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Pokemon: The Secret of Mew

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Destiny, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    The World...


    A home filled with many fascinating creatures...


    Living in Perfect Harmony...


    Where Legends rise up...


    And Legendaries are Born...


    This same world though holds many secrets...

    Secrets that can prove dangerous...


    The Secret of Mew

    YouTube - Pokemon Platinum Remix: Distortion World
    2000 years ago...
    "I need to hurry!" a tired woman ran out of breath, tired, and looked ready to fall over. She was running for her life, for some sort of purpose.

    `Hurry, Teressa!` a voice pleaded in the woman`s, Teressa`s, head.

    "I`m trying!" Teressa exclaimed.

    Teressa turned in the cave where she was suppose to turn and came to a stone wall. She knew what she had to do and took a step forward but stopped hearing someone behind her. She quickly turned around coming face to face with a creature of some sort, not a good creature.

    (I realise this is a Mewtwo, but that's not mewtwo in this RP)

    "No, Dark!" Teressa exclaimed.

    "Teressa, Teressa, Teressa" it spoke, "you should have known better than to run away from me. To run away from your king, your lord. Even worst to go against me." the creature, Dark, stated. Teressa found herself covered in a red light as she was lifted up off the ground by Dark. Teressa began screaming as she felt the pain go through her body.

    'Teressa! You can't let him win!' The voice rang in Teressa's head. 'You have to escape!'

    "I'm trying, I need help!!" Teressa shouted out. Suddenly four mews appeared out of no where.

    "What-?!" Dark turned around seeing them. He quickly flicked his wrist causing Teressa to get thrown towards the wall. She went through it though.

    Teressa slowly sat up and looked around the secret cave, a secret place only legendary pokemon and legendary people, like herself, can enter. She was in awe. For a long time the mews and her have been looking for this place to finally end the horible lives they live. The life Dark ruling pokemon like Dark's rule over the humans and weaker pokemon. For a long time the mews and Teressa's ancestors have been fighting them to try and bring peace: a new world with pokemon and humans living in harmony and new legendary pokemon to assist the mews in keeping that balance. Teressa was trained by her father to continue fighting and Teressa just gave birth to her own child, a child she'd hate to go through what she had to go through. Bad enough a month ago Teressa was captured by Dark and forced to become his queen and watched as he murdered the man she loved.

    YouTube - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2: Primal Dialga Remix
    'Hurry, Teressa!' One of the mews called to her, pleading. They were in trouble. Teressa nodded and stepped forward through the magical cave. Different crystal glowed different colors, each different colors representing the different elements of pokemon.

    Teressa then came to what she needed. A large marble staircase leading straight up to a pedistol containing a dark crystal for the evil pokemon ruling over the world. Teressa, with a goodness of heart, had to use magic she wielded to change that crystal to light to give birth to the new legendary creatures so new crystals for those creatures could be born. However, Teressa would have to give up something, she remembered speaking to the mews about it.

    Quickly, Teressa ran up the stairs to the top. Sometimes two at a time. She finally reached the top and saw the light shining down on the pedistol with the small, floating, black crystal.

    'Remember, you'll have to give up something when you do this, just keep you heart good and it won't be bad, think about the world, about the town, about your baby.' Teressa remembered the conversation with the mews.

    About her baby...


    Teressa, without hesitation, wrapped her hands around the crystal. Her body and the crystal immediately began to glow. Teressa could feel herself being pushed back but held her ground before yelling out as light shot up.

    Meanwhile... in the town above ground... an old man watched in the distance holding a small child, the child of Teressa. A light suddenly errupted from the mountains.

    "She did it..." The man said in awe. Gasp could be heard from different people around town as they gathered behind the man, obviously the town's leader. He looked back at all of them and nodded.

    The night sky soon luminated with multiple color lights and forms began to take shape in them and become a solid, the legendaries being born to protect the balance. Many big and some small. The townsfolks watched in awe as they hurried towards the mountain to see their hero.


    Meanwhile...with the mews... The mews kept fighting hard against Dark, a loosing battle one would say.

    'We can't do this...' a mew said to another.

    'We have to!' The other exclaimed as all four mews laid on the ground.

    "Giving up? You pathetic little pokemon, to belive you're suppose to be a legendary, pathetic." Dark said to them.

