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Redemption's Side (OOC/Accompanying/Discussion Thread)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by FON, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Redemption's Side


    Something that lies within this world. We feel it in emotions, memories, anywhere. It stays with us. It's what makes our lives miserable. Some try to avoid it, some love the sounds of screams.


    What makes people whole. Someone they know they can lean on, someone to know cares for them, and they care back. It's the most powerful of emotions, they say love conquers all but... This world has changed...

    Fighting Pain

    Welcome to Ari, a kingdom that was peaceful, guarded by the light, separating it from the shadowy world. But darkness slithered its way to the throne, slowly killing the ruler by its lethal poison, causing anger and pain, something the people never experienced. The feelings, we're uncomfortable, but to some, it brought pleasure. The kingdom was cast into shadows, consuming every bit of light it could. All was lost... Or so they thought. A guard stormed away from the castle, a babe in his hands as he ran away from the downfall of the kingdom he protected. However, this guard was killed, the babe wrapped in cloth rolled out of his hands and rolled down a hill, to the door step, of a woman.

    It has been 17 years since Ari fell, the dark King and Queen rule the land. They made the Kingdom suffer with their wrath and the pain they inflicted upon them, laughing with joy, knowing they were on top.

    But the pure babe was gone, and had turned into a young, beautiful lady with the last pure heart left in the world. Little does she know her destiny will change the fate of Ari, and the world.

    The Locations:


    The kingdom that was the last source of light in the world, now has become corrupted like the rest of it. It was once a beautiful place, with the buildings and the castle being made of ivory, steel and iron, this beautiful Kingdom was what symbolized hope that light still existed in the world. Now, the kingdom has been covered with darkness, barbed vines grow and bind the buildings and the castle, the water has become dirty and poisoness, no longer clear and clean, the people are paler, as the sun never shines anymore, but insted a black sky with a yellow moon, the castle now looks like a monster, gate and drawbridge are like it mouth and eyes, looking for prey to bring into a world of pain, torment and wrath, and the castle is now known as Black Hell.

    The Forest Lands:

    The people of Ari know not of the lands outside their kingdom, except dakrness looms over it. The outside world, or the Forest Lands are filled with humans, mystical creature and fairies, and many small towns. It is own known what else lies ahead besides the green, these lands are uncharted by the Arins, leaving them scared of the unknown. However, the King and Queen came from the Forest Lands, meaning dangerous and powerful beings lurk there as well.

    The Blue:

    The oceans surrounding the Forest lands and Ari are referred as The Blue, giver he water cloaks the rest of the word with a calm, relaxing blue color. It is said that The Blue leads to another land, but this is thought be a legend, and that it is not fully true.

    Cast of characters:


    -The Pure One (The girl): The only pure one left in the world, it is her destiny to return Ari back into a kingdom of light, unaware of her role. (Open)
    -Inhuman boy: A boy who is not alive, yet lives, a paradox of sorts. Born without a heart, he is tied to the Pure one as one of her guardians:(Zacax: Zechali)
    -The half man, half beast: Annoutcast to the humans, he is tied to the Pure one as her other guardian. (Open)
    -The mystical one: A mystical being who is the destined teacher for the Pure one, to aid her in skills needed to save Ari. (Destiny ())
    -The Former Shadow: Brother and last Guardian to the Pure One, with the powers to control te darknes, to use it against the darkness. (Rush Ransom (BK))

    The Shadows:

    -The King of Wrath and Suffering: The King of the now corrupted Kingdom of Ari, he rules with his Queen as they slowly purge the world into total darkness. (Zexius Obuda (RoxasZ4))
    -The Queen of Ruin and Pain: The queen to the new King, together they plan to destroy the light and conquer the world and shift it to their own image. (Summoner; ???)
    -The Knight of Darkness: The personal guardian of both the King and Queen. (BK; Abbadon)
    -The minions of the Shadows: Open, several can be minions.

    Before you join, you must make a profile template, and it must be accepted. All mythological species (Minus gods, demigods, deities) and humans are allowed. Remember to not OP or make a Mary Sue (They only exception can be the Pure One)

    Apperance: (Either picture or description)
    Tools and Weapons:
    Powers and Gifts:
    Theme (Optional)

    All KHPlanet RP rules applied.

