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Revival Arena Finals

Discussion in 'Roleplay Arena' started by EtherealSummoner, Sep 13, 2011.

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  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Freya started to fly down towards the arena as the crowd started to cheer real loud as ever. "Friends. Allies! Now all of us have been able to witness the finale! It is sad to see taht we have lost two of the competitors in this tournament but their lives have went on to Valhalla. Even so, there are some... specialties as to where the players must use all of their abilities and skills in order to survive. And guess what it is? In this final round, the area will be random. The arena will change with its own rules. The final place where everyone will be fighting will be at Valhalla itself but let us discuss about the other possible arenas... along with some secrets: They must also know that this final round will also include arenas from the past..."
    Yggdrasil Rules​

    The world tree that supports nine worlds. Many sealstones are made there and the overflowing energy there can be changed and condensed into photons or into other prowess. The Aesirs will not hesitate to fight anyone and there are also some strange creatures as they guard an almighty power within. It is a long climb to get to the top.​

    1. There are many crystals that can harm and hamper abilities. They are colored coded and they can be destroyed:​

    Red: Shoots out fire that will knock a fighter back and burn them. They can only shoot in a straight line.
    Purple: Shoots out lances of ice that homes in. This can not only hurt but this can also trap the person in a block of ice.
    Yellow: These spawns new enemies. Be discreet.
    Green: This crystal has the power to restore any other crystals that has been destroyed.
    Blue: Produces a continuous updraft that will hamper progress. However, if you use them wisely, you may be able to have access to something great.​

    2. Possible Items:​

    Paper Tiger Blessing: Stone taht will strengthens a person's attack and magic by 20%.
    Great Shield Law: Stone that will empowers one's defense greatly but halves the holder's attack power. ​

    3. Enemies:
    Aesir Security: Humanoids with divine power in the sword.
    Black Jewel: Moving Stone that casts non-elemental magic. ​


    Within the world of the Asgard, Valhalla is a large, building that consists of many halls. There are many stained mirrors, stairways, and there are also treasure chests that consists of many items and traps to help or hinder. However, if you want to be rich, there are riches that anyone can use if desired. ​

    Possible prizes within Treasure Chests
    1. Holy Blessing: Sealstone that will strengthen light attacks and weakens dark attacks.
    2. Explosion Trap: Sends up a tiny, smiling, red fairy that would then explode and hurt the person.
    3. Freeze Trap: A light blue gas comes up and traps the person in a block of ice.
    4. Archer Trap: Shoots many arrows at the person. Sometimes, it can be poisonous.
    5. Holy Law: Sealstone that turns the person's attacks all into light elemental attacks. Will also allow the user to absorb all light attack but will become completely vulnerable to dark attacks.
    6. Slain Summon: Randomly summons an einherjar to help in the fight. ​

    Freya started to raise up her hand as the arena started to shake. Let the fighter try to claim their title... NOW!!!​
  2. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Beatrice warped into the Final Arena, a blank slate ready for its first change.

    "This bettah no' be some stew-pid arena like tha' las' one. . ." The mechanic grumbled, looking about while she waited for her opponents. She was fully restocked on all her tools and ready to rock, so long as that rocking involved copious amounts of technology.
  3. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    By the time Beatrice had been warped into the arena, Sarah had already been there for nearly half an hour. Along the outskirts of the large field surrounded by the stands, she sat in wait, her legs tucked in pretzel style. Her eyes were closed, as she was making all efforts necessary to focus herself for the battle to come. In her mind, the movements of her body as they would soon execute their varying rosters of move and techniques flashed before her as though her eyelids were merely television screens. All she needed to was make the battle smooth and decisive; there was simply no room for error, not that there was any other time, and this battle would cement her superior abilities against not one, but multiple foes.

    At last her eyes came open, and she peered towards the interior of the arena’s in field. For the first time, she could see for sure how much this battle seemed to mean to people. The stands, which seemed capable of seating well over ninety thousand bodies, were packed full all around her, and everyone seemed to be cheering loudly enough that the air around them quivered with each exhalation. The noise was something she was used to, and wasn’t particularly bothered by. Still, it wasn’t her preference to be around so many people, granted that if they were all fighting as well, her opinion to that might have changed. Rather annoyed in her expression, she looked at the woman who had arrived announcing the battle and its conditions.

