yeah be reasonable)

    Who's In-
    Michiko(Michi) Kokoro- Destiny
    Deviluke Mihawk- Vox
    Grandma- Destiny
    Zac Blazer- Zacax: The Gunsmith
    Kytes Lakai- Requiem
    Akira Anemones- S.SummonerBWM
    Tom- Desert Warrior
    Jim- Taboo Sho

    My Characters-

    Name- Michiko(Michi) Kokoro
    Age- 15
    Personality- Michi is a bright, cheerful, kind girl of Terssa. She loves to help people in any way possible. She also likes to joke around.

    Michi also has a very serious side. Before quiting as a trainer to take care of her grandmother, she was serious in battle.
    *Mew- Michi doesn't use mew in battle, in fact mew usually stays hidden away from public. Michi doesn't have mew captured neither. They're both just really good friends

    History- Michi was born and grew up in Terssa Town. Her mother died when she was born at childbirth. Michi never knew her father. Her entire life she lived with her loving grandmother.

    Her grandmother is known as the town elder and very wise. Michi was taught everything she knows from her. Her grandmother believes strongly in the legend of Teressa.

    When Michi was 4, she met her best friend, Mew. Mew is like a mother to her where her grandmother couldn't be a mother to her. If it was for mew, Michi would have never decided to go out to be a pokemon trainer, in which she was a natural at.

    Michi a year ago though, thanks to mew telling her if not she wouldn't know, her grandmother grew ill and she dropped being a trainer to go help her grandmother.

    Michi doesn't mind. She's glad to be back home. As is due to her being a great trainer, a new gym might be opening up in which Michi will be the gym leader of.

    Michi throughout the past year though has been discover psychic sort of powers(levitation, flying, that's about it). Mew then explained it all to her about her being a descendant of Teressa.

    Name- Grandma(she has everyone call her that)
    Age- she doesn't tell anyone, but 94 years old but acts young for her age
    Personality- Grandma is very sweet and kind. She doesn't like people worrying about her as long as everyone else was ok and happy. Grandma is always constantly worrying about Michi because she doesn't want to lose her like she lost her own son and daughter-in-law.
    Mr. Mime
    History- Grandma has lived in Terssa her entire life. She raised her son and grandaughter here as well.

    Grandma has lived a harsh life. Her husband dying before her eyes as he defended her when she went off on one of her adventures. Since then she never went hiking in the mountains. The next harsh thing that happened to her is when her son went off on an adventure and never came home leaving his pregnant wife alone. It was mostly due to heartbreak that her daughter-in-law died in childbirth of her grandaughter.

    Due to all the losses, Grandma has tried her hardest to protect her grandaughter, Michi.

    Just recently Grandma got sick. Had it not been for Michi coming home, she would have died. Since getting better, she must take medicine every day in which she argues with Michi about taking.

    Grandma also has many secrets she keeps from Michi.
    Theme- [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnl5TFkZ138]Pokemon Make a Wish[/URL]
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2012
  2. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Name: Zac Blazer
    Class: Veteran Trainer, Gym Leader
    Age: 15
    Personality: A brave and caring boy, Zac is a very loving trainer. He can seem oblivious and carefree, typically cracking a joke sometimes, but he is very intelligent, focused and loved to strategize, this shows a lot in battles.
    -Growlithe (Z-pup)
    -Togepi (Caleb)
    -Braviary (Valor)
    -Gallade (Blade)
    Not really his Pokemon, Blade belonged to his father who was a gym leader as well. Blade is more of a guardian to Zac rather than an official member of his team.
    -Drillbur (Digger)
    -Totodile (Bite)

    Zac has lived with his dad who was a gym leader, and thus, Zac trained to become one as well. He has two sisters and is the only son of the family, with his older sister being a breeder, and his little sister wanting to enter contests. He and his family reside in Unova in Nuvema Town.

    Zac started his journey as a trainer at 10 like most, and tracked the regions with Z-pup, his growlithe and first Pokemon, and Blade protecting him. Zac challenged the gym leaders and the elite fours and won, but sadly, never came close to beating the champions of each region. Currently, he is training in his dad's gym in Unova, but recently left to travel some more, an thus his new journey began.

    He has recently found Teressa, a town he never encountered on his first journey, and decided to check it out, hearing about a celebration taking place, dedicated to the legendary Mew, being interested as to what would be happening.

