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Remnants - S.A.F.E.S. | 15+ guideline| LIMITED!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by shadoweddestroyer, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. Please note, some people may take offense to the following plotline. It is unlikely anyone on here I know of will, but I thought I should warn you as a precaution.

    If you would like to miss out the backstory and get straight into the RP and 'where you are' thing, scroll down to the stars going across the page.

    The year is 2103. The World has changed fast. World War IV was fought in 2054, and lost. The new great dictator, and the first woman one, Mosine Stamatov, has fought from Russia, allied with the Germans and Japanese, and struck at America and the rest of Europe from the inside. The world fell.

    Pieces of a system were placed inside every man, woman and child to ensure loyalty to the common cause. The so called 'Final Justice'. The Synthetic Animatronic Feeling Emulation Systems or S.A.F.E.S for short, ensured no rebellion force could be amassed. Mosine may have been the most powerful person on Earth, but Death's power was far greater. But an unforseen problem arose. Morine named her heir, but the S.A.F.E.S did not recognise him. He simply dropped dead on the spot minutes after Mosine died, and it was elected that the overwhelming forces should be lead by a group of 4 men. These men did not die, but the S.A.F.E.S malfunctioned. They linked the bodies of every person turned unwillingly to the side of the Red Army.

    It was a new breed of warfare. Now forces that were naturally Russia's, Germany's and Japan's, and ones that were recruited during the time of the S.A.F.E.S system have the tables turned. Though the rest of the world may have no fighting experience, or prior training, they outnumber them 500 to 1.

    The rest of the world also have the ability to identify their allies immediately through the malfunction of the System.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    But there were those who never received S.A.F.E.S

    They were lucky, or so they believed. When the chip was injected into them, their bodies rejected it. This gave them strange... gifts.

    They have been in hiding for 5 generations. Now those who lived in one refuge have heard about what has happened. Neither side recognises them as friend. So they begin the desperate struggle for survival. On a rampage, the new forces, or so they have called themselves, the forces of Unity, tore through the refuge. They slaughtered the mothers and fathers of many. The survivors began to move out. They wish to use the information they have gathered. Perhaps if they can destroy the original S.A.F.E.S control unit, the world will return to normal.

    The pieces must be found. The remnants of the System will be pieced together, so this time, it can be truly destroyed. 3 parts of 5 have been collected. The fourth has been found, but not collected. The fifth must be discovered. Now with only basic combat training, they are going to avenge their family, friends and associates, avenge the world.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Follow the template.

    Limited spaces. Only 5 places are available.

    No GM.

    No PP.

    No Autoing without permission.

    No plot changing posts.
    2 sentence post minimum. These sentences must be at least 8~ words in length.

    Proper grammer is expected. An out of place apostrophe, spelling errors or a few typos are perfectly fine of course :) , but no capitals, full stops or other punctuation will be frowned upon .\ /.

    No blatant obscenities. This includes the major swear words. i.e S- F- and Cu-. Romance is of course allowed. Sex is also allowed, though PM must be used for detailed scenes. If you are not sure if your post should be PMed, please post it to me via PM, I will then let you know a.s.a.p :) If you do not wish to receive any of these PM's, please state so in your sign up.

    While I shall oversee the RP, I will not be controlling it. The plot will swing whichever way you wish to go. If someone starts trying to bring black magic and demons tearing heads off into it I'll step in, but otherwise it'll blow free ^_^

    How it's going to work: We will pick up shortly after leaving the refuge. Our primary goal is survival, though we must gradually travel towards wherever the pieces are. we could be forced to split up, some of us may love to fight, others to sneak, others to talk their way out of any situation. Romance may take place, some of us may be injured. If the RP reaches 30 pages and I feel that we aren't nearing the goal I might make a few posts to steer it in that direction. The time and place, and relevant distance to our goals, is decided by whoever makes the first post.

    Ok so after all the backstory you must be happy now right? Finally he's got it over with, and you can sign up! I wasted your time.....

    Utter rubbish naturally. Here you go people!

    Age: (14 - 35)
    Appearance: (May use words or picture)
    Speciality: (This is what you have trained in. Sneaking, fighting etc.)
    Weaponry: (Small arms and melee weaponry only please! For now anyway ;))
    'Gift'*: (Remember the rules!)

    *Remember this? I mentioned they received gifts. Please do not overpower your gift!

    Please try and sign up, or tell me you think it's rubbish. I don't care just gimme' some feedback!

    Thanks for making your eyes bleed!

    Last edited: Nov 16, 2008
  2. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Appearance:fanor has white spiked down hair that covers his right eye. His left eye is green and his right eye is a dark red. He wears a black t-shirt and a black hoodie over it. Also he wears black baggy pants with black shoes. (fanor likes black)
    Speciality: asassination
    Weaponry: Primary: Sniper Secondary: 9mm pistol
    Bio:Fanor came from a wealthy family. his family was murder by the SAFES, because they defied it. Fanor managed to get away but barely. he realized his body rejected the chip and he went off on his own. soon to find the others who rejected the chip.
    'Gift'*: his right eye. it makes people fall aseep, or sometimes die.

    ooc: so can i join??
  3. Yes, sorry for the long delay forgot to check the thread. We might have to wait a while, semms to be a bit slow *yawns*

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