    "Mew, meeew, mew, meeeeew mew!(as long as you die in the end at Teressa's hand, we've done what we had to do.)" One of the mews spoke out. Dark just grinned and laughed. Suddenly he felt to the ground intense pain inside of him as his body glowed.

    'Teressa did it!' A mew exclaimed and smiled wide.

    "No, no, what's happening?!" Dark stated as he was slowly fading. "I will come back, I promise!" Dark shouted when all the townspeople showed up right as Dark was disappearing.

    Inside the secret cave, Teressa stepped away seeing the crystal change. She was extremely tired and smiled. Her body was changing though.

    The mews all flew in and were surprised by what they saw. They could tell it was Teressa, but laying on the ground wasn't Teressa's normal body, she was a mew.


    They couldn't believe it. Teressa's body began to glow blue as the mews lifted her body up and headed out of the cave to meet the rest of the townsfolk.

    The mews floated out with the passed out new mew sister of theirs. The townsfolk looked confused as the baby smiled and pointed.

    "Moma, moma, moma!" The baby exclaimed. Slowly Teressa's eyes began to open up and look at the baby but was too injured and tired to go over and see it.

    "She became a mew..." The man holding the baby stated and stepped forward holding the baby boy. He knelt down where the mews set Teressa down.

    "Teressa?" The man asked. The mew looked up at the man. The man had tears come to his eyes. "My beautiful daughter!" The man began crying and lifted up Teressa, his daughter, in his arms while still holding Teressa's son, his grandson.

    'Father...' Teressa spoke in his head. Only her family able to speak to the legendary pokemon, mew. The father had tears fall from his eyes. 'Don't cry please, just take care of Mathew for me.' The man nodded.

    "We'll have a celebration, first we must head back to the town and get you healed up." Her father spoke.

    'Then I must go on my way. I'm a mew, I need to go with the other and protect the world, father.' Teressa spoke. He nodded.

    In that very cave on the magical wall where only the magical family and legendary pokemon can enter to the sacret cave, the story of how the world was saved by Teressa is written as well as a statue stands of Teressa and a small mew sitting against her leg.

    The town every year now holds a celebration to honor "Mew" and to be thankful for the harmony of pokemon and humans.

    Currently(the RP)...

    YouTube - Pokemon Black and White Battle Theme (Pre release Fanmade edition)
    The town of Terssa is getting ready to have their Celebration of Mew. Many pokemon trainers, researchers, and tourist are coming to the celebration of it being 2000 years since the defeation of the evil pokemon.


    Local townsgirl, and past pokemon trainer, Michiko(Michi) is really excited for this celebration, though also worried due to her grandmother being sick. She has been helping out whereever possible and through this celebration she'll meet many friends who will become long lasting friends. Michi has a secret though that Michi doesn't even think her grandmother knows, she's a descendant of Teressa. With magic power over pychic powers that she keeps hidden, she discovered through her good friend, a pokemon, a pokemon nobody but her can speak to, the pokemon, Mew.

    This year's celebration is going to be remembered.

    Pokémon Heroes - Secret Garden - YouTube

    The city of Terssa, a beautiful peaceful city, laying at the foot of mountains, on the shore of the ocean, it was a city of many travels, on top of it all, it was a city filled with so much history. A history the citizens are proud of. Every year they celebrate their great history and city's namesake- a young women named Teressa.

    The people are so great and kind, the pokemon living in and around are in perfect peace and harmony. Those fortunate to grow up in Terssa wouldn't imagine being anywhere else and even many travelers will settle down in the city.


    "Grandma!" A girl carried a tray of food and started climbing up the stairs of a house. She stopped on a level of the stairs and looked out the window. She smiled looking out the window as it revealed they lived up in an old suburban neighborhood in the mountain not very far from being in the city. It held a great view too.

    She smiled to herself, it was a beautiful day and she was even more excited for today marked the beginning of the annual Celebration of Mew which recognized Teressa and the brave Pokemon that fought and saved their town from darkness.

    "Grandma, are you awake?" The young woman went up the stairs and opened up the door to a fairly large room. The room was brightly lit by the natural light coming in from outside. The woman looked over to a seat seeing an old woman sitting in it looking outside. A small eevee asleep in her lap.