    Born to Be a Winner-Full

    Basically Zac is gym leader who loves to travel, kinda like Brock and Misty when they traveled with Ash.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2012
  3. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Name- Kytes Lakai
    Trainer Type: Psychic
    Age- 19
    Personality- Easygoing.
    - Kirlia (F) -
    - Kirlia (M) -
    - Whismur (M) -
    - Teddiursa (M) -
    - Xatu (F) -
    - Spoink - (M) -
    Appearence- +A star from the sky+ by *iruka-loves-kakashi on deviantART
    History- Kytes Lakai grew up in the Hoenn region of the world amongst two parents very into Pokemon caretaking. At an early age, he was taught the importance of nurturing young pokemon and keeping the older ones in fit condition. This has been impressed into him so thoroughly that he would never think to harm another pokemon unprovoked - that is, unless it were are sporting match between two consensual parties. Or, in case of emergencies (Wild attacks, Team (whatver), etc.). He recieved his first pokemon, two Ralts of opposite gender, at an early age from his parents, two fairly competent breeders. A year later, he caught his very first wild pokemon: A Whismur. As the years passed, his parents granted him pokemon eggs that would hatch into the rest of his preferred party. Once he reached the age of 13, as many trainers do, he left home to explore the word. Though, he never tried for the Pokemon League. His two Kirlia, being Psychic types, taught him to use his mind beyond its normal potential, grantining him extremely minor telekinetic powers. He still can't talk to Pokemon with his mind, but all his Psychics can to him. Six years later, he reached the town of Teressa, wanting to see what all the celebration was about.
    Other- Psychic powers enough to levitate a pokeball. Derp.
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Im in im in im in im in im SOOOOO in

    -massive poke fan-
  5. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I was thinking, Trainer types should be a thing included in the profile.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -_- I'll get a template rolling I guess. Just need to figure out who I want to be. At least I do not have to be a trainer thank goodness. I'll edit this post with my template.
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Mind if I create a pokemon template? I was thinking since this is Teressa, the same Darkrai from the movies could be involved in this, as he protects the gardens now.
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    @Summoner: Don't join unless you're seriously in this and are going to be active.

    @Zacax: Terssa* and it's a new city(not in any particular region neither) it's never been introduced before because I made it up. The images I'm using merely as a similarity of what the town looks like. In fact Terssa if you want to compare it to a real life City it's most like New Orleans.(see the original IC RP Thread)

    @Requiem: I kind of figured it would be told in the bio.

    @Zacax: For your character it's all good if your character is the child of a gym leader, but not so much that he's the gym leader because based off of your bio he doesn't have the capabilities of a gym leader

    @Requiem: The character is good, the only thing I'm not so sure about is the psychic part. Unless there's a strong reason and doesn't mess with the story on why he has that power besides his pokemon teaching him. There's no real way a pokemon teaches them, it's a gift in a sense. Now maybe he's better off with saying he can read a pokemon's emotions(like how there's always that one dude who can) and with that ability he's got an advantage in battles.

    @Vox: cool can't wait to see your character.
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Alright then just fixed it.

    Pretty excited for this to start
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ok it's accepted remember he's not a gym leader but more so a gym leader in training or an apprentice of a gym leader per-say
  11. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    He's a psychic in the way that those people at Sabrina's Gym in Season 1 of the show were psychics (I.E. Telekinesis like bending spoons and stuff). He specializes in psychic types. For all intents and purposes, he is a Psychic pokemon trainer. It's nothing beyond the whole gimmick of levitating a pokeball. Is that fine, because that's the exact profile i submitted last time. (Nor do I intend for it to become anything more than a gimmick)

    I hope I don't come off as rude, because that's not my intent.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    No then it's fine. As long as you stay in that range of that
  13. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    You know me, Des. I NEVER powerplay. ;)
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -_- I am working on my professor template already. Just need to find one more pokemon and to work on the bio and theme. Just make sure that this roleplay won't die. I do not want to waste my time and energy into this if the others won't do the same.
  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Summoner lightin up, you got me on your side.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I feel better now but I'll do better trying to be more... optimistic on this one.

    Name: Professor Akira Anemones

    Theme: Pokemon Colosseum - Relic Forest (Extended) - YouTube

    Age: 29/30

    Class: Professor and Pokemon Coordinator

    Personality: Intelligent. Have high expectations and can anticipate and predict many theories and possible outcomes.

    Job: Studies the power of pokemon and the origin of pokemon abilities and the environment.

    Hobby: Planting and participating in Pokemon Contests. Also enjoy Pokemon aid and the research of it.

    Likes: Berries, outdoors, discoveries and food.

    Appearance: Wears a white researcher coat but he would rather wear casual clothing with colors of brown pants and yellow shirts. His shoes are green. His Pokemon Coordinator suit is decorated in lime green. 5'6 with brown hair and blue eyes. Dark-skinned.


    Shaymin: A daring but elegant pokemon who enjoys nature. She is able to have two forms, Land and Sky. Her Sky Form can only activate by a certain flower. However, she does not battle often. Her moves are (In Sky and Land form):

    Magical Leaf: Grass move that ignores accuracy and evasion.
    Secret Power: Small chance to inflict a status effect on the opponent depending on the environment. The attack changes with the environment. Outside of battle, it can be used to create a base. The effects and move are as follows:

    Location Effect Animation
    Grass Sleep Needle Arm
    Sand/regular terrain Accuracy reduced one stage Mud Slap
    Caves/rocky terrain Flinching Rock Throw
    Water Attack lowered one stage Water Pulse
    Snow/ice Freezing Avalanche
    Buildings Paralysis Body Slam

    Substitute: Creates a decoy that takes the hit for Shaymin for a small amount of health.
    Solarbeam: Charges up to absorb light and then fires it. If done in sunlight, it can be used without charging up. Loses power in the rain, hail or snowstorm.

