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Revolt: 2035

Discussion in 'Original Roleplays (IC)' started by W.J. Solomon, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Revolt: 2035​

    Welcome to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The current year is 2035 and you are standing in the current capitol of the strongest country in the world. In this day and age, there is no restriction on what the government has their hands in, and they can control almost anything. I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start from the beginning. This all started in 2026, when one man came into power. He started making things more strict, putting more laws into place. Finally things started to get grim. The country seemed strong, but the view of free will seemed all but gone. Everyone seemed to follow blindly. It seemed like everyone didn't notice that we were under their thumb and they were pushing. So in 2030 a group of teens attempted to form a rebellion and managed to put a bomb on the White House. Most were killed in the assault, but a few survived, being killed in public under the guise of terrorism.​


    "Mr. Morgan, clinical trials have been successful. We are ready to push this forward. After the act is passed, you will have complete control on everyone in the country." The scientist looked down at his clipboard, hands clammy at the wake of what he currently was being told to do. A small throaty chuckle echoed from the other man's frame, his graying hair slicked over the back of his head, his glasses reflecting the dim moonlight that seeped through the window. "Perfect. Tomorrow we will announce the passing of the Equal Education Act. We shall make Pennsylvania the location for it all." The man's voice seemed smooth, almost cold as the doctor began to object. "Sir, you want them all in Pennsylvania? Are you sure that's a good idea?" The man turned, eyes bright in the dark room. "Not all of them James. I want the most promising here. The majority will be shipped out to the states that are most vacant. Texas, Nevada. So on. The ones I want here are the best and brightest. You said yourself, you already have scores and test results from all of them." His voice seeming almost overjoyed at the thought. The doctor shivered before swallowing, words slowly coming to him. "But what if they try to start a revolution sir? I mean, you have them in the capitol. It is very risky keeping them so close." The doctor straightened his papers, the other man interrupting him before he could continue. "I want them here so if one of the best makes a mistake, the world sees it. We will make an example of them. We will use them." The man's sinister smirk slowly grew, his eyes glowing darkly in the dim room.

    Four years have passed since the original passing of the law. A light snowfall was mixed into a rainstorm as the president walked into his office, shutting his door on the way in, slowly wringing his hands as he approached his desk, lifting a tablet from his desk and turning it on. He twirled his hands a bit before opening a document and tapping an icon. "Activating connection... Opening line to Dr. James Hartwell. Call Online..." The tablet's speaker rattled out it's info as the president walked behind his desk, pulling the chair out from his desk and sitting down, opening his suit coat as he pulled the tablet towards him.

    "James. How are we today my friend?" The president's voice grumbling lowly as he turned, grabbing a cup from his desk, taking a small drink of coffee as a voice echoed out of the small machine. "Mr. President. Things are going as well as expected. We are..." The president laughed before interrupting him, setting down his cup. "James, what have I told you. We are friends in this. You can call me something other than Mr. President. Do you have my list?" The man's laugh seemed hollow, almost uncaring as the other man's voice sighed from the speaker. "Okay Gabriel. Your list that you asked for is here. These are the ones you picked as your cream of the crop." An icon appeared on his screen and Gabriel tapped it, opening the file and beginning to read the list.

    Carter, Hope: Housewife
    Had a high potential in original tests,
    but did nothing on Entrance Exam.
    Current Status states no issues with others.

    Carter, Angel: Medical
    Was quiet at first, but written tests showed good things.
    She has high intelligence and a very good understanding of medicine.
    If she does not show growth in medical field her looks can be used for a Billboard.

    Stewart, Liberty: Medical
    Seems to be stubborn. Tends to be very competitive in her classes.
    Happens to show sufficient knowledge to start directly in Medical Field.
    Very high chance for a good doctor to come from this one.

    Tresswell, Jordan: Cyber Security
    Very much stays to himself, albeit he is a phenomenal mind.
    At the age of 14 wrote a virus that could kill a pacemaker from a tablet.
    Seems to enjoy hacking into our firewalls, may cause trouble in the future.

    McBride, William: SOLDIER: Spec Ops
    Showed an exemplary amount of promise on all of the exams.
    Has taken a skill to almost all combat, showing great marks in both stealth and combat exercises.
    Main problem happens to be the amount of trouble he causes. Has fought both students and teachers alike, yet still happens to be a class favorite because of his skills.

