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Psychic Academy (Actual Roleplaying)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Aug 29, 2009.

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  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Bzz bzz bzzz bzzzz"The alarm clock rang as Zane was waking up"Oh Crap!!!! Mom why didn't you wake me up"Zane said as he got out the bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower.Zane had got out the shower and began putting his clothes on as fast as he could then he ran down stairs and grabbed his lunch"Bye Mom Love you see you Christmas break Zane had grabbed his suitcase and bookbag and began running to school"Im an idiot i should have gotten up for school earlier"Zane thought to himself.Zane was just arriving at the school but the Gate's were closing"Ahh Shit!!The gates are closing"Zane said to himself.Zane began to speed up.He had thrown his things through the gate's and he lunged himself through the gate's."Whew that was close"Zane said while brushing himself off.Zane had went into the Auditorium and took a seat.

    "Welcome to Psychic Academy!"The Dean had said
    "I am Dean Rorikon and these are your teachersDean Rorikon had said while introducing the other teacher's.Then the Dean Rorikon had started a Speach about the school."And remember keep your heads up and always stand your ground"Dean Rorikon had Said
    "You are dismissed"He said

    All the Student had got up and started walking towards the Dorm adivisor
    Some student already knew where there room's where some didn't

    "Hey umm im Zane Korinson"Zane said to the Dorm Advisor
    "Why Hello Zane"The Dorm advisor had said
    "Umm could You Let me Know which room is mine and what dorm im in please"Zane asked the Lady
    "Well i will see"The Dorm advisor had said and then paused "I see your in Semorion Dorm Room 91"She had Told him
    "Thank you Ma'am"Zane said while walking to his dorm
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Inida was walking towards Mina's classroom, was all caught up in technology & was playing a virtual psychic game against a computer. All of a sudden, she bumped into Zane & the game she was playing turned off on her. "OH NO! I WAS SO CLOSE TO WIN AGAINST ALTERNA THE CLOUD MAGICIAN! Now i have to start back over again!" Inida took off her glasses & saw Zane on the floor. "I'M SO SO SORRY! Are you alright?" Inida looked & saw that he's a freshman. "OH! I SEE THAT YOU'RE A FRESHMAN! Let me introduce myself. I'm Inida Itchikaki! Junior of the Psychic academy, Leader of the Nature's Purification society, Straight A student, & Leader of the Techno Commity."

    Inida then put her glasses on & started to use her psychic powers & technology to check on Zane. "Hm... let's see. Your name is Zane. Age 15. Just got appointed here as a Psychic freshman. It's very nice to meet you Zane. Do you need help with anything?"
  3. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Umm....no"Zane looked at her and then got up
    "Wow what are those glases for and how did you know my name"Zane said smiling and scratching his head.Zane examined her aura"Wow to color's yellow and purple"Zane said."You must be really strong"Zane said while he began to walk then he looked back"See ya Later India"Zane said while making his way to his dorm.Zane had just made it to his dorm room."Room 91 Zane walked in the room and set his suitcase on the bed and his bookbag on the dresser."I think i could get to like this palce Zane said smiling
  4. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Kai was walking around the school looking for his dorm. "Where is it?" He kept looking around until he saw the dorm advisor and ran up to her and said "Do you know where my dorm is?" She looked at him and said "Oh yes, Kai, your dorm is Semorion dorm 92.

    Kai then went to his dorm and found the door to his room. He then opened the door and went inside.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2009
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Inida started to use her psychic powers & started to to follow Zane. When she made it to room 91, she saw Kai. "Hello there. I think this is your next door neighbor. Have fun!" she used her powers to make the door opened by itself. "So, you've finally found your dorm. Hee hee. I'm in room 114, so let me know if you need anything. OH YEA!" Inida used her powers & took his suitcase. "How unique. Let's see. I hope you're well prepared, because you will be doing a lot here." She went through his clothes & put them back in his suitcase & then made a screen appear between them. "I think you should have a map just in case you get lost. Let me give you the necessary data."

