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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Cameron, Jul 11, 2009.

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  1. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Hey. I wasn't going to make a thread to here first but it's the same, I've got nothing interesting to do anyways.

    So yeah, some of you may have noticed me in the Debates -section, so it's obvious that I'm a person who loves to argue about current affairs and so. I was a huge fan of the Kingdom Hearts series few years ago, but even that I am not anymore doesn't really mean that I wouldn't know anything of the game. I know a lot of it, still.

    My music taste is between metal and my own language hip-hop, I don't really like the artists that come from U.S.

    Oh well, guess that's enough. Ask if you want.
  2. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Yay Metal!
    Metal of today or metal of the past? Or maybe even both =]

    Welcome by the way, I have seen you around the debate forum. I do enjoy reading other peoples opinions on certain matters to get real facts instead of media propaganda.
    Hope to see you around more often =]
  3. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    heyy and welcome ^^
  4. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Actually both, but I don't realy listen that what we call it... "radio-crap", as I would say. In example, SOAD was a band that I listened but Serj Tankian's solo-career was such a horrible example of what media can do to artist when they get a lots, a lots of money. So both, as in example, older Anthrax is very good and the newer one sucks, and from the newer bands, Gojira is a very good example of the new metal bands that gain success without too much media. Had to repair my text, because Napalm Death is one of the older bands. But it's a fact that their new music is very good.

    And yeah, it's quite good to see always new, fresh and honest words from some persons when they arrive to a forum, as I've been a moderator in one forum for years and there hasn't really been anything to talk about, or let's say just that there hasn't really been anything that you can argue about when you something media-shit onto your back.

    thanks for the welcome, and thanks to ninja-vengeance too. (Your nick is quite... odd. Oh, anyways, not in the bad matter.)
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  5. kirairiato

    kirairiato New Member

    welcome to the ofrums XDXDXD
    *eats cheese*...........
  6. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Okay... thanks, I think?
  7. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Yay! Somebody who is as critical on mainstream music as I am! Granted, I don't like certain. . . branches of metal, such as heavy or black metal. *Shudders at screaming into the mike*
    Welcome aboard!
  8. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    But lets say that the random screaming into the mike, it's really hard to sing like that for like three minutes! One of the few metal bands which I listen are Burzum and Keep of Kalessin, because even of the screaming voice, the guys of the bands (really pointing this to Burzum, it's a solo project of Varg Vikernes [or whatever his name is] and the guy is a real genius when it comes to composing!) are real geniuses.

    And yeah, mainstream music just sucks. And thanks also!
    Moogle likes this.
  9. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Hello nosecap!! I hope you're having a great time on this forum ^^... It's nice to have someone on the debate forum and who likes metal music :3 *Glomples*
  10. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Welcome. I hope you have a great time here!:D
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Hey there! Welcome to the site! I'm Kairi Star, PM or VM me if you need help. also check out the rules and guide. I hope to see you active! :)
  12. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Thanks also for the newer posters of this thread.
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