    Majo, Ellen: SOLDIER: Weapon Specialist
    Everything on her exam has marked her proficient in weapons, but combat was only above average. Showed good marks all around but was a very sketchy choice because of her medical history. She is terminally ill, but only by choice. During a fight when she was 16 one of her eyes were gouged out. Instead of getting her real treatment, her parents made sure that she was clean from infections and then took her home. She seems to be very unsure of trusting anyone. It is unsure if she will even make it to Finishing School.

    The president highlighted three names. "Stewart, McBride, and Majo are all interesting. Any others that are coming in?" He asked, sipping his coffee again as the speaker crackled again. "I will keep you posted on any new additions to the school. As for now, here are their case files. If you have any other questions you know how to get in contact with me Gabriel. But before I go, what about the Cooper boy? Are you sure about bringing him to Philadelphia? He is technically connected to the terrorist group from the first attack. It may be smarter to..." The president stopped, retorting quickly. "No. He is the one I want to keep an eye on. I want him here in case he goes either way. If he becomes promising, we make him a poster boy. If he follows his sister's bloody trail, we make an example of another from the Cooper line. Goodbye James." The call shut off as more files popped up on the screen. Gabriel set his cup down as he eyed the three names, his eyes narrowing like a hungry animal. "These three... Stewart, McBride, Majo. You three are my new top of the class. Perhaps someone will help Majo get her treatment, fix her a bit. Just need the pieces to fall into place..." He said, standing and turning, gazing out the same window that he stared through when he changed this country for his own plans. "Time to see which of the pawns can contest the other side of the board..." Gabriel's glasses reflected the dim light of the fading autumn day, the large school in the distance the major subject of his thoughts.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2014
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    "Shit...looks like L34gue got arrested....that sucks."

    Jordan leaned back in his chair with his hand covering his face. His long time friend, Alex Sew but more commonly known online as L34gue, finally tripped up and was arrested. No doubt, he would either be executed or worst, be sent to one of the government's infamous prisons. Too bad he probably wouldn't make it to either.

    L34gue's crime? In Jordan's mind it was incompetence. The true crime was him hacking into 13 people's banking information and withdrawing a combined total of $72,734.93. Jordan was only angry at the fact that his friend had gotten greedy and careless, immediately depositing it in his own account. Jordan had told him to wire it into some of the multiple accounts that several other people in their group had under fake names but it seems that L34gue-no...he no longer deserved that name...Alex was too stubborn to take their advice and decided to keep the money for himself.

    On the bright side, he wouldn't be able to snitch on anyone in the group thanks to a multiple of reasons. The most important of which being that within 20 or so minutes, Alex would be dead, thanks to the pill he took prior to his arrest. A pill that everyone in the group swore to take should any of them be arrested. The second reason was that even if he did give any information away, everything on his computer had been deleted, thanks to Jordan's virus, discrediting anything he would have to say.

    Jordan finally removed his hand before looking back at his laptop, a notification popping up to alarm him of the successful virus. Jordan sighed and shrugged off the bad news before closing his laptop. He patted himself down, finding a toothpick in one of his pockets. He stuck the small piece of wood in his mouth and began chewing on it, hoping to take his mind off of these recent events. He pulled out his small touchscreen phone, pressing the power button to check the time.

    "Damn, still early. Might as well take a walk..."

    Jordan rose up from his seat and stretched out his arms a bit. He threw on a pair of shoes and made his way out of his room, bookbag slung over on one arm, with his hands in his pockets. He quietly made his way out of his dormitory and to the main school building.

    "Another day of pure high school hell...great."
  3. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    It was a chilly morning on the school grounds. A young man sat there alone reading a text book about battle strategy. His blonde hair was reflective in the dim morning light. He was always at the school this early, seeing as he had to meet his father every morning before classes. Now, he was only waiting for his first class to start or for someone interesting to show up. Aiden closed his book and stood up with a yawn, brushing a hand through his hair as he put his book in his pack and checked his watch. First class wasn't supposed to start for a little more than a half an hour.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    An alarm from a small clock on a nightstand started to buzz and go off before a young woman's hand came in contact with the off button.

