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READ........ or I will burn you...

Discussion in 'General' started by shadoweddestroyer, Jan 27, 2009.

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  1. Ok, so most of you probably have no idea what's going on with that title of mine...

    Heck for all I know none of you do...

    But I have to say this...

    If you don't like swearing at all, are under 14, or just horrible things please don't read any further. I'll explain everything to everyone else before I put the reason for this thread.

    Ok, so there I am minding my own freakin' business, when I get an e-mail. Subject: LOLOLOLOLOLOL DICK!!!!!!!!

    So I open it, thinking it from one of my friends as a joke. Now I'd like to stop here and explain why I'm posting this on here.

    Aside from my friends, there are 5 sites where I have my e-mail active on my user-page. This is one of them. I don't use anything like Myspace etc which otherwise would have been most likely.

    I didn't know this e-mail, and I've given all my friends 'the stern' - the look when they know I really mean it. All of them said it wasn't them, and I believe them because this was quite simply disgusting.

    Instead of a joke I got this (C&P except on the swears which I have used the miracle of *):

    "lol hi dik had ur mum last night was well gd luv her yum yum anal blechng wana hve big big luv 2 u as wel lolololol gimme gimme lololololol s*** all ovr ur sord tho but f*** f*** watevr.

    cya rond msg me bck asap or ill cut ur f****** bo****** of an fed thm 2 ma golphish"

    If this was you, stop. That was my point. Ive posted this exact same message on all these sites. Admins feel free to delete it if you deem it stupid... I don't particularly blame you. Sorry if this was one of the 4 sites that it wasn't from, because this is disgusting and I shouldn't have to do this at all...........

    Just don't.




    (Sorry again if this site is innocent.)
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    that's demented. whoever did that has no respect for themselves or anyone else.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Well the site itself does not send those mesaages. The only questions are is did you ever lend it out to anyone, plus do you have it where other members can view your email. I can gaurantee you it was not the site nor should it be any forums site, the site when it sends email it is ran by a computer not the staff not the admin, in fact I don't even think TD can see your email unless you have that option where the staff can see your email. The only thing I can say was random spam mail. Lately I've been getting alot of it, mainly pills and stuff, it's stupid all I can say is send a nasty email back to that person and delete it or show it even to your parents. I sent a nasty email to the pill people, haven't gotten anymore messages in a while.
  4. fishy smells

    fishy smells Member

    I totally agree with Kairi Star and King Of Darkness
    That guy is such an f---er
    I like you! You're AWESOME
  5. I haven't got another since they sent that one, so hopefully it was a random flame. Provided I don't get another by Sunday I don't think removing my e-mail is neccessary.

    And thanks Fishy :D
  6. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective


    Found it funny, I would be more careful with spelling and grammar if it were me. Just do the same thing back, hand out the email to spam sites, see how much this person likes viagra.
  7. Ah Pulse, your ideas are legendary my man. xD
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