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Redemption & Rebirth RP OOC & S.U.

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Haresuno, Mar 10, 2009.

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  1. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    I have to thank Kupo for this RP. It was because of Kupo that I joined an RP called "Perfection & Death." Unfortunatly it died and I want to bring it back. Similar story line idea but entirely different RP.

    STORY: It's the opening year of a elite privite school. All thats known about the school is there taking in elite students from around the world. The true reasons however remain confidential.

    The school is located somewhere in European mountains.

    After two years, the school has already split into two main cliques. The exclusive "Perfections" -the best looking and some of the smartest in the school(theres only 6 members, first come first serve)- and the "Base" Group, the nerdiest and yet the super-smartest in the school (6 in this group as well.)

    The two groups rival each other in the smallest of things. Yet they continue to out do the other in contests and events.

    Its now the third year of the school. Students from previous years were not allowed to return home.

    Four years ago in China a dark portal has opened, letting out "Avatars". Avatars are typically giant battling monsters that can shape shift into humans. Some Avatars have even become humans, others possess them.

    Anyone whose characters under 16 is in first year. NO ONE UNDER 16

    As of yet Avatars are only known of to few.

    character template

    Age: (anything between 16 and 20 unless you're a teacher)
    Year: (1st 16yrs-17 , 2nd 17yrs-18 , 3rd 18yrs-19, 4th 19-20yrs)
    Previous school:
    Looks: (picture preferred)
    Avatar looks: (each character may have 1 avatar they they shape shift into, must somewhat resemble the character)
    Avatar height:
    Avatar skill: (flying, speed, strength)
    Avatar critical: (special technique your avatar uses.)

    No one liners
    No Mary-sues
    No GM/PC
    Limit to playable characters -2-
    Standard other RP rules apply.

    Haresuno - Belal
    Kairu - Martes
    Desert Warrior - Tom
    Graceful - Leon

    Haresuno - Vladimir
    Curtis - William
    Silvertrump - Krad
    Zeronus - Christian
    Name: Belal Mevorisk (Bell-all Meev-or-risk)
    Age: 17
    Year: 2nd
    Previous school: St. Agustine Adept Private High
    History: Having gone to St. Agustine, the third most pristine private school known, and passed with top grades, Belal doesn't think little of himself and does what he wants. He sticks his nose into others business when he gets curious and then makes it his business so they can't tell him to leave.
    Personality: Laid back with a self arrogant attitude.
    Looks: [​IMG]
    Clique: Perfections
    Avatar looks: [​IMG]
    Avatar height: 7'11"
    Avatar skill: Flight + speed
    Avatar critical: Dance of Heavenly Wings ~ Avatars wings begin to lose feathers. The feathers get caught up into a whirling scythe. To replace the feathers of the once angelic looking wings, now bear, skin covers them making them demonic. The feathers then crystalize around the scythe once it stops spinning, and making it almost a pure white, gigantic scythe. Once this is in effect, he only has about five minutes to use the scythe against his enemy before he reverts.

    Name:Vladimir Corbec
    Age: 16
    Year: 1st
    Previous school: Egdenburges High School England
    History: Having grown up in a public school surrounding, & joined their fencing/kendo/ju-jitsu club, he learned to focus himself and control his temper which had been out of control in recent years. He learned how selfish he had been and felt the need to give back, so he set out doing charity work and fixed his manners. Now he ranks number two in kendo, number five in fencing, and number two for ju-jitsu in his old high school. Setting records and breaking old ones, but never going to high. He often help others train to achieve the higher spots and is content with here he is. One day he recieved a letter with no addressed name, but it was his house address on the front. When he opened the letter to find an invatation to a very pristine school he knew it had been for his brother Icarus. When he handed the letter to his brother, he declined and told Vladimir that he should go and do something for himself for once. Reluctantly he agreed.
    Personality: Giving, hardworking, and polite.
    Looks: [​IMG]
    Clique: Base
    Avatar looks: [​IMG]
    Avatar height: 40 meters
    Avatar skill: Speed, hand to hand combat, Force field.
    Avatar critical: True beast ~ Releasing all of his negitive emotions he begins to go berserk. Seven swords of pure black spring out of its body where it can utilize them for combat. The swords break after a single swing and he returns to normal. If there are is no negitive emotion berserk can not become active, in which case avitar is only active for six minutes. That time is reduced in berserker mode due to enhanced speed and strength double of regular avatars. The strain otherwise would be too much.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2009
  2. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Name: Martes

    Age: 18

    Year: 3rd

    Previous school: St. Ebony's elite

    History: In his final year at Ebonies he recived a invitation to the school. He didn't want to go orginally, as he didn't want to do another year of school when he should be finished. Until he heard of the elite fencing team, Martal arts team and Ancient combat team. He's the schools reining champion fighter.

    Personality: Cool, Calm and collect.

    Looks: [​IMG]

    Click: Neither but prefers Perfection.

    Avatar looks:

    Avatar height:

    Avatar skill:

    Avatar critical:

    Avatar will be explained as the story progresses.
  3. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Thank you for crediting me and i hope the roleplay goes well for you.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  4. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    It was your idea originally. I like the RP and was sad it didn't make it. I credited you because it was yours and it was only right.

    Thank you Kupo.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I remember joining Kupo's original one. I'll try to put as much as I can remember.

    Name: Tom

    Age: 17

    Year: 2nd

    Previous school: Frazier Mountain High School

    History: Tom grew up in a small mountain community. He always excelled in school, and got kinda bored with it. Then one day he got a letter from a school he never heard of. It described that it had some of the smartest people from around the world, so Tom decided to join it.

