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role playing

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Riku6979, Jul 3, 2008.

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  1. Riku6979

    Riku6979 New Member

    we all know role playing can be fun so here it gose

    Years before Sora's adventure, there was a great war. In a place between worlds, there were those known as "Chasers", those who had manifested great power and chanelled it through weapons they experly crafted known as the Keyblades. There were four Chasers.

    The Chasers all had to power to create, save, destroy and lock world's hearts. Their keyblade gave them enough power to unlock the energy of a worlds physical heart and be able to move from world to world.

    The Chasers began to follow their own ambitions. In the place between worlds, where all of their keyblades laid to rest, the four seperated. Two followed the path of light, bringing life to the worlds, following the paths of Light and Twilight. The other two, they grew unhappy and decided that those who did not respect them should perish. They followed the path of Darkness. They began to bring destruction to worlds, destroying them.

    One of the two Dark Chasers realized the faults in his ways and decided to back out. Much as Riku did, this Chaser follows the path of Dawn back to the Crossroads where he is forgiven for his ways. The final Chaser, the one they called Xehanort, would not give up, would not give in. The war began, it is unknown for how long this terrible time lasted. It has been recorded though and the Chasers are much like gods.

    The war was either between great armies or just between the four Chasers, either way, the Dark Chaser, the Dark Keyblade Master known as Xehanort fought against the others in a great Keyblade war.

    Xehanort was defeated, and with that, he lost something dear: his memory. Cast away he was born again by sleep. Waking up in the world of Radiant Garden, almost dead, a great Saint known as Ansem found him and offered his assistance. He promised to help him and when he realized the man's memory was gone, he offered to help restore it.

    The Chasers each had the ability to spread their power to a disciple or their spirits lived on through a bloodline or chosen ones. Passing their power on to make sure to Order of the Worlds was kept safe.

    One Keyblade went to the King of all the Worlds: Mickey.

    When Xehanort began to believe he was in fact Ansem, his fascination with the Keyblades grew. Unknowning even to himself who he was.

    When the Heartless were born and began to create chaos, Riku was chosen to weild the next Keyblade, to save the people from destruction while Mickey was in the World of Darkness. But, Riku's heart was tainted by his willingness to let darkness overcome him and the Keyblade was passed on to Sora.

    After being selected first and later overcome by Xehanort, Xehanort was able to harvest his power to reclaim his Dark Keyblade and thus, Riku was able to have his own.

    The final Keyblade was unnecessary until later, when the goodness and innocence of Kairi was able to bring hope to the other Keyblade Weilders and she too was chosen.

    Roxas only had ones because he is an element of Sora.

    After their adventures had ended, Mickey sends a troubling letter to Sora, Kairi and Riku. A letter that reveals Xehanort's next plot. That he has perhaps remembered his true self. A plot to destroy the other Chasers, a plot to be the one and only Keyblade Master.

    A great beast is sent to the Crossroads between worlds but is slain by one of the Chasers. The others appear from their selected paths and reclaim their Keyblades, as though they haven't been touched in a long time. They look to the road of Darkness and the shady figure of Xehanort moves forward. Through his time within Riku, he is essentially "reborn" and while Riku tries to remove him, he is never gone. With enough power he returns to the Crossroads and a great war is about to begin once again. One that will decide the fate of the Chasers and all of those who hold a Keyblade...
    Here are the Rules:

    1. Romance must be kept at PG-13.
    2. Killing another rper's character is not allowed unless given permission to do so
    3. No powerplaying or godmodding
    4. There are a total of seven people who are allowed to have Keyblades.
    5. Enjoy yourself while rping and have fun.
    Here are the seven Keyblades:

    1. Keyblade of Light: This keyblade was once said to bring about chaos and destruction or peace and salvation. This keyblade chooses it wielder by the strength of his or her's heart. It only grows stronger as the heart of its wielder becomes more resistant against the Darknes that lays in his or her's heart. This Keyblade is said to be the one that the Keyblade Master, Sora wielded.

    2. Keyblade of Darkness: This keyblade is said to have been wielded by the King of all worlds, Mickey. It lies within Kingdom Hearts and awaits to be wielded by someone whose heart has completely overcome the darkness that lies within it with light. The Keyblade just like the Keyblade of light only becmoes stronger as its wielder's heart becomes stronger.