    Have fun! I will post my OC after someone posts. ​
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2012
  2. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    This sounds very intriguing can I save a spot for the pure one?
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Of course, just make a template for her.

    Anyways, my PC template

    Name: Zechali
    Gender: Male
    Age: 2 (His appearance makes people thinks he is 15)
    Role: Inhuman boy
    Species: Half man half machine.

    Zechali is very lanky and skinny in appearance, with shaggy brown hair, slightly spiked, one green eye, and pale white skin. His torso is made of bronze, in fact his skeleton is made of bronze metallic limbs, with artificial skin covering it made by magic. His body is runner by gears and magic, with a giant cog coming out of his back, his right arm has no skin, showing its compeltly mechanical bones and armor, that has a sword that can come out, his lower left leg has no skin either, showing themechanical limbs as well. He wears a pair of torn tan pants, the left pant stops at the knee, the other at the foot, wears a torn red shirt with black sleeves, and gold trimming on the armholes, and bottom part of the shirt, with the cog coming through the shirt, is barefooted, and wears a pair of copper goggles on his head.


    Zechali is very innocent minded, an very curious. He often treats everything with either interest or being afraid, or even both, seeing as he only existed in the world for two years, he has much to learn, dispite him being built to be really intelligent. He may have been built for combat as well, giving his blade and his sudden change to being aggressive in a fight. He doesn't really take a found interest in magic, and tries to find out how it works.

    Tools and Weapons: Has an arm blade that can come out of his right arm.


    Zechali was made by an inventor and a wizard, a project to make mechanical humanoid beings to be more advanced than humans, and perform more dangerous tasks. Zechali was born without a heart or nervous system, and soon became self aware due to the magic. He ran away and started to live in a junkyard, near the castle of Ari. He lives there, being alone and fixing his body when it begins to fall apart.

    He wants to feel love, happiness, and even if it means he has to feel pain, anger and misery, he wants a heart, so he can become a full human, and feel like he can fit in, something an inventor and wizard can't create.

    Powers and Gifts: Super human strength, quick learning, adapting, ability to repair himself.

    Theme: The Clockyard by Abney Park
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2012
  4. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    Name:* Zexius Obuda

    Gender: male

    Age: 21

    Role: king of wrath and suffering

    Apperance: [​IMG]

    Personality: Zexius is a very wise man. he never lets emotion get in his way even tho it may seem as if he has no emotions. he is a quite person mainly speaking when needed.

    History: The last king of suffering and pain was Zeon Obuda. He was Zexius Obudas father. Zeon was killed when Zexius was at the young age of 16. being only 16 years old Zexius became king of suffering and pain. He devoted his life to it. He was consumed with darkness and rage do to the killing of his father. He sets out to conquer the worlds leaving nothing but suffering and pain behind him. He searching for the lights last hope The PURE ONE.

    tools and weapons- Two same length katana's and a large sword that rezembales the buster blade

    powers and gifts- Very fast speed/ very agile, can summon the power of darkness( shadows of people around come from the ground build of darness to assist zexius in battle, does small damage good for distreactions)
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2012
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Yea sure you can
  6. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    soo what do you think
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Pretty good.

    My only critique is the grammar.

    Other than that, approved, remeber to use proper grammar and spelling in posting :)
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2012
  8. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Rush Ransom



    Former Minion of the Shadows (Went Rogue)



    Generally very dark and anti-social, rarely opening up to anyone and keeping to himself, he has not forged a single bond with another living being. He believes that having anyone he cares for will simply carry him down and leave him empty-handed.

    Raised by servants of the Shadows he was born into a life of violence, he himself used to enjoy killing and was known as "No Heart Ransom". This period of his life however, soon ended when he found out he was the brother of the last pure heart, this effected his decisions and he began to kill less and less until he decided that he would fight for the light and do his best to atone for his sins. He tried once to kill Zexius but ultimately failed and escaped to search for the one pure heart who he vows to protect with his life.

    Tools and Weapons:




    Powers and Gifts:
    He controls light and darkness, manipulating it into blasts and shock-waves that could kill instantly depending on the enemy, he could also infuse light and darkness into bullets which can pierce even the strongest armor. Other than these techniques he was the fastest minion of the Shadows and has only gotten faster since then, arguably the fastest being in Ari. He is also an expert tactician, marksman, and swordsman capable of almost inhuman feats.

