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released maybe?????

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by shewbeeshewbee29-111, Jul 30, 2008.

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  1. ok so like first of all do they even sell the kingdom hearts final mixes in the united states. ive all ways wondered that.. and second of all i was doin some reading and by some of the stuff i read it seems like the new kingdom hearts 3 is all ready out there in japan..... do yall think that could be possible???????:confused:
    what do yall think

    i mean come on do we know when it will be released here in the united states
    because as we all know japan always releases there stuff like a year before it comes out here.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008
  2. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    well, no. Actually i dont think Square Enix will give us the oppurtunity to play KH2FM+ in our American PS2. So, u can play it by having a ps3 and play the japanese games. Or jst simply mod ur ps2 by getting a bootdisk and blocking hte 4 sensors.

    meh, kh3.. there is no footage or anything about it. There should be a kh3 because maleficent is still alive in kh2 and the ending of kh2 (NOT SECRET ENDING) said that the king send them a letter. Looks like its a new adventure. But for now, were mssing alot of info about Kingdom Hearts.

    Thanks to SE where going to see the 3 other games.
    Birth By Sleep
    358/2 days

    So ya, its basically that
  3. no i saw footage for birth by sleep
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