    (Land Form) Natural Cure: Status Problems heals after getting switched with another partner.
    (Sky Form): Serene Grace: Boosts the chance of status effects.

    Deerling: He too enjoys nature and her ability to change his scent and color in according to the season is amazing. Since it is Spring, his color is now pink. Deerling's Moves are:

    Camouflage: Changes Deerling's type in according to the environment.
    Double Kick: Unleashes a barrages of kicks. Normal-type move.
    Faint Attack: Always hits his target. Lets him hide in the shadow and then strike. Average power. Dark-Type Move.
    Energy Ball: Grass type move. Has a 10% chance of lowering the target's special defense.

    Chlorophyll: Boosts Deerling's speed in the sunshine
    Sap Sipper: When hit by a Grass-type move, his attack power increases.

    Castform: Cast is also able to change his appearance in according to the weather and can signal what the weather will be before it will happen. His ability, Forecast, changes his appearance, power and type and is the only pokemon to have this ability. Castform's moves are:

    Weather Ball: A normal attack only used by Castform. However, the power and type of the attack changes in the weather. The move becomes fire if sunny, water if raining, ice if hailing, rock if there is a sandstorm, normal for no weather, and a special move, ??? if there is a Shadow Sky.
    Sunny Day: Changes the weather to sunny for a while. Powers up fire type moves but also allows SolarBeam to fire every turn instead of charging. It also allows those with Chlorohyll to have double the speed and it weakens water-type pokemon, allowing Heat Wave to always hit, reduce the accuracy of thunder moves, and allow Synthesis, Morning Sun and Moonlight to recover more health.
    Rain Dance: Castform can bring in a heavy rain for a while. Water type moves gain power while fire type moves loses power. It also allow the Thunder attack to have a 100% accuracy. Pokemon with Swift Swim have their base Speed doubled while the weather is Rainy. Pokemon with Dry Skin heal 1/8 their maximum HP, Pokemon with Hydration are cured of all Major Status Conditions, and Pokemon with Rain Dish recover 1/16 their maximum HP, all at the end of each turn.
    Thunder: Thunder never misses in heavy rain, but has 50% accuracy in intense sunlight. It may also paralyze the target. It also hits Pokémon that are flying.

    Cherrim: Cherrim is a cheerful pokemon and is very active in the sunlight. She closes her buds when the sunlight wanes. Her moves are:

    Morning Sun: Allows her to recover her health back. Stronger in the sun.
    Seed Bomb: Shoots out a seed bomb with no status effect.
    Giga Drain: Drains the opponent of their health.
    Toxic: Puts her opponent in a poisoned state, making them slowly lose their health.

    Flower Gift: Powers up her allies whenever it is sunny.

    Bio: Professor Akira first encountered his first pokemon, which is Cherubi, Cherrim's pre-evoled form at the age of ten. He find it strange as to how a pokemon such as Cherubi is able to store so much nutrients, which enables him to try and study on whether there are other pokemon that shares a similar ability such as Cherubi. Akira eventually left out on his own and start studying on different types of pokemon and a chance to explore and travel.

    Three years later, he found a liking to a Deerling, a pokemon who is able to change with the seasons. Astonished by this, he was able to have a good relation with the Deerling and obtained his second pokemon. As he traveled between regions, Professor Akira saw his Cherubi shriveling and losing color. Not being able to figure out why, he spent his days at a Pokemon Center, unable to figure out what was the situation. The more he research on Cherubi, the more he eventually start learning health care and how pokemon can obtain and lose their power to the environment. Cherubi then evolved to Cherrim by the time Akira Anemones was fifteen, seeing that it was going through a evolution process. That was enough time for him to know that he enjoys research.

    When Professor Akira was nineteen, he heard of a Pokemon Contest near town. He decides that it is time to have fun and participated in several Pokemon Contests. At that age, he won 3 ribbons but he expand his horizons and saw that there is beauty in pokemon moves, pushing him to study even more. During that time, he will go to gardens and try to come up with different combos. At that time, he eventually came across Shaymin. It took a while for the two of them to get along but from studying the pokemon and from battling it, Shaymin and Professor Akira became good partners.

    Once the Professor turned 22, he came across an institution that study the effect of weather. Coming across a problem with a pokemon that was disrupting their research, Akira went in to try and help solve the problem. The pokemon that was causing the problem in the town was a Castform, unable to keep his emotions under control because of his ties with the weather. Intrigued by this, Akira stayed behind for a while to help the Castform control his emotions and to enjoy each weather. He eventually became friend with the Castform and he obtained his fourth pokemon.

    Now at the age of twenty-nine, he is now a Professor. Professor Akira Anemones is usually outside studying or participating in Pokemon Contests but is always there to help pass out starter pokemons and Pokedex.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ok you really didn't need all the pokemon info.

    I'm just waiting on Vox to make his character(an antagonist) unless somebody else wants to, but there's certain private info that goes with it.
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Oh well. I need it for my own knowledge so I will not forget what moves I want my pokemon to have. Ready whenever you guys are.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I may have to make a gym leader. Template will be up tomorrow.
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    I'll see how busy I'm going to be, otherwise I can edit this post tomorrow or Wednesday for a template.

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