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Save Me (OOC+SU)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Oct 18, 2011.

  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "In a average world that we live in there are adnormal people, people in which other humans don't like because of there differences. Soon this will change for there is a cure for all the mutated souls and abnormal monstrosities. Come to Dr. Econon's Hosipital today and get the cure and step into a the average human world."

    "Colby there's hope for you and your sister....they've found a cure for your mutation..and it's free there doing walk-ins.....you and your sister should go."
    The boy layed there on grungy mattress. "No" he said to her briskly and bitterly. Colby looked up at the chipped ceiling.

    Basically this is a Super Powered Role Play. I don't want to go to far into the prologue because it may spoil the roleplay. This roleplay is set in Southern California, It can be anywhere in Southern California. You can be born with power or you can go through some epic accident which caused you to become the mutated person you are.

    Standard Rp rules apply.
    No Godmodding, No Powerplaying etc.
    If you want your player to be killed of during a battle pm to see if it's ok.
    Have Fun :D

    Age: (12-20)
    Power: (Detail your Powers please)
    How Power was obtained:
    Appearance: (Anime)
    History: (Two sentence)
  2. Key King

    Key King Member

    Name: Aden Baker
    Age: (12-20) 13
    Power: (Detail your Powers please): He has the ability to convert his body into pure energy, enter into the power grid, and come out some place else that has power. EX: he converts his body to energy, zaps into a computer, and comes out in human form someplace else from a TV
    How Power was obtained: he was a biogenetic experiment gone right. he has no parents except for the scientists that created him. He was used as a emotionless killing machine, until he developed feelings and killed the scientists, he doesn't want to be cured however, because he likes himself the way he is.
    Appearance: (Anime) http://s.myniceprofile.com/myspacepic/599/59916.jpg
    Weapons:http://www.stevemordue.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/mkkt2shotgun.jpg and Redirect Notice
    History: (Two sentence) You already know that he was a bio- experiment. He is on a killing spree of government agents, trying to find answers about the people who created him
  3. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Accepted. Just need more people to Join...ill be making my character soon.
  4. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Name: Colby Jones (goes by Cj)
    Age: 15
    Power: Pryo: The power to manipulate fire.
    How Power was obtained: Colby unlike most people was born with his powers.
    Appearance: http://www.wallpaperfox.com/download/view?file=MjU2MHgxNjAwLzIwMTEwNTEzLzZjMGU3NjlmYjA2YWNiMjg3NjRkYzA0YjUxYmRiNjgyLmpwZw==
    Weapons: Colby is capable of making anything out of fire.
    History: Colby is a younger sibling. He and his sister are the only one who survived the fire that occurred on Colby's birthday. After that fire Colby and his sister were sent to an orphanage to live. Colby's sister is in horrible condition and can't receive medical assistance because of them being mutants.
  5. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Name: Shuya Takeda
    Age: 14
    Power: Data Solidiication - He can solidiy and manipulate data turning a gun in COD into a real weapon or just turning data into projectiles.
    How Power was obtained: A Military experiment
    Appearance: http://i1114.photobucket.com/albums/k522/AnimeWolf1320/images-1-1-1.jpg
    Weapons: Data
    History: He was born into a secret military program that experimented on people in order to create a "human computer". In the end, they succeded only for their precious experiment to run away.
  6. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Name: Dominic Novak (Dom Novak)
    Age: 17
    Power: Can see the trajectory of any object (I.E. bullet from a gun, the path of a car, the bounce of a ball etc.) He can predict their trajectory and predict where they will go. as a result he has fantastic aim.
    How Power was obtained: Radiation mutated part of his brain.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapons: two pistols (he keeps a rubber ball on him at all times just for fun)
    History: lived a normal life until the tragic night of the accident. now he's on the run because he thinks of himself as a freak.
  7. Noir


    Name: Dean Hato
    Age: 16
    Power: Telepathy. He can control things with force, or destroying them with force. He can also float by using telekinesis by himself.
    How Power was obtained: Dean was born with power, having hiding it unexpectedly within his body. Dean awakened when he was just 13, the starting age of teenagers. He shares the same power with his great-great grandfather, which was a "Force Master", warriors born with Telekinesis using a knuckle to defend themselves and to touch danger awakened with darkness.
    Appearance: Dean's Appearance
    Weapons: Katana
    History: He was born with a father who gained his powers at the accident by traveling, and a normal mother. His father and mother just died, but after that, he truly awakened his powers.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2011
  8. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Nice all accepted. Great Character 8-bit such orignality
  9. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Name: Jasmine Fudo

