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Rant and Rave

Discussion in 'General' started by Angel, May 9, 2014.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I just need to vent a little. Since the forum needs a little activity, this is a win-win. So basically, you just post about whatever that is urking you at the moment.

    I'm taking my Final, for this perspective class, online. The Final is 25% of my grade. I'm making decent grades already, so decent an "A" is guaranteed in this class. I go to save all my responses and none saves. I try the button so many times nothing loads or confirms that it saves. I exit the test and re-enter it. All of my short answers are empty. I have ten minutes remaining to answer 34 questions of short answer that took me an hour and fifty minutes to write. I didn't finished. I submitted what I had, basically half-butt answers that I frantically typed up.

    Finals are pretty cut-throat and are only made up in case a student is in a university event like baseball. My professor is out of town so she won't reply to my email today and grades are due Monday. I'm literally about to explode. I would hate for something that I worked so hard in to be taken away in one fell swoop. Ugh!!!

    Now, I will drown my sorrows with a variety of Popsicles and watch the entire third season of LOST! And no one is going to stop me. ^_^
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Bumping because I hate the assumption that women of a certain age need to have children, or even that being a woman automatically means that you want children. Someone asked me the other day how old I was, and then was all *disbelief* "And you don't have kids? You better get started." And I already thought she was a bitch anyway, but this made me really wanna punch her. Yes, I'm 28. No, I don't want kids now, or any time soon. Yes, this is true even though a lot of the girls around here have nothing better to do and have kids while still in high school. Or better yet, have kids so they can get the tax credits. Ugh.

    Plus, fuck her for making the statement like that anyway. For all she knew, I could have been trying and had miscarriages or have some sort of illness or something and couldn't have children whether I wanted to or not. Way to be considerate!

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