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School is started up soon!

Discussion in 'General' started by Zerieth, Jan 21, 2011.

  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Hey all,

    I know this is very belated but I'm still on winter break but will be going back to college in a week. So to all you college/high schoolers let's hear what you went and did. Just answer these three questions

    What was your favorite part of your break?
    What was your least favorite?
    Are you happy to be going back to school?

    My favorite part was getting a job. As for my least well I had some family issues so things have been kinda tough on me. And I am indeed happy to be going back to college. (I can't believe I said that >.<)
  2. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I just got back to school two weeks ago, but it's been brutal xD

    What was your favourite part of your break?

    Definitely completing Final Fantasy IV for the second time. I had been working on my file since the end of November (homework kept getting in the way of my playing time) and I felt accomplished with myself. Spending time with my grandparents was also a highlight of my break :)

    What was your least favourite?

    My least favourite part was doing an English assignment (there were five parts to it, who gives people an assignment to do over the Christmas break?) and working on my physics assignment. Homework just ruined some of my days off.

    Are you happy to be back in school?

    I'm sort of happy to be back in school because it gives me something to do and you get to talk with your friends who were away all break. However, I could do without all of the test and the upcoming exams on Monday.
  3. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I go back to school on Sunday so I'm packing up my stuff now ( I'm in college btw)

    Fave part of break: Seeing my friends and family and hanging at the movies
    Least fave part: It was way too long and I miss school alot!
    Happy to be going back: HECK YEA!!!! :D
  4. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    4 days after break ended,my girlfriend broke up with me ='( but we're still good friends =D

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