    Theme :
    Secret and Whisper - Spider Besider - YouTube
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2012
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Hmm....very interesting.

    I approve, I'd like to see how this plays out.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I'm On my phone but can I save the mystical one spot. I'm assuming it can be either female or male, or would you prefer one over the other(so I can plan the character)
  11. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Of course. The mystical one can be of either gender.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    will edit later

    Name: Avila
    Gender: female
    Age: 18
    Role: mystical one
    Anime elf image by _Sweety-Psycho_X3 on Photobucket
    Personality: Avila is a wise young woman. She is very intelligent, and cares for her people and the woods. She will assist anybody who ask her for her assistance and has good intentions.
    History: Avila is the daughter of the chief of the woodland elves as well as a runaway sorceress. Her mother escaped the kingdom before being conquered for she foresaw the dangers and though she warned the people of the kingdom nobody believed her so she ran off to defend herself. When escaping she met the young chief of a tribe of woodland elves. The young chief's father had just passed away and he had taken over, however he had no wife. Though the chief had no true intentions of the sorceress becoming his wife the two did fall in love and wed several months later. After their wedding they would have their own child who would act as the heir to the chief. A beautiful little elvin girl was born and the young elf girl possessed great powerful magic stronger than any elf and even her mother's magic. She was a mystical wonder and beauty that her parents knew many would desire to be in her present as she would age older, so they named her Avila.

    Avila was taught magic and wisdom from both her mother and taught further elf wisdom, knowledge, and how to fight from her father. Upon her 16th birthday she was recognized as the "Mystical One in the Woods". Shortly after that her mother passed away at the age of 78, quite young for a sorceress but her mother was part human. Her father an elf at the age of 134(still quite young for an elf for elves live to be 200 years old) was upset of the passing but is thankful to have his beautiful young daughter in memory of his beloved wife.

    Avila and her people live beyond the dark woods in the mystical portion of the woods. They live in an encampment that their homes are built into, on and around large old tree which their trunks are a mile long.
    (addition may be added to history based on other roles and appearance image)
    Tools and Weapons:
    A magic staff belonging to her mother she recieved at 16
    A dagger created by her father for her, she gained it when she began to learn how to fight at 8 years old(minus the tassel)

    Powers and Gifts:
    Mystical Powers of the Sorceress- magic sorcery
    Elf Magic- Powerful healing magic, ability to predict events in nature, ability to speak to all creatures
    Theme Lord of the Rings Theme Song - YouTube
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2012
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    can you explain the roles? i don't exactly know what they are supposed to be

    The Pure One (The girl): Open im assuming thats the young girl
    -Inhuman boy: Zechali (Zacax)
    -The half man, half beast: Open
    -The mystical one: Open
    -The Former Shadow: Rush Ransom (BK)

    The Shadows:

    -The King of Wrath and Suffering: Zexius Obuda (RoxasZ4)
    -The Queen of Ruin and Pain: Open
    -The Knight of Darkness: Open
    -The minions of the Shadows: Open, several can be minio
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Well two things,

    1) Thank you or pointing the fact I forgot to add descriptions to the rolls

    2) I'll re edit the roles on the home page here in a sec, thanks for the reminder.
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    i'll take the spot of Half man half beast.
  16. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Alright then, and I just added the discriptions to TE roles to help you with your template.
  17. RoxasZ4

    RoxasZ4 New Member

    when do you think this is going to start?
  18. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Once we find a black knight and queen I'll post the page.
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Well its 3 am and i'm sleepy so i'll have my temp up tomorrow for the half man half beast.
  20. .Leggo

    .Leggo New Member

    Name: Ezzie Messer
    Gender: Female
    Role: The Pure One
    Apperance: [​IMG]
    Personality:She is a quiet and conserved person, but if you get to know her she becomes very bubbly and happy. She always puts her friends before herself no matter what situation.
    History: She grew up with a very normal life, she helped her mother around the house, had lots of friends she played with when she was little, and even trained with a bow and arrow her whole life. But as she grew up she noticed she was different, in some sort of way she just didn't feel the same as the other kids around. The people in her town would whisper things and even her mother started behaving strangley towards her. Now she is mostly quiet and she keeps to herself.
    Tools and Weapons:[​IMG]
    Powers and Gifts: Extremely good aim and agility. I tihnk i might wait until the story starts for the rest of her powers since she doesn't really know about who she really is yet.

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