    Personality: He is kind, but has an ego. He likes to mess around, but doesn't always know when too much is. He tends to hurt those close to him when he goes to far, and he hates it when he does. He questions why he does those things, and as a result, he thinks that he is insane (not the same way as the people in straightjackets).

    Looks: [​IMG]

    Click: Perfections

    Avatar looks: [​IMG]

    Avatar height: 100 meters (That is how tall Godzilla actually is. He could be shorter if you want him to be)

    Avatar skill: Martial Arts. Thick skin. Healing factor (If it is allowed). Shooting beams of radiation (Unless that isn't allowed).

    Avatar critical: Nuclear radiation pulse - Avatar glows and nuclear radiation is surging out from the body. When the glowing stops, Tom is standing there, outside of the Avatar form.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2009
  6. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    If you need your original character information -excluding pics- click on the link in my sig that says "Belal Mevorisk"

    Also as far as rooming goes, 1st years will go with 1st years, 2nd years with 2nd years, and so on and so forth. Teachers will have their own rooms.

    If there are not enough people so everyone will pair up evenly, then whoever is left will have to create another character to play. It doesn't have to be an offical character, just one you either mention now and again, or w.e.

    The school does have a dress code. Males must wear the standard black coat over a dark green vest with a white dress shirt underneath that. The coat, as well as the vest, have the school's insigna on it. A golden shield cut into four pieces. In the top right corner is a lions head with its mouth gaping. In the bottom left part is a crimson arrow -if anyone feels like creating a pic for it go a head XD-. Pants are black as well and look formal. Females have the same top but wear a black skirt that comes down to near their knees.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2009
  7. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Could I join this?
  8. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Don't see why not. But I warn you I will be strict on the RP rules.

    Don't forget that the OOC section for this RP is here for a reason. Gotta question ask. Confused, ask.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Okay, thanks. I got everything now.
  10. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    <.< Dunncha think the nuclear radiation think might be a little harmful if we fought in a city?
  11. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Beams I don't mind, but nuclear ... That one I'm not too sure about.
  12. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but if he's that big, I don't think it will make much of a difference.
  13. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Destroy the people and the land?
    Destroy people?

    Lets just keep with the people


    <_____< that sounded horrible. el-oh-el
  14. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Before we can start the RP I want to have at least three of both the Base and the Perfections.
  15. Leon Pastilli, Cronos Infernus. . .

    Name: Leon Pastilli

    Age: 16

    Year: 1st

    Previous school: University of Detroit Jesuit High School & Academy

    History: Ever since Leon got into the first grade, he was always the shining star of his class. His grades seemed to be very simple A's and B's that any child his age would get. However, he had a gift called "Cronos Infernus." Cronos Infernus gave him the ability to have a total control over fire. His father Marchio Pastilli was a very powerful man that gave Leon his back bone in the world.

    Through Leon's wealth line and highly inhuman 250+ I.Q., he's been accepted to the most elite private school. Even though he does have the intelligence, he is a very sociable boy.

    Personality: Kind, outgoing, very impulsive, good with words, however he does have a temper but not much of one, he also can start some things.

    Looks: [​IMG]

    Clique: Perfection

    Avatar looks: [​IMG]

    Avatar height: 5'11

    Avatar skill: Inhuman speed, strength, intelligence, endurance, and pyrokenisis.

    Avatar critical: The "Cronos Infernus" also has some form of Pyrokenisis. While time still moves forward, the avatar can still use the after effects of the move to increase the speed and power of the flames. The avatar can "zoom in" and "zoom out" on the target. The avatar has inhuman dexterity.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  16. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Name: William Johnson
    Age: 16
    Year: 2nd
    Previous school: Home Schooled
    History: Was sent to the school last year because he was a child genius. He was at the school for two weeks when his grandparents dissappeared. His parents were killed when he was ten in a car crash, Will being the only survivor of the crash.
    Personality: Kind and Caring but a short temper.
    Looks: [​IMG] This but brown hair
    Clique: Base
    Avatar looks: Same as normal but has two longswords and hair is darker.
    Avatar height: Normal
    Avatar skill: Fire, Ice, Flight, Strength
    Avatar critical: A cyclone of fire and ice, comes out when his temper reaches it's peak.
  17. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Okay guys I'm not gunna be on the site for a day or so. I've gatta take a trip to GA and I don't know when I'll be able to get on a comp.
  18. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Name: Krad Erictov
    Age: 15
    Year: 1st
    Previous School: Online School (that's the truth)
    History: A teen who lose his parents. He lived in house with his cruel stepmother. He actually genius but because his stepparents problem, he looked like an idiot boy.
    Personality: Looked like dumb, but actually genius
    Clique: Base
    Avatar Looks:
    Avatar Height: About 67 meters
    Avatar Skills: Flying, Freezing Breath and bite, and Immune to Fire and Ice.
    Avatar Critical: Glacial Blizzard, releasing blizzard and froze the ground. Then he summoned ice crystals from above and hit enemies that frozen.
  19. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Okay, Silver you're accepted. Grace your character shouldn't have his abilities as a child due to the phanomina is just starting. Also you're avatars abilities "Inhuman speed, strength, intelligence, endurance, pyrokenisis, and total control over memories." I don't mind the inhuman speed and strength because the avatars are not human. The intelligence is understandable because outside his avatar form his brilliant, but please choose either pyrokenisis or memory control.
  20. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Also, Grace, think up of something to make your character more human please. Maybe a terminal illness or something?

    Anyways I think we only need a few more people.
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