    3. Keyblade of Dawn: This Keyblade is said to have been wielded the Keyblade Master of Darkness, Riku. It can only be wielded by those whose heart once belonged to the Darkness yet fought against and soon stepped into the light with control over the darkness to use in restoring the light of Kingdom Hearts and overcome the oncoming Darkness. The wielder must use the Darkness of their heart to protect the light that lays within it as well the wielder must follow the path of Dawn

    4. Keyblade of Hope: This Keyblade is said to have been wielded by the only Keyblade Mistress, Kairi. The wielder's heart must be pure as well as that it shows no signs of it being tainted by Darkness. This keyblade is meant to keep the balance between the Keyblades of Light, Darkness, and Dawn. But is equally as strong as the others are.

    A word to the wise if you choose the following three Keyblades. You will be a descendant of one of the ancient Chasers of the past. Who have now returned:

    5. Keyblade of Destiny: the Keyblade can only be wielded by the original Chaser of Dawn or descendants of her. This Keyblade is a mystery for the most part since it has not been seen since the time of the first Keyblade War. All that is known is that it as powerful as the other Keyblades are.

    6. Keyblade of Fate: This Keyblade is said to be wielded by the Chaser of Darkness who was believed to be a woman. It is said that this keyblade is said to have been meant to protect the light against the Darkness just like King Mickey uses the Keyblade of Darkness as a weapon of light over Darkness because of his heart having overcome the Darkness that lied within it. It is said that it shows the wielder's enemy the way the outcome of the battle they engage in will end.

    7.Keyblade of Salvation: This is said to wielded by the Chaser of Light who was believed to be a man. This Keyblade is almost as legendary as the Keyblade of Light except for one thing its wielder could use the strength of the light that lies within his heart and increase his speed and strength in. It even allows the wielder to manipulate the light within his or her's heart.

    -There is one Keyblade left but this one belongs to anyone who is to rp as one of the darkest of Keyblade Masters because that Keyblade is in fact the Keyblade of Darkness.
    - Here's the Character Template for Keyblade Wielders. There are only four Keyblade Masters and three Chasers:

    Age (13 to 18 )
    Gender (Male or Female)
    Wielder Type (Keyblade Master or Chaser)
    Heart Alignment (Light, Dawn, Twlight, Darkness)
    Weapon/Keychains (Maximum of 3 keychains per Keyblade only.)
    Theme Song

    - Here's the Character Template for any Rper who chooses not to be a Keyblade Wielder or if the Keyblades and spots as Keyblade Masters and Chasers are taken already:

    Age (13 to 18 )
    Gender (Male or Female)
    Heart Alignment (Light, Dawn, Twilight, Dakness)
    Theme Song

    Here is my template:

    Name: Ryko
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Wielder Type: Chaser
    Heart Alignment: Dawn
    Keyblade:Way To Dawn
    Appearance:Ryko is very silent and gose many daysw without speaking a word and not uttering a peep. He satnds 5foot 11inches
    and Silver-White hair normaly wairing a Org.13 cloak he walks hood up. He VERY RARELY wears his hood down and has the eye color of a Aqua type color.
    Personality: quiet and calm feirce in battle
    Bio: Ryko went through what both sora and roxas did fighting both the nobody and heartless known as the dark side and twilight thorn. Fighting these 2 at the same time he made quick work of the heartless only to realize his efforts failed in wich it stood again. Later within his fight he found 1 way to turn the 2 giants against each other......hearts. After his clash heartless and nobodys rained to his home world where Riku later appeared and told Ryko his destiny after destroying the heartless. Now 15 he travels world to world in search of the true memories and feelings of love ocasionaly u will find King Mickey and Riku traveling with him.
    Theme Song: Left Behinfd Full<-->Slipknot
  2. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Yeah, Riku, I join but just to let you know, You place in the wrong section of the forum. I think you should request it move, to the real section, which is the Role Play section of the forum! Your Welcome!
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I moved this to the roleplay forum, but I suggest you read the rules before trying to start anything.
  4. Riku6979

    Riku6979 New Member

    kk srry
    now i know
  5. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Hey can I Join with this character
    Name Will
    Age 14
    Gender Male
    Wielder Type Keyblader
    Heart Alignment Dawn
    Keyblade Dawn
    Weapon/Keychains Hidden Wisdom(King Mickey's), Oblivion, Oathkeeper
    Appearance Like Sora only taller
    Personality Gets mad really easily but other than that he is a good kid who does what is right
    Bio Grew up with Sora, Riku, and Kairi. Kidnapped by Ansem but rescued by King Mickey. Was trained by Mickey but now searches for his childhood friends and Ansem to get revenge(NOTE: Will Likes Kairi)
    Theme Song Seven Nation Army by Audioslave
  6. dannyboy9393

    dannyboy9393 New Member

    hey dude if i have the keyblade of salavition can i have keychains
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