    “What’s the point of filling a stadium with people just to send us off?” she spoke in a soft voice, one that only she had heard. Not that it matter, but the woman that seemed to be running this clash came off as odd, even whimsical. Her methods were certainly something that Sarah might have gotten frustrated with if she had bothered to think too hard about them. She shrugged her shoulders and brought herself back up to her feet. She walked towards the area where another woman, one of her opponents had arrived and presumably been befuddled by it, tying her hair back into a tight bun as she did. “No room for silliness like hair pulling,” she told herself. Reaching near where the gruff looking woman was standing, she came to a halt.

    In a controlled voice of an energized calm, she spoke the only last words she had to say. “Let’s get started.”​
  4. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Sean stepped into the arena. He had learned from his last match to not try to show off. He hoped to keep a low profile, and let the other two to duke it out while he attacked from afar. it looked cowardly but it seemed to him to be the best strategy to come out of this alive, he would still fight of course, but he would try to conserve his strength until the very end where he would attack with all his might. Pacing himself would suit him better than starting out with everything then have nothing to finish up with. and now the others might know about his Nova attack, that had been his trump and he used it too soon. But there was still a chance he could pull this off, he just had to play it smart and be quick.
  5. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "You've GOT to be fockin' kiddin' me. . ." Beatrice grumbled, finally noticing her first opponent, Sara. The mechanic just facepalmed as she drew out her large wrench, testing its weight before swinging it once or twice while staring down the woman, who reached a rather uncomfortably close range. Things only got worse as, out of the corner of her eye, she saw yet another person enter the arena.

    "Anotha lass, and summin' else," She began, stepping backwards to give her a bit more room between herself and Sara. "Nu, don' do anythin' stoopid, ye got tha'?" She asked her first opponent, her left arm reaching around into her fanny pack and attaching two screws to the end of her magnet behind her back.
  6. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ((There IS an "h" in Sarah's name, you know)).

    Sarah's eyes wandered from their initial gaze upon the one called "Freya." Immediately, though not particularly quickly, they fell upon the mechanic-looking woman next to her. Her gaze was not sharp, but smooth. Yet it maintained a contemplative air about it, a sign that she was, as always stacking the foe she was about to engage. The rough talk suggested she was either a coward, or a fighter. Sarah concluded that if she were a fighter, the battle would be a tough one, fought only in the most ingenious of manners. The woman's weaponry was odd, and suggested a less standardized means of combat, far form regimented, and flexible to more situations; yet like her own, it was more than likely that her methods were prone to technical flaws. It would be interesting to see how she fared against such an opponent.

    Briefly, her eyes spared a glance at the other opponent, a male, who had entered the arena just after Beatrice. She had little to think of him, which boded ill. His silence told her that he was up to the same thing as she was, and trying to extrapolate as much information about herself and the other woman. She concluded that her battle would have to start with the woman, while keeping an eye on the man, at least until she could assess one as more dangerous than the other. She turned back to the woman, who had doubled back from her. "I don't intend to start anything until the go-ahead has been given," she said simply. She turned back to Freya, awaiting the official call for the start of the battle.​
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Motoi Sakuraba - Valkyrie Profile 2 -Silmeria- Arrange Album - Dance Without Malice or Mercy - YouTube

    Inida started to walk onto the stage as the participants just do not know how to wait. "Hey everyone. HEY BEATRICE! Nice to see you here! I guess that you have made it too!" Freya started to raise up her hands as she started to smile and the crowd kept on cheering as they were still watching them. "Let your lives be determined now!" The whole stage started to blow up, automatically changing into the World of Yggdrasil. Many of the Aesirs and the beasts started to patrol the everlasting, ongoing tree as the energy kept on going. The participants kept on falling but Inida controlled herself and was able to fly. "Let us begin everyone... and for me to stop this tournament." She started to feel the energy keep on moving but she was afraid. She started to climb up Yggdrasil so that she can start preparing herself for anything.
  8. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    With the fight started, Sean ignited his body, he would be more likely to be seen, yes, but He needed to not hold anything back if they attacked him and he planned to defend himself. He set a small explosian at the soles of his feet which sent him into the air using a few well timed bursts of fire he steered his jump and landed around 30-35 yards away from the other three competitors. he may not have wanted to jump right into the fight, but he still planned to keep tabs on what the other three were doing. plus he wanted to be in range to attack from afar. he gathered his flames ready to make his first Fireball attack but refrained from using it right away, no need to provoke the others into attacking him just yet...
  9. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    "YOU AGIN?!" Beatrice shouted when Inida entered, positively annoyed at the woman for being back. "How in the bloody-"

    Of course, it's very hard to keep a conversation going when you're teleported smack dab into an abyss.
    She was far less suited than Sean to this environment, however, and ended up falling onto a steep root, which then turned into a slide all the way to the bottom. Or at least, that is the way it would have been, had she not dug the nails into the wood while using the sharp end of a hammer as well. She ended up staying about two stories above where the others would land at the bottom.