    The room was small and slightly a mess. A pile of dirty clothes was stacked in the corner, a rug on the floor was crinkled up with a top comforter of a bed laying on the floor.
    A desk opposite of the bed was covered in medical journals, papers, medical books, and a few medical equipment.

    The window had a blind half closed letting in a bare minimum of light due to the natural setting of a cloudy, smug, and dirty city on the outside. A girl with long dark chestnut color hair laid in the bed dressed in boxer shorts and a cami top. She opened her purple, grey color eyes looking up at the ceiling, chipped with paint.

    She rolled out of bed, her hair a slight mess of typical bed head, picking up the comforter and throwing it back on the bed but not bothering to make the bed. Walking over to a dresser with some drawers hanging open and some clothes hanging out she opened the top drawer which contained the only bit of clothing that was folded, white button shirt, black shorts, and black tights. She pulled one complete outfit out of the drawer before getting dressed. She looked in the mirror at herself as she put a tie on in addition and picked up an old, oversized vintage varsity jacket that belonged yo her father.

    She picked up a messenger bag with a laptop inside and some papers before proceeding out of her dorm room and dorm building. As she stepped outside the thick tense air filled her lungs, the air though she has breather majority of her life, at least it was air she remembered breathing, her early youth was too distant of a memory to know any different.

    She walked across the cemented campus towards the main academic building, a tower of sort around 13 stories tall. Every floor housed various student academics. Walking in the first floor had lobby of sorts with a cafeteria, auditorium, gym, and other common student rooms.

    She walked to the elevator as a voice spoke, "Please allow your IF Tag scan." The young woman pulled out a chain from around her neck that hung a tag of some sort. A red laser shot out to the tag scanning it.

    "Stewart, Liberty, Doctor. You will now be taken to the Health and Wellness a Academics Floor." The girl, Liberty, put the tag away leaning back against the back wall of the elevator as it shot up to the 8th floor.

    As the elevator bell chimed and the door open, Liberty stepped out into a locker waiting room area walking over to a locker she held her tag up again as a similar laser identified her tag and unlocked her locker.

    "Good morning, Stewart you're here early." A man in a white lab coat, but not much older than Liberty said.

    "I'm here at my normal time." She stated hanging up her varsity jacket and backpack putting on a white lab coat herself.

    "Yeah, well, it's earlier than the rest of us are required." The male student said not sounding pleased.

    "Is the lab setup, Smith." The other student grumbled a yes before Liberty walked past him to the lab which appeared to be a large classroom with a large monitor in the front of the room. She sat down at the back corner seat by the window looking outside sighing.

    It was just another day of her quite average terrible life.
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Click... Bang
    Click... Bang

    Gunshots, specifically, Desert Eagle gunshots, echoed throughout a large gym-like room, fired in slow succession for greater accuracy.
    Weapon Type: Semi Automatic Pistol.
    Origin: United States, and Israel, 1982-2009.
    Designed: 1979-1982.
    Current Variant: Mark XIX.
    Weight: 1,998.6 grams, or 4.4 pounds.
    Length: 14.75 inches.
    Barrel Length: 10 inches, or 254.0 millimeters.

    Ellen Majo stood silently, the smoke from the last gunshot slowly fading away from her weapon. Ten targets stood in front of her, all male, all terrorists, all dead. Her teacher nodded her head and smirked, "Well done Majo. Even with only one eye, your accuracy is the highest in the class. I'm very impressed. I-" The teacher was interrupted as Ellen began coughing violently, blood splattered across the girl's hand and her body trembled in absolute pain.

    The teacher looked on, not bothering to call for aid. This same thing happened every hour of every day, it'd last about five to ten minutes, before ceasing. Though the illness was not contagious, nobody ever tried to get near the sickly girl. Since she lost her right eye, Ellen has been carrying two fully loaded 50 caliber magnums, a knife, and a silenced pistol on her person. She had shot, and very nearly killed the three teachers who had attempted to take them from her, and nobody has tried to since. While not considered dangerous, it's been determined that, unless you're female, you won't be able to approach Ellen.

