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Random Acts of Kindness

Discussion in 'General' started by Kitty, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    As the title suggests, describe an instance of someone performing an act of kindness for you. Or, I suppose, you could also describe a kind act you oversaw someone doing for someone else, or even one you've done for someone else. Just something to remind us that with all the craziness out there, there are still good people out there. These acts can be as big or as little as you'd like.


    Something that very recently happened to me- I went to the car wash (one of those self-serve ones, not an automatic drive-through one) the other day with my dirt magnet vehicle, and the older gentleman ahead of me put more money into the machine after he was done with his car and paid for me to wash mine, too. And I was so not expecting that, and it was something little, but it brightened my day.
  2. Luke

    Luke Member

    One time a lady who was ahead of me in a drivethrough paid for my friend and i's breakfast. Was v nice.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I was out to eat with my mom, and the woman in front of us at the cash register turned around and gave us the gift card she'd been using. We got half our check free thanks to what was left on it, which was pretty awesome.
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I can't be certain, since I had my headphones on at the time, but I'm pretty sure the other day, when I went out for a jog, a few kids across the street along my route were cheering me on. At least, that was what it sounded like through the sound of my music in my ears. Even if they were actually making fun of me, all I could hear was encouragement, and it really helped keep me going. Damn near ran a straight 3 miles without stopping or slowing to a walk that evening. It felt amazing. Gonna get out for another one tomorrow.

    In general, it's always great when you get out to exercise and the people you pass along the way acknowledge you in a positive way, like when I'm walking and someone else gives me a friendly nod. It's like hearing a "good job."
  5. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    My mom was so excited to tell me that the person in front of her at the drive through. Had paid for her meal and the meal of the car behind her. Then she stated that she would used the money that she didn't spend to bless someone else, in which, I extended my hand only to be denied! I wish someone would pay my meal! :/

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