    "Alrigh'. . . nu whot?" The mechanic thought aloud, glancing down at the pyromancer. "I gotta climb, I'm s'posin'. . ."
  10. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    As the tail end of the “pleasantries” lead them to a close, a fourth competitor, of whom Sarah was, until then, unaware had entered. She did her best to extrapolate as much as she could about her before the match began; the thought that she looked more ready for some teen fashion photo shoot than she did a battle was about all the conclusion she could come to by the time the Arena began to shift and dissolve. Keep my distance, she told herself, from that one, and the man. That’ll do for the starters anyways. But the wrench woman will probably be the easiest to catch on to.

    Before she knew it, the floor had broken, or rather vanished from under her feet, and she was descending into another world, one she had never seen or imagined before. The key feature of it, as she saw in her descent was a massive tree, with an even larger number of branches extending out from its thick trunk. It seemed apparent that the top of the tree was the goal for her to shoot for. She contemplated floating over to land nearer the top, but changed that decision when she saw her opponents readying themselves to land near the bottom. Certainly, there would be consequences for landing at the top without the climb up.

    Thus, it was settled that she would, as her foes were doing, assume position closer to the bottom, and work her way up as it seemed to be intended. As she came level with the top of the tree, she pulled herself into a levitation of steadily increasing force. Eventually, she found herself a wide, sturdy branch some thirty feet above the base of the trunk. The unknown opponent seemed to have gotten the head start, with the wrench warrior steadily making her way up as well. Sarah began to climb as well. She pushed herself from the current branch she had occupied, easily making it to a nearby branch, and preceded to figure the best path up the tree.

    Considering her plan, she determined that the wrench warrior would be best dealt with from a distance, and likely from well above; but there was no reason to go attacking her too soon. The other woman, well along her way, would be best dealt with via some manner of stealth or sneak attack. So long as Sarah could pull herself up the tree quickly enough, and come to a path around the trunk in the opposite direction, she’d be able to get a decent jump on her. But for the time being, the distance was important, and certainly everyone would need to slow down at one point or another.

    Her plans in mind, she jumped to another nearby branch, making it, once more, easily across. She then took a second to point herself towards the wrench warrior. Gathering a small charge of energy to her hands, she flung a baseball-sized blast down the tree in the wrench wielder’s direction. The aim was not, however, to kill or injure in any direct manner. That would have taken a bit larger of a blast. Having been targeted at the feet, it would do more to the effect of throwing her off course or impeding her than anything else.​
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Inida kept on flying up Yggdrasil until she landed on one of the floating pieces of land. As she climbed, all the colors of the crystals appeared. 2 red, 2 blue, 2 purple, 1 green and 1 yellow crystal were placed randomly all over the tree of Yggdrasil, signaling the security team to come and help. The Aesir Security started to come and intervene, coming after Inida while two Black Jewels were going up against Sean, casting Dark Savior and bringing out many large, darkness-based swords surrounding him to attack. "This isn't right!" Inida started to realize that there were a fire crystal above her that was shooting at Sarah directly but Inida was not able to stop the attack. "I must first protect myself."

    One of the Aesirs had a bow and shot an arrow at Inida. Inida can only hope to jump out of the way. One of the Aesirs with a sword casted Earth Graive and made spikes come from the ground, knocking her up into the air. She had to start spinning in the air and use Brain Storm, trapping them in the tornado and sealing their magic. Inida looked back to see that the two are going up against Beatrice. "That is not right..."
  12. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Sen had spent his time preparing multiple Fireball attacks. by the time he was attacked by the Black Crystals. he had prepared about eight Fireballs with the intent to use them from afar on his enemies. However the situation now called for him to use these attacks to defend himself from the Crystals.