    "Oh, Michi!" The old woman, Grandma, smiled at the young woman, Michi.

    "How you feeling today?" Michi asked walking over smiling.

    "I feel great today!" Grandma exclaimed smiling. "You helping out in town?" She asked.

    "Yep, but right after you take your medicine. Mr. Mime found your pills on the floor when cleaning up yesterday." Michi said crossing her arms. Her short brown hair moving swiftly as she moved into a scolding position. The old woman just laughed at her granddaughter.

    "You're face is so much like your mother's." Grandma said laughing.

    "Hey! Can we stay focus, you need to take your medicine to stay out of the hospital!" Michi exclaimed again.

    "And you get mad an argue so much like your father." She said.

    "Grandma!" Michi sighed before handing the woman two small pills. The old woman waved her granddaughter away, but Michi did not leave until the woman put the pills in her mouth swallowing them down with orange juice.

    "See now how hard was that?" Michi asked as she pulled up a side table and set the breakfast she made on it.

    "Still not the greatest thing. You know as a child my parents stuck to herbs." Her grandmother said. "Even when I was raising you, I had you take herbs." Michi made a disgusted face shaking her head.

    "Yeah no thanks, plus that's from the doctor." Michi said before standing up. "Anyways, I'm heading into town now."

    "Ok be safe!" Her grandmother exclaimed as Michi headed out of the room.

    "Of course, see ya later!" Michi said winking and waving. She quickly hurried downstairs and jumped up on a bike leaning up against the side of the house. She quickly cycled out to the road and headed down the steep road into town.


    Michi road into town decorations hung every where. Pokeball shaped balloons and lanterns, big giant pokemon floats hung high in the sky over buildings, streamers and banners were everywhere. This year was most certainly going to be one of their biggest celebrations yet.

    And that was for sure!
  2. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Kytes left the inn he was staying at, having arrived in town a day earlier. With a good stretch, he yawned and pulled out his pokeballs. Almost every last one of them had a Luxury ball, given the fact that all except Whismur were hatched and therefore had to have a ball picked out for them. Activating them, he tossed the containment devices up, red light shooting out of all of them at the ground. Out came his two Kirlia, the Teddiursa, and the Spoink, all with a blue band tied around their arms. The Whismur was a temperamental little thing and the Xatu didn't like crowds, so they were kept in their respective containers.

    "Alright you four, you can go out and have some fun today. Just don't get into trouble, okay?" He told the bunch, knowing full well that Teddiursa didn't really understand what he was saying. After all, it was the youngest and most inexperienced of the bunch, so he planned on hefting the bear around anyways.

    "We're free to do as we please? How wonderful!" One of his Kirlia responded, the other one chiming in, "Yes, how wonderful! We promise not to get into trouble~!"

    With that, the two humanoid pokemon were off, mirroring each other's steps. The Spoink left soon after, nary a word spoken.

    "Which leaves you with me." Kytes told the Teddiursa, scooping the little bear up in his arms. It snuggled in tightly as it could. "Now, to get you some honey. . ."
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "MMMMHHMMMM!!!! Man this food is freaking good!" a young man exclaimed with a stuffed mouth as he was eating at the local restaurant of the town. He kept stuffing his mouth as his Growlithe slept under his seat, while it's master waited for him to finish up. The boy's name was Zac Blazer, a trainer and the son of a gym leader. He was back on another journey and recently discovered this town. Weird how he never encountered it on his previous. He especially lovd the food here. According to the townsfolk, it was celebration dedicated to the legendary pokemon, Mew. So the trainer decided to stay for a bit to see the celebration unfold.

    He gulped down his drink and sighed in satisfaction and he leaned back in his chair, but quickly fell over. The chair landed on the ground and Growlithe yiped and ran away front he hair as he growled at it. Zac got up slowly and picked up his hat and put the chair back up, muttering, "Ow..." As he was doing so.

    After putting up the chair he paid the woman at the counter and said thanks and went off with his Growlithe outside to the town. He opened the door to see such a wonderful town, decorations everywhere, people walking across the streets. He breathed in it all, and exhaled with satisfaction, he felt at home here in this town,

    "Welp, that was an awesome breakfeast," Zac as he wiped his mouth with his hand. He and his Growlithe walked through the streets, admiring the decor. "Man, the people here sure do love Mew," Zac thought, "Hmph, I wonder why?"