    As the coughing fit slowly came to an end, Ellen shook her head and looked up at the clock, and then gazed briefly at her teacher before walking out of the room quietly, without a single word being spoken... just like every other day.
  6. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will leaned against the back wall of the classroom, watching as Ellen Majo, one of the best specialists in the class, showed a few of her skills to the teacher before the class started. He smirked slightly, looking at the weapons she hid under a jacket. "A bit easy to spot to the trained eye, but makes her useful in a fight to say the least." His mind rattled information back as he scanned the room, sizing up the rest of the class. The majority of the students in the gym were men, but a lot of them didn't have the backbone that he had, nor anywhere near the experience that Ellen had. He smiled a touch wider when the teacher motioned him over, knowing that sparring exercises were coming next. He moved off the wall, stretching a bit as he walked forward, looking for the one opponent he actually accepted as a challenge. "Come on Cooper, I want a good fight this morning! Show your ass up!" His urge to actually have a decent spar this morning started to overtake him as his shoes lightly tapped on the gym floor as he reached the center where the teacher was, eyes glancing for a few seconds to watch Ellen leave the room, curiosity rattling him.

    Gabriel sat at his desk, signing a few small forms as a new name appeared on his tablet. "Urgent notice huh... let's see what the rat's drug in this time..." He lightly set his pen down before tapping the icon, watching a private line pop up. "Sir, we currently have someone in our custody. His name is Adam Sew. He is..." A small smile stretched over the man's face as he cut off the handler on the other line. "Known also as L34gue. Took around 72 thousand in american currency in the last 8 hours, and put it all in his account at the end..." The man on the other line seemed shocked. "Yes sir... but, how did you know? Never mind, he's getting sick. Doesn't look like he's eaten anything." The handler stuttered out. The president rolled his eyes. "Of course he hasn't eaten anything Jenkins. He's probably waiting for that cyanide pill in he swallowed to finish it's job while you all report it to me. Pump his stomach, give him an IV of proteins and fluids, and put him in holding. Now." The president finished his sentence coldly before deactivating the line and lifting his mug, sipping a bit of coffee before reporting his thoughts to the empty office. "Another rat to string up... when will they learn they are nothing more than cattle..."
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2014
  7. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    The 'proper housekeeping' classroom was abuzz with students speaking to each other in hushed tones in the last few minutes before class was to start. The teacher had not yet arrived for class that day but only a fool would think the room wasn't being watched. A camera hung from the right corner of the front of the classroom, monitoring the behavior of the students like usual.
    On the opposite corner, a girl sat alone. She wore a black skirt, white t-shirt, and black socks and combat boots. Her red hair fell over her face as she sat hunched over the desk, clearly asleep. The class, along with the program and the school, was a joke to Hope. She didn't care to take it seriously, sleeping in class was normal for her.
    As the bell beginning the class buzzed, and the teacher walked into the class, the majority of other students in the class straightened up and looked forward ready to start the day.
    "Good morning class" the middle aged teacher spoke as he eyed the students down the rows. "Good to see everyone present and accounted for..." he was saying as he spotted the sleeping red haired girl in the back corner "... well at least as much as usual." he was saying as he made his way to her desk, slapping it with a ruler.
    The girl woke with a start, her green eyes flying open as she sat up, glaring at the interrupter of her mid class rem cycle. "Well good morning Miss Carter." the teacher said. "I'd like to see your eyes open through class today I won't ask again."
    "Whatever." Hope responded, turning her newly awakened attention on filing her nails.