    He used several of the masses of flame to shoot the first Crystal in the "face". the Crystal exploded into tiny shards. upon exploding Sean used his arms to cover and protect his face and eyes. one shard cut his arm. the cut wasn't that deep, but it still stung. Out of instinct Sean put his free hand to the wound, as his fingers made contact with the cut it sent out a fresh wave of brief pain. He winced but decided that the cut wasn't bad enough to prevent him from fighting. To test this theory he moved his arm around in motions similar to what he would expect when in a close combat situation. He felt no pain that wasn't unbearable so he used the rest of his Fireball attacks to dispatch the second Crystal. this time avoiding the shards, and thus more damage. Still a good distance away from his competitors Sean went back to forming more Fireball attacks. He was back at square one, but he was only planning to craft about five firey masses this time, he needed to do something to cause damage to the others.
  13. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    If there was a goddess of fortune, certainly she smiled upon Beatrice. At the very moment Sarah launched her attack, the mechanic had swung to a flat surface from her "hammerhold" on the tree trunk, successfully dodging the attack unintentionally and landing on a short 'platform' of wood jutting out nearby. Unfortunately, her hammer was left in the trunk, but the nails were still attached to her activated magnet. But that's when the Aesirs decided to intervene, and two found themselves facing Beatrice on opposite sides of the small platform.

    "Och, ye gotta be kiddin' me!" She cursed like usual, glancing back and forth at the two. But on the ground below the Aesir-less front side of the platform, there was a blue crystal. Beatrice took her chances, leaping off of the platform and angling the wrench directly down at the crystal. With any luck, it would stop her from landing too roughly, or something. She didn't really read the pamphlets describing the arena that well, so it was a one in like. . .4 chance that it'd be something bad. Or so she thought.
  14. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Upward and upward, on and on, and ever higher through the heights of the unfathomably tall tree, Sarah climbed her way hoping from one large branch to the next. Her path, for the first moment, remained free of trials, and none of her opponents seemed to have made it far enough up, or taken the time to drop far enough down to attempt at combat against her. She knew not whether or not her previous attack at done anything to stop the wrench girl, but at that, didn’t particularly care; she was well below where she was, and thus far, further from being a direct threat.

    In truth, there was very little chance of Sarah being threatened by anyone below her on the tree, as the thick branches made for a generally reliable cover. So she was able to keep a clear focus on that which might come down from above. It was to her fortune that she remained fixed on the path before, for it was that which allowed her to see the impending fire attack from the crystal. She saw a red flash from above, and a ball of flames streaking through the air downward. She knew after a short second that it was aimed in her direction. She sprung herself in leap backwards, relying partially on a quick boost of flight. Using this, she floated her way around the trunk of the tree, onto a branch completely blocked from the crystal’s line of fire, taking nothing more than a wave of heat as she drew away.

    Taking the chance, she made her way carefully around the trunk, until she could peer around in the direction of the crystal. Its fire had ceased with her disappearance from its sight. It was factor that Sarah determined was best to keep as she continued her ascent. She also took note of the swirling mass of energy that had been conjured from a floating island nearby the crystal. The figure of a living being was visible within the mass, being hurled from the island. By process of elimination she concluded that the other woman who had arrived before the warp had conjured the energy. A conflict with her would have to wait, and surely, with Sarah out of its path, the crystal would choose another nearby target to blast its flames at.

    Rather than continue her path of circling around the trunk, Sarah doubled back to the safe spot she had taken from the fire attack. From there, she jumped up, and flew to the next branch a short distance above her. Flight, a less consuming application of her powers, would allow her to make considerable distance up the tree without expending herself too much for the fight.​
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Inida started to make hand movements in order to start storing up her energy from Yggdrasil once more. The Aesir Security started to charge after her but she decided to just run away. The fire crystal that was going after Sarah started to just shoot fire blasts regardless but the purple crystal was on the move, shooting a ice lance that was homing in on Inida and another purple crystal started to shoot one at Sean to home in. Inida ran right back toward one of the sword-wielding Aesir and timed herself. She jumped over the man before he can strike; he was trapped in ice and fell into pieces. She then used Nendo's Eyes to charge up and strike the center of the floating area, making it collapsed and making the rest of the Aesir Security fall along with them.

    Sadly, the yellow crystal started to summon more enemies and brought back a mixture of the Aesir Security who wielded bows to attack Sarah. "Beatrice..." Inida started to float up in the air and started to fly up even more until she found hid under a tree stump. "Earth... hear my call... Overflow...". Higher up into the eternal tree, it was more like nighttime.
  16. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Sean had succeeded in crafting his five fireballs, and let them all go at once sending two after Beatrice, one after Sarah and two after Inida. As the masses of flame set out for their targets a blast of ice came from nowhere and homed in on Sean.

    Seeing as he had just released the attack Sean was open for damage and thus was hit by one of his weaknesses: ice.

    The ice engulfed his left leg and right arm, as well as a good portion of his torso, limiting his movement. His only hope to escape would be to heat the ice to it's melting point, however, it would then become water hindering his ability to make the fire in those parts of his body, he would also have to evaporate that water to get his full power back.