    He looked around and saw a brown haired girl riding in on a bike, and decided to walk over to her, she must live here. Zac was gonna need help finding a place to stay. He walked up to her with his Grokwithe slowly lagging behind, looking around the place, there was so much decor the poor Grokwithe for dizzy from trying to see it all,
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2012
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Ok. Are you ready?!" A deerling started to prance around, kicking his legs up in the air as he is ready to enjoy the festival. Many of the kids were astonished by the color of his pink skin. A Castform was wandering around with the Deerling as the Professor with a Skayrim walked behind him. "Ok. It is about time for the Teressa Pokemon Memorial Contest! I wonder how many will compete?"

    As the Professor kept on walking, seeing the crowd enjoying the games and the food, he finally saw a tall building, which is where registration for the Pokemon Contest resides. "Ok. Let us go there. It is near the Pokemon Center anyway so once we register, we will head to the Center and see what is going on over there." His pokemon didn't mind and the group walked on over to the tall, red building to register. As they walked inside the red building a few minutes later, there were some people inside with a variety of pokemon.

    "Absolutely wonderful. Now, where to... aha! Right over there." The Professor walked up to the counter and signed in, writing down the pokemon group that he will be using. After that, he left out of the building and decided to head on over to the Pokemon Center.
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Jim sat with his Eeveelutions, and Eevee herself, just relaxing and enjoying the day. "So Jess, you excited for the festival?" Jess, Jim's Eevee, happily cried, "Eevee Eevee!" Jim laughed, "Yeah, I figured as much. You guys are always excited around this time..." He looked at the sky and smiled, his Eeveelutions lying beside him, "I feel... that this year... is gonna be special... we're gonna find something, I know it!"
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    A fairly large cruise ship pulled into the docks of Teressa. Ramps were set up against the side of the ship as passengers eagerly got off. The ship had arrived from Unova, a region very far away. Even with the latest improvements in oversea travel, improvements to both speed and comfort, the trip still took quite some time.

    "Finally!" A young trainer exclaimed as he walked off the ship. "Unova is just too damn far away. Isn't that right Typhlosion?" The flame Pokemon aside the trainer growled in agreement. They looked at the festival decorations that were spread about, even to the docks. "You know Typhlosion, it's a shame that I couldn't bring everyone with me. I wonder if the professor will have one of those long distance transfer machines so all you Pokemon can enjoy the festival. Speaking of the professor, where is he? I know that he wasn't going to be here to meet me, but still. Some directions would've been nice. I suppose I'll just have to find my own way about here." The trainer and his Pokemon disappeared amongst the crowd heading into Teressa.
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Michi could tell riding through town that the town was instantly becoming crowded with tourists. So many trainers and people in general. She was paying attention when she looked forward again and hit a kid with her bike.

    "Whoa!" She said as she landed on top of the boy and her bike was thrown to the side. She looked up at the growlithe belonging to the trainer jumping up quickly.

    "I'm so sorry!" She said extending her hand to help him up. "I wasn't looking, I'm truly sorry, are you alright?" Michi asked extremely worried.

    Meanwhile up on the roof of a building near by where the girl crashed a mew was hidden out of complete view. Silently the mew laughed to itself before turning its attention to a giant stage set up. On the stage it was set up for performances announcements, outside pokemon contests, ceremonies, and pokemon contests. Though the stage wouldn't be used for the night before, several people were running around on the stage frantically.

    "Has Mr. Mihawk arrived and settled in? Does he know his way around town. As this year's festival special guest things need to be perfect!" A man ordered obviously the coordinator.

    "I know somebody should find Michi and introduce her to him to show him around town maybe we can have a special battle tonight for as great and gifted a trainer." The coordinator spoke to himself before running around again.
  8. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Huh? AGH!!!" Zac exclaimed as the girl fell on him as he hit the ground, Z-pup jumped and yiped when he heard Zac's scream when he was hit and then fell to the ground and went over to his master. As the girl got off, his eyes spun. He shook his head and saw the girl reach her hand to him. He grabbed it as he was pulled up and then brushed himself off and looked at her with a smile,

    "Nah it's okay, I should have watched out as well," Zac said with a sheepish chuckle. He gestured out his hand and smiled to the girl, "My name Zac Blazer, and this little guy is my partner, Z-pup the Growlithe, what's your name?" Zac asked the girl. His mom told him to be polite to people, so he was, even though she was launched from her bike and into his face.