    Meanwhile, in the courtyard, another young woman walked out of the main building toward the training ground for the Soldier program. She wore a short floral sundress and pink sneakers. Her long blonde hair hung loosely over her shoulders and moved slightly with the chilly morning breeze. On arriving at her destination, she entered the building and to the front desk where a bored looking woman sat. "IF Tag please." she yawned.
    The blonde girl held out a dog tag hanging from her neck for the woman to scan.
    "Angel Carter: Healer: Field training." the women read the findings out loud, Angel did not speak to confirm nor deny as the women spoke again. "You are scheduled to come to the grounds for an assignment today. To put your knowledge of combat medicine to the test. You are to act as the field medic for the training grounds today supervised by the usual nurse. She's been expecting you. Proceed." She pushed a button on a panel next to her on the wall, the glass doors to the grounds opened and Angel walked through them, looking around for someone who might look like the nurse she was supposed to be meeting.
  8. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Aiden stepped onto the grounds from the locker room. He took a deep, casual breath as he eyed his surroundings. He noted his usual classmates as he strut forward, nearly bumping into the girl with purple hair who seemed to be having a coughing fit he stepped aside. He also noticed a new face in the gym. He recognized her as Angel, a girl about his same age age in the medical program. He had hit on her a few times in the past and she was always nice about it, but naive. A smirk crossed his face as his attention was already turned elsewhere, eyeing the other students in the class looking for a good challenge for his first spar of the day.
  9. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan found himself on the school grounds, taking his time going in. He had at least another 10 or 15 minutes before his next class, and had everything he needed for that in his USB drive in his pocket. He layed back against a tree, taking a deep breath before surveying the people around them. Other students talking with their fellow classmates. He longed to have close enough friends of his own, friends whom he didn't meet over the internet. Friends who he could laugh with and enjoy each other's company.

    He looked around, noticing a purple haired girl from a distance. He only saw one side of her face so he couldn't get a good glance at her besides her red bows. That distinctive purple hair made her stood out for Jordan, but he wasn't about to go talk to her. As always, he was too nervous to do act upon his urges to be social with other people. Afraid of being rejected or embarrassed. He wished that-

    "Fucking Tresswell!"


    Jordan was quickly surrounded by three guys, all largely taller and bigger than him. The middle boy put a hand above Jordan's head on the tree, leaning in slightly to speak.

    "I know what the hell you did Tresswell, and I hope you know that you're totally fucked now."

    Jordan's previously nervous self completely disappeared now to one of cockiness and arrogance.

    "What the hell are you talking about Badger? I ain't do shit..."

    Badger slammed his fist into the tree, making Jordan jump a bit, before growling out, "You know goddamn well what I'm talking about. Putting a little virus in my laptop the other day? Erasing everything I had on there, including my diplomatic paper? Oh you are so gonna pay you little-"

    Jordan sucked his teethe and rolled his eyes. "Please, if I wanted to put a virus in your computer, I'd have made sure that I locked you out of everything, not erase it. It'd be a much funnier troll to see you squirm at not being able to get into it then it to be gone forever."

    He did erase it all. Every single byte.

    "Yeah, sure. You're the only guy around here that does shit like that anyway!"

    Jordan smirked and shook his head. "Whatever Badge, but I know you won't do a thing because if you were, you'd have done it already, knowing you. I'm not scared, so come on!"

    He was scared of being jumped however.

    Badger raised his fist for a second before putting it down. He grabbed Jordan's collar and said, "If I didn't have a class in two minutes, I'd pound your face into the concrete right now."

    With that, Badger and his friends walked away, leaving Jordan on his own. After fixing up his collar, Jordan cracked his neck before walking off. Jordan was annoyed now because he would probably have to watch over his shoulder for the next week. Badger may be in school to be a politician of sort, but he was a very violent guy, which fits the quota for many politicians nowadays. Jordan was so distracted that he walked right into the purple haired girl.
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ellen staggered backwards from the impact with the boy, groaning a bit before pulling a gun on him. She eyed him cautiously, he'd likely freak-out and try to hurt her because according to him it'll have been her fault, and she should have been watching where she was going. She's seen it all before, lived it even.

    Her one eye locked onto Jordan she readied her gun, cocking it, in case he tried anything. Her lone eye was full of distrust, though the boy was a total stranger, he had the same air as the bullies. Plus, he was a man. She hated men. Not speaking a single word to the boy, she looked him over quickly, searching for any weapons he could possibly use. Upon finding none she shook her head, still dizzy from her last fit. Ellen had no time to deal with this boy, if he apologized, she'd let him go.