    He hoped that no one else would attack him while he was in this state, he lacked the strength, to properly defend himself.
  17. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Beatrice's gamble worked, and the shattered crystal shot her up like a cork from a champagne bottle. Pretty damn high, one might say, making her go up a good bit of the way up the tree. But the Scot's luck almost didn't hold, and she just barely managed to land her upper body on another small platform, burying the nail-knuckles of her magnet into the wood. It took a minute, but she managed to pull herself up all the way. And when she looked around, Beatrice noticed that all of the currently summoned security was closer to the others.

    "Nu tha's good luck!" She declared, raising her large wrench victoriously.
  18. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    ((I think it’s about time we actually, you know, had a fight, like the arena is intended for)).

    Sarah hadn’t gotten very far when she once again found her path up the mighty tree impeded. This time, it was not some mechanically driven, automatic object raining fire down on her. Around her she could see the figures of toned, tall males scampering about the tree’s branches and the floating platforms. Many of them were left behind on lower branches as Sarah pushed up wards passed them; they slipped down the tree to deal with other fighters further down. Others had left to tend to the other competitor further up who had dispatched their comrades not too long before.

    With her last jump up, Sarah avoided a pass by of a large blast of fire, which skimmed through the air just below her. The heat was no less effective, and she was sweating a bit by the time she got up to the next branch. There, she found herself mobbed by three of the male figures. Two stood at either side of her on the same branch. The third was perched on a branch a distance away. All of them had bows notched with spear pointed arrows. All of them, at that, were ready to fire, and aimed at her for a killing shot.

    With little time to act, Sarah took the quickest avenue for evasion from all three shots. Taking her feet out from under herself, she allowed gravity’s natural pull to land her against the branch. She coupled this fall with a roll towards the outside of the branch. Two arrows from her sides streaked narrowly passed each other, landing non-lethal, but nonetheless injuring hits on her assailants. The third arrow from above struck and stuck into the branch. It was a bit more forceful, and far less graceful then she’d have liked it to be, but it got the job done.

    She recovered more swiftly. Not wasting the time rising to her feet, she sprung upward from a brief crouch and floated quickly up to a branch that was both higher up, and around towards the other side of the trunk. She continued that way, skimming across to another branch roughly level with that, from where she was on the opposite side of the tree. A short way below her, gathered on a small floating island, another team of guards had their bows drawn in readiness for an ambush. Having no time to stew over any real strategy, Sarah swept her right arm across through the air, dispersing a slashing wave of energy that spanned the width guard's branch. It wasn't powerful enough to deal any significant damage. However, it did result in enough of a force that the arrows that had been fired were knocked off course. As well, the guards had withdrawn their bows in defense against the wave. This offered Sarah the time she needed to retreat further up the tree.​
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2011
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Inida was still safe to from Sean's fire spell, seeing as the spell hit the tree stump. However, the tree stump was lit, endangering Inida. "Just a little bit more..." Behind Beatrice, the Great Shield Law Sealstone appeared, glowing and briming with its light. It kept on glowing until it is ready to fade and go back into Yggdrasil. Inida was still focusing her psychic energy so that she can have enough time for her to enter her Overflow form and to get ready for action. "The playing field will soon fade away for some more excitement..." Freya was interested but the crowd in the stands were cheering on Sarah and Beatrice and was ready for Sean to be destroyed. An Aesir with a bow targeted Sean and shot an arrow at him...
  20. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Sean was still trying to melt the ice when an arrow came from nowhere and pierced his shoulder. Sean cried out in pain, and lost focus, causing the Ice to stop melting for a moment.

    Enraged by his situation Sean gave into his rage and a great inferno burst forth from him, destroying the ice and freeing him. Sean's power had a link to his emotion, specifically rage. In this state Sean had no aim, he was just a wildfire that would destroy all in it's path. His rage would subside eventually, but for now he was dangerous, and the others would have to be wary of him.

    On the inside of Sean's mind, Sean was trying to calm down. He didn't like to be in this state. He hated the idea of having no control over his body. In his "wildfire state" He has a hazard to him self as much as to the others.

    Sean gathered all of his strength and regained composer, He let out the last of his frustration with a Raging Inferno attack sending the fire that engulfed his body outward in a firey pulse. He had given away his position, now it was time to bring the fight to the others.

    Sean set off to confront the one known as Beatrice. He launched himself into the air with a set of fire bursts, propelling himself toward his chosen opponent.
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