    The Growlithe simply sat on his rump with his tail wagging as he panted with his tongue out, with a happy look in his eyes.
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The Professor marched on to the Pokemon Center, going inside to see various pokemon and their trainers who are healing, relaxing and holding conversations with one another. "Splendid." The Professor walked on to a Nurse Joy and waved at her. "Oh. Hello Professor Anemones. It is a pleasure seeing you here. Welcome." "Hi. So, I see that everything is going fine is that correct? I heard that the Pokemon Center is also utilizing a special type of game, is that correct?"

    "That is true. It is a game that we took and adapted from the Orre region. It is called Battle Bingo. It is an amazing game with cards that features the pokemon on them." "Hm... I might try out a game or two. That sounds like fun." "It is. Not only that, there will also be a pokemon coliseum battle for a special type of Gym Badge. Right now, this festival is crowded because of the contests and games we have to offer." "That it is. However, I am more of a Pokemon Coordinator and researcher, hahaha."
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Michi smiled at him.

    "I'm Michiko Kokoro, most just call me Michi." She told him extending out her hand to shake his hand. "So I'm guessing you're here for the festival?" Michi asked the young pokemon trainer as many other tourist walked all around them. "You should go register for all the events going on in town this week. The different pokemon battles, the competitions, the contests, and everything at the registration booth by the center stage in town.

    A man in a brown cloak stood looking down on a large town. It was getting to be later in the afternoon soon the events of the town of Terssa would begin.

    "16 years..." The man said before walking back on the mountain trail out of view.
  11. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Yea, I'm here for the festival, to be honest I never encountered this town on my journeys so ea. but I'm deffinatly entering the battles, but...could you direct me to the stage? Like I said I've never been here before, unless you needing to do something important," Zac said as he slightly chuckled in a sheepish way. Z-pup simply got off from its sitting position and walked back to his trainer.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Michi laughed and shook her head.

    "It's no problem I'm on my way there now, and this cities pretty much impossible to miss unless you start in the first gym city north of here. We dont have a gym yet, though a gym should be going in soon." Michi explained leading him to the stage. The stage in the large square came into view. Behind the stage set up one could see the chapel and in front of the chapel also tower over the stage was a statue of a woman standing there with a mew sitting against her leg. Michi smiled up at it before turning back to Zac.

    "This is center of town, to register go check in over there at that booth." Michi said smiling.

    "Michi! Good you're here!" Michi turned and looked at a man who ran up to her looking exhausted and stress, the event coordinator.

    "Hi, sorry I'm a little late." Michi said to the coordinator.

    "A little, you're about an hour late!" He exclaimed.

    'Don't worry, he's been cranky more than anything worried about some other guy the other time." Michi heard the voice in her head and looked up hidden up on the roof of a building a small little pokemon named mew. Michi smiled letting out a little giggle before shaking her head.

    "What, what's so funny?!" The man said getting mad.

    "Nothing, what can I help out with?" Michi asked.
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "So registration is here?" Tom asked out loud. "Let's see... There's a tournament. Definitely gonna try for that. I think we've got a good shot at winning, don't you Typhlosion? Even if it would seem as though we're lacking some types. I'll trust in you to cover for all that though." The fire Pokemon growled in agreement as Tom was rambling on. "There's also a contest going on huh? We could sign Glaceon up. I think she'd do rather well. Although admittedly I don't know much about those accessories the judges score on. Naw, let's not sign her up. Probably don't have enough time, what with the tournament and all the work the professor will probably have me do. Speaking of which, where is the professor. I probably should meet him right about now." Tom continued to ramble on quietly, not really paying much attention as he headed towards the registration booth. He did manage to stop his rambling long enough to sign up for the tournament though.
  14. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "Ah! They do have honey! Combee honey!" Kytes exclaimed, trotting over to a stand a few blocks away from where the minor fountain disaster occurred. "You'll have your honey soon, Teddy."