    Age: 14

    Power: Amalgamation – Jasmine can merge herself to another item or one item into another. Combining the molecules or morphing the molecules next to each other.
    ■ Fuse with Organic or Inorganic materials.
    ■ Blend into the surroundings by fusing with the surrounding materials.
    ■ can combine with metal such as a steel sword, knives, daggers, making the user a danger in close combat.
    ■ convenient transportation by merging and phasing through the ground.
    ■ can fuse with another person gaining their natural abilities or even powers.

    How Power was obtained: Jasmine was born with her powers and they didn’t appear till she was 11. She was put into foster care for 3 years when her parents divorced and her mother didn’t want her anymore as she was a constant reminder of her father. She now lives with her grandmother who surprisingly is a mutant herself with the relatively the same powers. So she is currently receiving training and guidance and has come a long way with gaining control over her powers but she has a long way to go before she can do what her grandmother can do.


    Weapons: Anything she can get her hands on.

    History: Born into an unstable family environment, thrown into the foster care program and then taken in by her grandmother. She then discovered that her mother split the family up when she found out her father was a mutant, she couldn’t accepted that he was a “freak” and thus ended it.
  10. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    i dont mean to double post ..well i guess i do since im doing this..huh. weird. Anyway, when will this be starting?
  11. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    We will start soon just need someone to fill the character of Colbys sister. Pm me if you are going to.
  12. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Name: The Hero Without a Name (aka Satoshi Fudo)

    Age: 17

    Power: Elemental Transmutation - He can alter molecules on an atomic level mixing raw elements to create different elements. He mostly uses it to alter the iron in his blood to create different blades. He can also uses it to create explosive projectiles made with flammable materials. He can also use it to freeze water and other liquids and generate fire or electricity.

    How Power was obtained: He was born with it.

    Personality: He has a very serious personality and always moves his emotions out of the way in order to acomplish his mission or objective. He manipulates and kills whenever he sees fit. Even under this mask of a cold heartless assassin his heart is in emotional turmoil.

    Appearance: [​IMG]





    History: Jasmine Fudo's brother, he ran away after finding out he had a mutation, he was then captured and brainwashed into what people know as "The Hero Without a Name". His job is to assassinate all mutations and rid the world of all abnormailties.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2011
  13. Noir


    When Abyssal Knight (Darian) gets online.
    I hope this RP will not die.
  14. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    same here. im really excited about this.
  15. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    need some more character in order for us to begin ill be making another template soon then we will get kicked off if no one has joined since then ok
  16. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Name: Reala
    Age: 17
    Power: Shadows-basicly he can controle shadows to his wim. he can turn them into wepones and even use them to blind his foes. not much else is known about his powers sence they are still developing.
    How Power was obtained: he stumbled apon a waste dump and was mentaly, and physicly mutated.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    when he uses shadows to fight: [​IMG]
    Weapons: [​IMG]
    History: A Very rude and feared bully he was at "the top of the food chain" when his life went in a hole new direction. he was droped in a vat of waste that would have killed someone and insted turned into the being you see now with a completly diffrent aditude that he wanted to help not hurt. he calls himself "Jester".
  17. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Accepted Nice character. Also the Roleplay is up for those of you how hadn't known already.
  18. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Name: The Hero Without a Name (aka Satoshi Fudo)

    Age: 17

    Power: Elemental Transmutation - He can alter molecules on an atomic level mixing raw elements to create different elements. He mostly uses it to alter the iron in his blood to create different blades. He can also uses it to create explosive projectiles made with flammable materials. He can also use it to freeze water and other liquids and generate fire or electricity.

    How Power was obtained: He was born with it.

    Personality: He has a very serious personality and always moves his emotions out of the way in order to acomplish his mission or objective. He manipulates and kills whenever he sees fit. Even under this mask of a cold heartless assassin his heart is in emotional turmoil.

    Appearance: Look at the attachment (I Drew this, lol)





    History: Jasmine Fudo's brother, he ran away after finding out he had a mutation, he was then captured and brainwashed into what people know as "The Hero Without a Name". His job is to assassinate all mutations and rid the world of all abnormailties.
  19. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    All Character accepted up to this point. Can we start posting now the Rp is up and running

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