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Road to Master OOC/Sign up

Discussion in 'Archive' started by FON, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist


    Main Story:

    Many years after the events of The Keyblade war, the world was destroyed... However, the realm of light was rebuilt, with smaller versions of the original world. After the keyblade war, it's been a duel of light against darkness. This is the story about a Keyblade wielder of Darkness, and the tale of young keyblade warriors, training to fight the darkness who will eventually face up against the Dark Keybarrer. This story takes place around 60 years before the events of Birth By Sleep.

    Here you can sign up and discuss things that wouldn't go into the actual forum. Here are the rules and sign up sheet:

    Allegiance: (Are you a hero? Or a pawn of darkness? Or even one who stands along the sidelines? Your choice)-
    Brief Bio:
    Apperance (Photo is optional, written desricption is required)
    Abilities: (One special ability, one limit ability, two magic spells)

    All basic rules apply here, with a few special ones:

    -If you want to be a Keyblade Master, PM me.
    -Custom species are allowed, as long as they dot fall under the lines of God-modding
    -Heartless and Nobodies are playable, though human heartless forms? PM me for that, but confirmed classes are allowed
    -Everyone starts as an apprentice (Unless you pm me about being a Master)​


    List of Characters:


    Name: Zac Gearheart
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Allegiance: Light
    Weapon: Gearshift Keyblade, Gunblade
    Brief Bio:

    Zac Gearheart is a tranee keyblade wielder, following an oath he made to his father, saying how he would become a great Keyblade Master like his dad. However, things aren't looking so hot for Jim, as he is unable to master basic abilities other than wielding his Keybalde and basic swordsman techniques in which his father taught him before he died. He is determined to become a great Keyblade Master, no matter what.

    Apperance: Zac is lanky and skinny in his build, with his skin being white. He has brown, thick, shaggy hair, hazel eyes, a big hands. He wears a red t-shirt with a silver outline of a heart, gunmetal grey shoulder pads, and grey trimming on the sleeve holes, a greyish-black vest with silver trimming, blue denim jeans, metallic red leg armor, black shoes and a pair of black fingerless gloves.
    -Special: Geargrinder (Almost perfected)
    -Magic: Fire and Cure
    -Limit: Sentry (Zac pulls out his bullet blade and shoots enemies from the back of his team mate)
    Strength: Close ranged (Gearshift, Gunblade), Long Range (Gunblade)
    Weaknesses: Not very agile or nimble, has yet to master the Keyblade's abilities (which will change in time)

    Character positions:

    Keyblade Master (The teacher of the apprentices): Open

    Keybarrer of Darkness (Main Antagonist): Open

    Young Xeahnort: Open
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2012
  2. Sooo... what's the story for this RP? Is there any overarching plot? Are there goals that the characters will be given? With no explanation all I can tell is that this game is about Keyblade wielders. It will be hard for people to come up with intro posts or even gain interest with this little amount of info.

    Suggestions for information to add to this thread:

    Backstory. This is easily the most important thing about sign up threads (in my opinion).

    Your character's template. If we can't see Zac's template, we can't know if you're not god-modding yourself. Also, if we can look at your character's relative power level, it is easier for us to tell how powerful our characters should be.

    The templates for any other characters you plan to use during the RP.

    Goals of the Characters/what the characters will be doing.

    What kind of characters you're looking for (you have the basis for this, but a little more detail would be appreciated. For example, can I be a villain, or do I have to be a hero?)

    When the RP is set in the KH timeline (using the nearest game as a reference point).

    Until you add some more info, I can pretty much guarantee you won't get any sign ups. I hope the suggestions are helpful.
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Alright the main post has been edited. Thanks for the help.

  4. Hey Zac. I decided that I wanted to join this RP. I'm gonna be the main antagonist.

    Name: Eldred

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Allegiance: Darkness/Evil

    Weapon: Keyblade, looks like Terra's (called Ends of the Earth I believe), except it is predominantly black with red as the secondary color.

    Brief Bio:
    Eldred's father, Valnoct, was a great figure in the Realm of Darkness, one of the only people able to live there without completely succumbing to darkness and becoming a heartless. Eldred's mother was a human Keyblade master named Kalia who gave into the power of darkness when she met Valnoct and fell in love. Eldred was conceived in the Realm of Darkness, and by his father's will alone he was able to retain his human form; a normal child would have immediately lost their heart and became a heartless. Years later, the endless heartless under Valnoct's control suddenly turned on him and killed Kalia. In a panic, Valnoct opened a portal to the Realm of Light and threw Eldred through. The last image Eldred saw of his father was one of him being devoured by heartless.

    This was about four years ago, when Eldred was 15. Since then, he decided that he would follow in his father's steps and be a beacon of darkness, wreaking havoc over the realm of light until he found out how to return to the realm of his birth.

    Personality: Egotistical, selfish, sadistic, and insensitive all describe Eldred. He looks down on everyone until they prove themselves as his equal in combat. Even then, if their heart is light, he will still disdain them.

    Appearance: Road to Master Character Concept.jpg
    Not sure why you want a written description as well. Anyway, his hair is black, and, like his Keyblade, his clothes are primarily black with red trim. His eyes are amber because of his immense exposure to darkness.

    Special: Dark Volley (uses Keyblade to shoot condensed bullets of darkness).
    Magic: Gravity and Magnet.
    Limit: Reaper Form (his appearance changes to heartless-like, similar to anti-sora. While in this form his speed and strength are doubled. This form lasts for 10 minutes and can only be used once per day).

    Strengths: Great in combat, above average speed and strength.

    Weaknesses: Has poor defensive skills. Gravity and Magnet spells sometimes malfunction.

    * * *​

    Tell me if anything needs to be changed.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2012
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    1. Thanks a lot, once we get the keyblade master and two more apprentices we can get into full full swing.

    2. The written disruption is needed because not everyone (like me) will not have a picture to use, plus it's normally done in the previous RPs I have been. I'll edit that soon.

    3. Everything looks pretty good, your good, I'll chane it soon. I'm t a NASCAR race with my family.
  6. 1. No problem XD you don't mind if I post before that though, right?

    2. Oh okay, I thought you were saying that even with a pic, a written description was also required. My mistake.

    3. Small typo in your post, it seems like you mean to put "ill change it soon," which confused me because you had said everything was okay :p anyway, have fun at the race, I look forward to hearing from you afterward.

    Oh and, small change, I'm making Eldred 19 to better fit the look of the picture.
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    1. No problem

    2. Yes that's true

    3. Adb yis it ders ten do happnes

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