    Inida started to type on the screen & then minimized it to the size of a regular map with the data of the school. "Now, here's the classroom, this is your dorm right here. This here's the cafeteria & this is the auditorium where you've just left from a few minutes ago. Also, there's some things you need to know, but first off, what is your aura?"
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2009
  6. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Kai layed down on his bed and kicked off his shoes. He then looked up towards the ceiling and said "Finally, I'm free from them." He then took out a picture and looked at deeply. It was a picture of his family. He then said "I'm sorry, but I can't take the stress of the family." He then got up and started unpacking. When he was all finish he then got back on his bed and fell asleep.
  7. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Zane was sitting on his bed looking around."What the India what are you doing?"Zane said then he looked around."Don't tell anyone but i have no aura"Zane said looking down scratching his head.Zane began unpacking his stuff."Wow this dorm is huge"Zane said while looking around"I think i would like it here at psychic academy"Zane said taking off his tie.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Inida started to scan him again, but was very astonished. "Wow. This is very... exciting! Yet, it's getting so blurry. I think I need to do some tests on you as to why you don't think that you don't have an aura. You're not a ghost." Inida then gave him the map. "Now follow these directions so you'll be able to go to the classroom that you need to go to. The map is AI talkative, so it's very useful. Now, what are your classes?"
  9. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    A few minutes later, Kai got up and said "That was a short nap." He then walked towards his bag and took out five metal balls. He leyd them on the bed and said "Now lets play." He then used his aura to float the balls in the air. He then brought out a sketch pad and a pencil and started drawing the image onto a piece of paper. When he was finished the balls then fell and Kai left his dorm room in search of food.
  10. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Umm haven't gotten them yet"Zane said to IndiaZane was looking at the map and began following the map to the classroom."Turn left here make a right there....ok i got it"Zane said while closing the map and making his way to the classroom. Then he was there.He looked around in amusement
  11. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    Jake walked around the school looking for his Dorm, he saw the dorm advisor and went up to her "Hi, uhm do you know where my dorm is? My name's Jacob Sterling." Jake said. "Ah yes, your in the Semorion Dorm, room 92, your roomates with a young man named Kai. "Thanks." Jake replied, he walked off to find his room. He eventually found his room and walked in and saw Kai's stuff on his bed. Jake started unpaking.
  12. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Kai kept searching for a place to eat. He kept looking around until he saw a cafeteria. He then went inside to grab some food. He grabbed a bag of chips, a can of soda and started going back to his dorm room. Once he went iniside, he saw a stranger and calmly said "Who are you?"
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Inida kept on following him. "How can you not know what's your classes are?! They should already give you your assinged classes." Inida started to smile & made a big screen appear between the two of them. "Let's see... the school database should be right..." Inida was hacking through the school's class arrangement to make a copy of Zane's classes. "Ok. All I have to do is to do this & that &... there!" Inida then made a big paper come out & she minimized it to fit in Zane's hands. "Let's see. Your classes are... GASP! You have two classes with me! One of them is with Mina, which you're suppose to have after your water class! I know where the water classes are! FOLLOW ME!"

    Inida grabbed Zane & started to float in the air. "
    [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif]Mističen tolči , izročiti mi hitrost umreti nagel všeč biti hitrost od blisk!" Inida's shoes thens tarted to glow bright pink & it's almost as if she's acting like a rocket & with Zane in her hands, she started to go fly real fast to the water department.
  14. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    "Uhh, i'm your roommate..." Jake replied pulling a face. "So...You know anything about your Aura Power? Like what it is..?" Jake asked walking to his bed. He sat down on it and saw a dagger mounted on the wall. "Whoa sweet!" He said. He used his powers to pick up the dagger and brought it closer to him. He took it into his hands. "Wow, this thing is sweet." Jake said looking at the dagger
  15. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!What the"Zane said as they took off Zane looked at her "what is water class" Zane said to her.Then Zane looked down at the ground"Wow we are going pretty fast"Zane said while getting ready to jump.Then Zane saw that a tall builgind was coming up"Look out India!"Zane said looking at the building that was coming up
  16. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    "Yes it is." Kai then used his powers to summon the dagger to his hand. "I see you are a silver." He then spun the dagger in the air put it on his bed and said "Hi, I'm Kai." "My whole name is Kai Kurustuchi." He then took out his right hand and said "So roomie, what is you name."
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2009
  17. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    "Jacob Sterling. Jake for short." Jake said. He walked to a window and looked out the window. "You know anything about a buisness called Sterling Co.?" Jake asked turning around looking at Kai
  18. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Kai looked at him and said "Yeah." He then went to this sketchpad and sat on his bed. He then said "Now I know you." "You are the heir to the Sterling Co." He then opened his sketchpad again and took out his pen. He then started drawing the next thing that would be a good sketch. A drawing of Jacob by the window.
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Oh don't start to worry. THIS IS A ACADEMY!" Inida started to fly even faster & then started to smile. "[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif]Teren" The whole ground started to shake & a earthquake had started, making the building crumble. "Hee hee! See! It's very very easy! no reasons to worry at all! Well, there should be some worries for those who actually use psychic magics." Inida kept on flying with Zane in her hands & the room started to be bright sky blue with a lot of sea creatures within the wall. "HERE WE ARE! The water department!" Inida kept on flying so fast until she stopped in front of a classroom door. "Here you are!"
  20. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Zane went into the classroom"So this is the water department"Zane said while looking around"So what do we actually do in here anyways"Zane said while scratching his head.Then Zane started to walk towards the podium then to the desk."Just like regular school....i thought it would be some type of psychic desk"Zane said.Zane sat in a chair and waited for class to start
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