    But he's a man. She has absolutely no faith in the male population whatsoever. She barely trusts females, but males were violent, angry, and destructive. It made her sick. However, she couldn't help but be a bit curious as to what the boy was thinking about before he walked into her.
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan himself staggered back a bit himself, realizing he had bumped into someone else. He placed on hand on his face, rubbing his eyes before saying, "Hey, my bad I didin't mean t-"

    He looked up and saw that it was the same purple haired girl he had noticed from the tree. Now he was embarrassed.....great. He started to continue his apology before the girl pulled a pistol out on him. Immediately taken back, he took a singles step back, waiting for whatever was next. He raised his hands a bit, weakly, as he began to speak, a bit more confidence in his voice, "Hey...I'm sorry, ok? I didn't mean it. Just had a lot on my mind. We've all been there, right?" He had to be cautious about what he said or did next, doing his best not to show too much emotion.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ellen noted the sincerity, as well as the cowardice, in the boy's voice, and, after looking at him for a few moments she nodded her head and lowered her gun. She coughed heavily a few times before firing a shot into the ground as a universal warning meaning if he tried anything, he'd be dead before he could blink, and returned the gun to its holster.

    Frowning, she stood a good distance away from the boy, waiting patiently to see if he had anything else to say, or if he would just move on. She inwardly hoped for the latter, because she was never going to speak to a man. Ever.
  13. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan gave a sigh of relief, realizing that he was safe for the time being. This girl clearly seemed to be withdrawn from most people, or she really didn't like being bumped into by some shaggy haired computer geek. Her heavy coughs caught his attention. He took a step forward out of concern but her gun shot stopped him from going any further. It was at this point that he noticed she had only one eye, it being a soft yellow color. He looked her in her eye and held his neck, not knowing what exactly to say. He looked around a bit before back at her and said, "You should...uh....really go see the nurse about that cough." He gave off a nervous vibe, not because of the gun, but because this was the first girl he'd had a chance to talk to in a while.
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will stretched as he watched Aiden Cooper and Angel Carter walk in. His smile deepened as he watched Cooper eyeing all the other students, looking for a challenge. Will looked at the teacher, stretching his shoulders and sternum as he whistled loudly. "Aiden, over here!" Will rolled his shoulders one last time before beckoning him over. "You looking for me? Teacher's going to have us spar before combat exercises anyway." He barked, eyes glowing at what his mind had in store for the fight.

    The president looked into the hall before going over to the large oak desk in his office, lifting his tablet before opening a program. He quickly tapped a bit before opening a comm line. When the call connected he heard a voice ring out. "Floor three, Jenkins speaking." The president huffed before speaking. "Of course it's you Jenkins. I told you to stay near the phone. How's our little mouse?" He asked, voice stark. "Umm... yeah, right... Mr. Stew is stable, prepped for transport." The man on the line stuttered, obviously worried about what the president had in mind. "Prep him for the Square. We're going to celebrate." He breathed, tapping the comm to cut the line before opening a program. He quickly typed in a message that was sent to a student's personal phone. As he saw the delivery confirmation he clicked a button on his desk. A microphone quickly picked up his voice as he spoke. "Students of Philadelphia Correctional Institute. Tonight at five this afternoon, after your classes are finished, your presence is required at Philadelphia Main Square. Any not at the square will be punished." He let the button go, knowing he had gotten his point across. His mind flitted to the message he had just sent to the student's phone. "Mr. Treswell, keep an eye on the Square tonight. If you don't straighten up, you will be next."
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ellen sighed loudly, this boy was absolutely clueless. She'd never be free of this cursed illness. She was very much aware that it would kill her someday. Not wanting to leave the boy without a response, she handed him a piece of paper with "Untreatable" written neatly across it. Underneath that, it said "I'm not mute. So don't ask."

    Satisfied with her method of response, Ellen managed a small smile. But her eye still clearly showed her distrust for the boy in front of her right now. As she waited, she unconsciously reached a hand up to the scar across her right eye. She brought the hand down quickly upon realizing this however, she inwardly hoped the boy hadn't seen that, it would just raise more questions. She hated questions.
  16. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan took the piece of paper and read it over. "Oh..." his face turned to a bit of a frown, the news depressing him a bit. The first girl he talks to in ages has some untreatable illness. Seeing her smile, made Jordan feel a bit better. After all, she did give him some sort of response, so that was better than none at all. Noticing her scarred eye, Jordan stayed ignorantly quiet, knowing it to be rude if he said something otherwise. Instead he gave a hearty smile and held the paper out for her, knowing she wouldn't shake his hand at this point. "Tresswell. Jordan Tresswell," he said. His eyes looked down at the paper, hoping that she'd use it to respond.
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ellen had to admit, this boy wasn't so bad. But she still didn't trust him. After he gave her his name, she pondered briefly before nodding in acknowledgement and writing her own name, "Ellen Majo." on the paper, below that, she added, "Tresswell? That name is associated with more then a few bad people."

