• Square Elite
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Project Sylpheed

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Beloved, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Fun, very fun. The combat is fast, frantic, and exciting. The story somewhat cliche, but entertaining none the less. The soundtrack is techno central, but still is very appropriate for the game's space settings, and is still interesting to listen to.

    OKay, the controls will take time to get used to. And believe me when I say you'd better go straight to the Tutorial first thing. I'm glad I did. Once you get things down there, its so F'ing FUN!!!

    First thing you'll notice, are the red and blue trails following fighters.


    Okay, simple. Left and Right Bumpers are your weapons. LB is your Equipped Main Weapon, RB is your Equipped Nose Weapon, which is usually a rapid fire machine or beam gun.

    RT is to boost, LT to brake. Tap RT twice quickly, you use up shield to boost, same for LT, you shut down engines and run on inertia only. You can turn around and shoot backwards like this...cool.

    You get points at the end of each mission. You use these points in the Arsenal to develop new attachments for your Deltasaber. (your fighter)

    That's about all I can say for now...

    Xbox 360,

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