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PS3 or 360?

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIII' started by Cloudtail4ever, Nov 20, 2008.

PS3 or 360?

  1. Playstation 3

  2. Xbox 360

  1. Cloudtail4ever

    Cloudtail4ever New Member

    Which are you getting it for?
    I'm going for PS3, mainly because:
    1. It'll come out sooner, or at least they're making this one first
    2. The 360 version is going to have to be on 3 discs to meet the equivalent of 1 PS3 disc which it'll be on
    and 3. Because my brother pretty much destroyed the 360 we have :p
  2. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    I only have a PS3,so im going with that.wouldnt matter either way for me if i had both though,aslong as i got to play it
  3. Kairi10

    Kairi10 Member

    Lucky^...........ps3 of course
  4. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    No really. I consider PS3 and best console and worth to buy. Im working for it btw because FFXIII, and FFXIII versus XIII is comming for PS3 online only :p, and 360 can't.

    Even though this comment is apart of the thread, The game MAG is a online game just to show how good a ps3 is. Its a war game that holds ONE game with 256 players!!! And not even 360 can hold it, even they if they want it to... its imposible to hold. Remember, PS3 has blu-ray WOOT!.

    So, people.. If you really want a 360 JUST for Call of Duty 4, dont buy it.. the next day it can happen to you with the REd ring of death and just destroyes your 360. And youll have to wait more than 3 months so that Microsoft can fix it T_T. Might as well get PS3 that RARELY can be damaged.

    (Im going to make a Poll Here.)
  5. Cloudtail4ever

    Cloudtail4ever New Member

    PS3's are, in my opinion, the best out there for 7th gen consoles. They have the largest and strongest hard drive, are nearly impossible to break, and they play Blu Rays, DVD's, CD's, which is more than a 360 OR a Wii can do. But, that's a bit off topic here, so anyways...

    Vs.13 is only coming for online PS3 play thing? I thought it was another PS3 game itself, disc and all?
  6. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    There are pleanty of games other than CoD for xbox, which alone make it worth having..

    But i dont want to get off topic here.

    I will be getting it for my xbox :D which doesn't die overnight. Ive played mine for hours on end without it brekaing and mines a old one. They only break if you missuse it
  7. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    I'll get it for PS3, 'cos I don't have Xbox... :D
  8. Unbirth


    I like the PS3 cause its got all my favorite game generes that I love X-box has alot of good games dont get me wrong I play x-box all the time but my loyalty is with sony.
    Luke likes this.
  9. Luke

    Luke Member

    PS3. Best.
  10. The_Unknown_Master

    The_Unknown_Master New Member

    Go PS3!!!!!!!!
  11. PS3 all the wayyyyyyyy........
  12. You guys know this thread is months old right? :S
  13. worbs

    worbs New Member

    hey im a patriot lol. ps3 all the way
  14. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    6th generation was better. There was a clear winner and that was the PS2. But now, we're having troubles because there's an imbalance of games. There are more bad games than good games but in the 6th generation, you got Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy and on the PS3, nothing's been released on it yet....which makes me afraid, that Square won't release their future titles on PS3. The Wii has ruined everything, in terms of gameplay and power of the gaming market, that Sony had throughout the gaming industry. I miss the PS2 days...
    This generation has made me sad because I am a Nintendo fana nd a Sony fan and they are both being ruined by this generation; Nintendo and their less inspired games (Animal Crossing, Wii Sports, Pokemon Battle Revolution) and Sony for being thrwarted by the competition.

    PS3 for the 7th generation.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009

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