    Looking up at the speaker, she drew her gun and shot it, destroying it after the message was delivered. Shaking her head tiredly, Ellen planned not to go to that little event. She was very aware of what it was going to be: An example. But she had no reason to go, and any punishment she received was nothing compared to the illness that's she's lived with all her life. On the other hand, Ellen thought, it might be an opportunity to find that one thing she's been without her entire life...
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan raised an eyebrow at the speaker, having heard the message from the President. He rolled his eyes and sighed before Ellen shot it down. Jordan jumped a bit before laughing. "You sure are the firecracker, huh?" He smiled even through the President's announcement.

    Great, another message. It's not until the afternoon, but that'd be an 40-60 minutes of Jordan's time wasted on Stew. What a waste.

    Jordan came back into reality upon receiving the note from Ellen. He smiled at it before looking up at her. "Ellen Majo." He recognized that name now. The girl who got stabbed in the eye by that bully. Jordan didn't think to put the two coincidences together until now. Nonetheless, it didn't deter him wanting to get to know her. He reread the paper again, noting him being associated with bad people. He sucked his teeth and smirked. "Please, I'm a nobody computer science student. You must be talking about the bad people who associate themselves with me."

    Fucking Badger.

    "I only do bad things unto those that deserve it."
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ellen shook her head, frowning at his response. She took the paper and wrote neatly, "No. You have very dangerous friends. One of which will be made an example of this afternoon."

    Coughing a bit, she stopped to cover her mouth. She was very surprised, thinking about it, this boy had yet to threaten her. But with the people he's been associated with, it would be unwise to linger around him.

    Returning her attention to the paper, she continued writing, "I know far more then most people would think. They never suspect the sickly girl, and so she goes unnoticed. I've heard many things, and I know well enough to not linger around you, lest I get involved in whatever it is this association of yours does..."

    She handed the note back to him, visibly looking around with her eye for anything that could effectively be used against her.
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked at the note and looked at her. He wanted to be pissed off, mad at her for knowing anything about his life inside of his computer. But then a smile crossed his face. She knew he was a hacker, obviously, but she didn't know anything about what he did. About what he, L3-Alex, and the others did. He and the others were more careful with their craft, avoiding even the eyes of the government. The casual slip up any of them usually had were usually innocent things such as pranks and viruses. But what they really did...

    Wait...if she knows about that, then she must have an ear to the wall. She's pretty dangerous on both sides then...good.

    "Heh, fine, I get it. It's cool, don't worry about it...wouldn't want you to get punished for dealing with...'people like me.'" Jordan sighed, disappointed that he couldn't make a new friend. He checked his watch quickly, only two minutes left for class. He could afford to be a little late so he didn't mind.

    He turned his back to Ellen and took a step forward before stopping. He put his hand on his head and paused. He turned his head back to Ellen, hand still on his head with his finger going through his hair. "Hey...seriously. That cough...check it out, treatable or not."

    Having said that, he turned back around and started walking to class. Using his keycard, he entered the main building, slowly walking the somewhat empty hallways to class.


    Jordan stuck his hand in his pocket, pulling out his phone. He had received a text message from some unknown caller. He unlocked his phone and opened up the message:

    "Mr. Treswell, keep an eye on the Square tonight. If you don't straighten up, you will be next."

    Jordan bit his lip hard. Had he bit down any harder, his mouth would eventually be filled with blood. He slammed his hand, balled up in a fist, against the wall. He sat completely still for several seconds just thinking.

    You stupid piece of shit. The moment you know you're likely to be arrested, you take that fucking pill. The dumb bastard probably waited until he was in their captivity, unless the idiot didn't take it at all....and now you're going to die and I have to watch. God damn it L34gue...

    Jordan took slow, deep breathes, thinking about what he had to do now. He flexed his wrist, cracked his neck, fixed his collar, and continued his walk for class. He would worry about L34gue later.

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