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Roxas or Sora?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by rockerblade13, Feb 10, 2008.

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  1. rockerblade13

    rockerblade13 New Member

    Who is better,Roxas or Sora?Just wanted to know people's thoughts.:)
  2. MickeyMouse

    MickeyMouse New Member

    I say Sora
  3. Terra

    Terra (Previously RoxasXRiku)

    Roxas pwns all
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I say both of you need to add more to your posts if you don't want a warning.
  5. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Personally, I say Sora, but to be honest, there really isn't much comparison to go by. You have such brief exposure to Roxas compared to Sora that you barely know enough about him to give a fair judgment to be made either way. So I pick Sora, mainly cause I actually know more about him.

    Oh and I'm gonna move this to the KH2 section. Seeing as KH2 is the only game in the series that Roxas appears in, it would fit better there.
  6. Duskdragon

    Duskdragon New Member

    Roxas all the way, he might not have much info (yet) but he had two key blades, 2, Sora had one, 1, there for Roxas was stronger, and he disapeared, he gave up his existence to make Sora compleat, and his fight in KH: final Mix+ was awesome. Sora on the other hand really doesn't have a lot of cool attacks unless he combos with Riku, who also has lame attacks unless comboed with Sora

    Roxas also appears in Kingdom Hearts: Chain Of Memories
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2008
  7. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    I played CoM and I don't recall seeing Roxas in there anywhere. Unless he was added to the remake. Twilight Town was there, but not Roxas. If you can find the screenshot, feel free to prove me wrong, and I'll move this back.
  8. rencoinfreak

    rencoinfreak Banned

    Roxas is the best.
  9. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    I say Sora was the best because he has a better personalty and I know alot infomation about him.
  10. Venhot2

    Venhot2 New Member

    Sora sexy!!
  11. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    To quote the rules

    Make bigger posts people!
  12. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Sora, because I actually know something about him. I played as Roxas for about 3 hours and know next to nothing about him besides the obvious. Sora's grown up over the course of the series and I actually know his personality.
  13. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    I would chose Roxas because I would like to know more about him. He's too mysterious to just let him sit there and not be voted for.
  14. rockerblade13

    rockerblade13 New Member

    Actually,you'll knows more about him in 358/2 days,anyways.
  15. FinalForm1

    FinalForm1 New Member

    I'd choose Roxas, cause he's not emotional and he fights with 2 Keyblades without having to use a different form.

  16. darkside

    darkside New Member

    as much as i would like to say roxas because he is cool, i have to say sora cause he's been there longer, and deserves respect.
  17. Tifa_03

    Tifa_03 New Member

    ughh very hard but i have to say Sora. He is the main character
  18. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Right now, I would say that Sora is better, but I havent known about Roxas as long....
  19. Waterfall17

    Waterfall17 New Member

    Both of them are the same; Roxas is half of who Sora is. I mean, when you see them, it's really weird, because they both have the same exact smile!! ...and their eyes are the same, too. The only things that are really different are their hair colors and dress. Other than that, they technically have the same reactions to everything. Despite all this, I would still choose Roxas, though, because he touches your heart more in that he is searching for answers as the "Keyblade Master/Key of Destiny" and as a nobody. There is something about this that draws more empathy...
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I pick Sora. I don't really like Roxas much (Possibbly because he is voice by Jesse McCartney...). And Roxas is only half of Sora's strength. And the only reason Roxas is able to weild Oathkeeper and Oblivion at the same time is because Oathkeeper is supposed to represent Kairi in Sora's memories and Oblivion is supposed to represent Riku in Sora's memories. Btw, before you say that Roxas couldn't remember Sora's memories, I am going to say that Roxas doesn't need to remember them for them to be there.
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