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Riku's Story

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Dicey_Disgrace, Dec 4, 2008.

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  1. Dicey_Disgrace

    Dicey_Disgrace New Member

    Perhaps it's just me, but does anyone else notice that Riku's entire character story doesn't make any sense? I mean, at the end of the first game he and King Mickey were locked behind the Door to Darkness. Then, he came back in Chain of Memories and entered Castle Oblivion, blah blah blah. However, in Kingdom Hearts II, Ansem the Wise talks about how Riku needed to take the form of "Ansem", Xehanort (sp?), in order to escape the Door To Darkness. Yet we clearly see Riku not behind the DTD in Chain of Memories in his normal form. Can anyone clear up my confusion at all?
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    One, wrong section

    Two, he appeared at Castle Oblivion because Ansem(Xehanort) was still in his heart and it was sort of driving him crazy, he feared about himself hurting the king and ran away

    Three, Diz or Ansem the Wise did not tell Riku to escape the DTD he needs to become Ansem(Xehanort), Riku did not take the form of darkness or Ansem(Xehanort) to escape the DTD, but to fight darkness or Roxas in which was what Ansem the Wise, or Diz needed to bring back Riku's friend Sora.

    Hope that cleared it up.
  3. Dicey_Disgrace

    Dicey_Disgrace New Member

    XD I feel so stupid now. Thanks for clearing that up because I had this discussion with one of my friends and even she thought that it didn't make sense. I appreciate the knowledge you've shared with me.
  4. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    KH is basically about Sora, not co./Riku. He could have died and never be missed and appeared again, because KH is not about riku, Sora actually.

    Last edited: Jan 18, 2009
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