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Discussion in 'General' started by Yukie, Sep 1, 2007.

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  1. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    How is your school?

    I start school this week!!! YAY... Last Year Of High School!! Can't Wait!
  2. Flare

    Flare New Member

    God I have mines tomorrow. <.<;;

    simply dreading it.
  3. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    mine started last week....
  4. khnite

    khnite Member

    My school started last Thursday. Its my last year in high school. I already have tons of homework to do.
  5. Whiplash

    Whiplash New Member

    Mine started at the end of January and, not including exams, I've only got about 20 school days left. SWEET NO SCHOOL FREEDOM APPROACHES (aslongasIgraduate)!!!!
  6. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Class of 2008, Yay!! Now I have to worry about what college and how I'm going to pay for it. XD
  7. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Associates degree in Recording Arts.

    Translation: I'm a college grad. No more school for me. w00t!
  8. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    i wont be out of school till im 27!!!!!!!!
  9. 27? Wha? I start school tuesday. My school is probably the worst school in the county. No joke. Search for cromer high school on google uk pages only. Look at the test levels (which those of you who live elsewhere will not understand but it has an average on it). I'm probably one of the smartest people there :(
  10. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Going for a higher degree I assume? I got my degree at 19, but I also took an accellerated program. Only one year.
  11. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    We start the 5th..:( Which in 2 days. I hope everthing goes well this year for my school!
  12. Circe

    Circe New Member

    I'm in my last year of highschool and I already have the college picked out annd to get out of college sooner I just might study for my ACT ( something I never do >.>) so that I can go to a commuity college for free and get some hours in next semester before I graduate.

    =X I know I sound like alittle nerd but I'm not xD I just think that it'd be nice to get some of my required freshmen classes out the way...
  13. I'm not actually going to school for a couple days (maybe even a week!). I'm gettin stuff e-mailed to me cause i get really badly bullied so i don't like to go in.
  14. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    WTF? Your school will let you stay out and get your material emailed to you because you get bullied? Now there's a policy I've never heard of.

    Besides which that's a lame reason to stay home, no offense. I was bullied. Hell I had friends out of school who would bully me in school to keep up thier own image. But that was never reason enough for me to stay out. And about the time I stopped caring what they said, it stopped.
  15. Flare

    Flare New Member

    Dude, SD, your helping those bullies get way over there head. Now they will that their all that since they keep you out of school.
  16. Demon Cloud

    Demon Cloud New Member

    how unlucky of you all to be talking about school, ive just entered my last year at college, i feel really old saying that now though =O..... yet im not the oldest here, still i feel old =D
  17. Mike

    Mike Member

    Tomorrow I start my third year of my Bachelors degree (which is a combined honours Kinesiology and Theoretical Math (as far as I know...they may not give me that exact degree)). This year I have practical courses in Sports Medicine and Anatomy, in which I need to assess and treat 'athletic injuries' (The 'athletic' may sound kind of stupid, but anything from a bump, bruise or scrape is classified as an athletic injury), and identify a body part by palpating a living person, or by pointing it out on a cadaver. I hope those go ok, more unnerving than a 'written' course.

    Similarly in the math department, I'm plunging further and further into 'proof style' analytical math (Such as Real Analysis and Complex Analysis)...far more abstract than your algebras and your calculuses.

    This year I also begin to research potential ideas for my thesis (which I will present in my fourth and final year). I have a few ideas, including conscious restraint on reflexes, using damaged hearts as an energy source (a valvular motor), and a project researching the conductivity of the skin.
  18. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    haha bullies...I get bullied all the time, but if you fuck with me, I bite back. ^-^
  19. Circe

    Circe New Member

    I'm with you on that one Yukou =)

    I used to get bullied back in middle school, but then I started getting mean and by the time I finished middle school I wasn't bullied anymore xD. No one tends to fuck with me anymore but I get a few here and there...

    SD just let them know that you won't take any shit from them because staying out of school is like a compliment towards them. Don't allow them to feel like they accomplished something.
  20. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Damn Skippy.... Hehe or what God tell you: Turn the the other cheek.

    or Karma: What goes around comes around.

    Whatever the thing is you can't run away, if you do, you lose. And no one loves to lose. ^-~
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