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Reaction Commands.

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Zerieth, Jan 8, 2010.

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  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I actually thought that while they did give you more you could in a fight, reaction commands were over powered. So my question is, would the game have been better off without reaction commands? Of so, do you think that aside from fights were you have to use it, could you play the game without them and still have a good shot at winning.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I agree that reaction commands were overpowered. I used them without ever really giving them a thought, and battles like that 1000 heartless one should have been harder than they were.

    But that being said, I still liked having them. They added a little variety to my standard mash-the-attack-button/cure-when-needed "strategy". So no, I don't think the game would have been better without them, though they did make things a little too easy at times. As to your last question, I can't remember how integral reaction commands were to the fighting. >_< I would say that against the usual random nobodies, you wouldn't need to use them. And probably some of the bosses could be beaten without using the triangle button, as well. I guess someone could probably manage to fight their way through the entire game only using the reaction commands when the game forces them. I wouldn't try it myself, though.
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I consider most of them useless. I find that the best one against regular enemies is the one that shoots out a laser beam. Less than five of those, and the 1000 heartless fight is over :D

    As for using reaction commands though, I prefer when they are against bosses. Some of them look pretty cool (Albeit nigh impossible, Sora cutting through buildings with a single rush and swing).
  4. Riku_of_twilight

    Riku_of_twilight The ***** splitter

    I loved the reaction commands. They gave a whole new way into the fighting experience.
  5. Crimson

    Crimson New Member

    As people above have said, the 1000 Heartless battle was easy as heck with the Reaction Commands. The game didn't have much challenge because of them.
    Still, I wouldn't want to take them out. They made fighting more interesting, when you waited and wondered if the Triangle symbol appeared. The fights were more flashy with all the cool moves, too. 8D
    Instead of abandoning the Reaction Commands, their effect could be reduced, so that the opponent won't die as easily after executing the Command. Don't know if that would help much, but it's a suggestion. xD;;
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2010
  6. The Reaction Commands were simply decoration to have the player feel more awesome then they already were as Sora. I just think they shouldn't have been so strong. I wanted the game to have a KHI kind of difficulty were you actually had to try to when a match with an enemy.
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