    With the Teddiursa's hunger finally satiated, Kytes finally strolled around the festival for himself. As the morning went on, he found all sorts of neat toys and scrumptious foods, and everything a good festival could want he could find. Of course, something occurred to him while he was running about.

    "Oh, right. The battles! I've got to sign up. . ." he muttered, stopping to get his bearings in one of the squares. He wasted no time in beelining towards the registration booth, thankfully arriving in time to sign up for the single-battles. It was unfortunate for the Twins, he thought, since they always fought in twos. The others, he was fairly confident could handle themselves. That Spoink especially.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile, uneventfully~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    The duo of Kirlia merrily skipped through the town, proudly displaying their armbands on their outside shoulders while holding hands.

    "What manner of fun will we get to today?" One asked the other, communicating in the medium they loved best. A slight nod was made, as if to signal that it was done speaking with its sibling.

    "Let us find something most INTERESTING to watch!" The other replied, mimicking the nodding motion.

    Merry day, indeed.
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Jim laughed at his own laziness and smiled as Jess climbed into position on his head. "Yeah you're right Jess, we should probably head to registration. Let's move out guys!" He and his partners cheered happily as they marched towards registration, though it wasn't long before he ran into someone in the form of a girl he knew somewhat, Michi. Jim didn't want to interrupt her but Zerker, his Jolteon, had other plans as it quickly ran up to the girl and rubbed its head against her leg, while Jim facepalmed.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2012
  16. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac thanked Michi and headed towards the registration to sign up him and his team. He ran through the crowd and made it to the registration booth with Z-pup beside his side. As he got up, he said he was gonna registrat his team for the battles. The woman at the booth handed him a sheet to write down his name, and the Pokemon he would use in the tournament for the festival.

    After signing it, be thanked the woman and left, looking for where to sit. But... AGH! Stupid crowd was blocking everywhere he was needing to be today why?!
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Ah. So this is the garden that you recently made behind the Pokemon Center, is that correct?" Deerling, Shaymin and his Castform all ran around in the garden with the other pokemon who were playing inside. All of a sudden, a white light came out of the Professor's pocket and hit the ground, revealing Cherrim with her buds closed. "Ah. Now what made you want to come out? I thought you was tired." Cherrim smiled under her buds as she took in the sunlight. Once she absorbed enough, she opened them and smiled. She ran around in the garden and fell, rolling into the garden.

    "We made this small garden just to have a better scenery. We are trying our best in this town." "It is wonderful. It shows everyone that you care." The professor sat down in the garden and start studying the different types of flowers, enjoying each scent. "Now, let's see... this flower is..."
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC:: Everybody should be at the square, summoner please have your character make his way over.


    "Huh?" Michi looked down at the jolteon. "A Jolteon?" when suddenly a pokeball resting on a belt around her rest shot out a red laser with an espeon appearing.

    "There would be only one reason if you would come out willingly, Zerker... Jim!" Michi said waving over at the young trainer.

    "Michi!" The coordinator exclaimed.

    "It's ok, just get ready and I'll head backstage in a bit." Michi told the coordinator before the coordinator huffed and ran off probably backstage.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Jim laughed at Zerker's antics and smiled as Espeon came out to say hi. "Hey Michi, It's good to see you again!" Jess waved happily from atop Jim's head before going back to tapping his nose with her paw. "Hahahaha! Hey, are you going to battle this year? I heard that there may be an evolutionary stone as the grand prize and I knew I just had to compete! See, Jess had another Eevee... this time with Zerker and the little guy has a lot of energy! You should stop by and meet him sometime!"
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    OOC: Really? I didn't know. Ok. I'll do that now.

    The Professor enjoyed himself in the garden while his pokemon slept. He stood up, satisfied on his studies on the type of wildlife. "Ah. Look at the time. I am supposed to be over at the opening ceremony. Shay, Deerli, Cast, Cherri, let's go." The Professor woke them up so that the five of them can go on to the opening ceremony. He walked back inside the Pokemon Center only to catch up with Nurse Joy. He walked with Nurse Joy to the center of the town, enjoying everything that is going on.

    "After today, there will be two types of competitions. One of them will be a battle gym type tournament and the other one will be a Pokemon Contest tournament. I will be one of the judges for both of them. To me, it is a privilege." "Indeed." The two finally made it to the square, watching the crowd waiting for the ceremony to start.

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