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Seems I have a heart after all....

Discussion in 'General' started by Beloved, Oct 5, 2008.

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  1. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    My girlfriend...was pregnant...and she was hit by a car two days ago.
    I had to chose between her and the baby...because I'm her fiancee. I chose the baby, because that's what she would want me to do. And when I'm already grieving for Tabitha, the baby died too. Just up and died, in my arms.

    People have told me that I dont have a warm heart...and now I find myself grieving over woman and child. And you know what else? I wasn't mine...it was her ex's. I was ready to take that child in as my own...

    This brings back bittersweet memories...YouTube - Kingdom Hearts - Skillet - SAY GOODBYE
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2008
  2. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I'm so sorry to hear that! :( I think it was very nice of you to want to take the baby in as your own. Anyone who tells you that you don't have a heart is an idiot cuz you're a very special person to do something like that! My prayers are with you! :eek:
  3. Seriously, I cried at that.

    Im not going to do the whole 'sorry' thing. It never worked for me, so I don't know if it will work for you. I pray you don't think I'm some insensitive bastard, I am sorry. I just never believe in saying so. It doesn't help, and I'm quite a straight-to-the-point.

    Just remember that life is a bitch, but we should be thankful that we had one. Remember the good times you had, get any photos you had, cherish them. It may sound cliched to the highest standard, but if you really loved someone, and if you don't forget them, they are never gone.

    Please though, I ask you, don't do anything stupid. My Auntie died when I was 7. My Grandad went mad with grief, and he ended up trying to jump off a church. He was stopped, literally pulled back after jumping off by 3 people.

    He's dead now, but after that, he went into a mental hospital. He was never the same.

    Don't let it affect you. I'm not saying don't be emotional, or don't grieve openly. If you didn't that would hurt everyone more than anything. But remember a quote that I must say I truly love.

    No man is an island.

    5 words, with alot of meaning. Remember, if you let this ruin you, you will not just ruin you. The people who love you will worry. Don't hurt them as well. Dwelling is never a good thing, but we are human. We have a nasty habit of doing things we shouldn't.

    Dwell, but know when to move on. Do. Not. Ruin. Yourself.

    I know two priests. I'm not sure if you are Christian, or even religious. But I will ask them to pray for Tabitha, and the baby. If the baby had a name, and you want to of course, post that as well.

    Please consider what I've said. I'm 13. But I am not a child. Physically, I'm 13. But I've had alot of hardships.

    I hope at least some of this helped, even if it was the pity.

    Last edited: Oct 6, 2008
    Beloved likes this.
  4. KeybladerX

    KeybladerX New Member

    i agree totally with shad. Accidents happen and there's nothing much you can do to stop them.

    I've faced a few hardships, probably not as much as others, but I still know how it feels to lose someone.
  5. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    I'm so sorry. That sucks. You have a good heart and you are a very kind person. I'm crying right now. I'm sorry. It takes a real man to do what you did.
  6. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    I'm also so sorry... :( I agree with the others. I wish all the best for you! You have a warm heart, I know it!
  7. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Thanks. We named her Esmerelda. I know it might seem a bit...idk. But we always had a flare for the elegant. I still do.

    Esmerelda Ferima Grantz. Rest in Peace.

    Btw Keyblader...nice sig.

    I'm not the type to let grief swallow me. I take the pain, but I don't just keep it inside and just let it grow and fester into even more pain. I write, I sing, I game, I do anything I can to make the pain bearable. And I'm sorry to hear about your uncle Shad. I didn't grow up with a father around, so I know how hard it is. I wasn't about to let that happen, especially with Tabitha.

    We were both huge fans of the KH and FF series. We would take our ps2's and two tvs into my room, and play both our files at the same time. We started, and ended the game together. This might seem a bit wierd, but we called each other Sora and Kairi...we did literally EVERYTHING together.
    I've gotta see if I can get a pic of her on here.

    I typically don't like to post personal issues on forums, but I just needed to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening.

    Another thing, if you guys watched that vid, what did you think of it? I thought it would be the perfect memorial vid for her.

    And I'm sorry to keep going about this, but my Fantasia RP is going to be something new here. I'm creating an evolving world here. I'm also drawing up a map for this. If it dosen't go as well as I think, oh well, I tried it. I might seem a little complicated, but I'll handle the hard parts, you guys just get your own personal stories going. Drama, romance, action, you name it. Its your story to do with what you will, along with the world's story involving all of you. Trust me, this is gonna be epic.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2008
  8. Omega

    Omega New Member

    omg that so sad. i have total sympathy for you. i probably would never know how you feel and it must be hard for you. i teared up when i read it. that video is a nice memorial for her.
  9. Esmerelda.... I actually like that name.

    It's very nice, in a strange way. I have asked one of the priests who I see regularly to pray, and have told her the babies name. She said she would. And don't feel sorry for me, that happened basically before I could remember, I only know the details because of being told.

    But you are there, you think, you breathe, you remember.

    I hope it doesn't hurt you too much. It sounds like you were so close, it must be like having another part of you torn away, to open a deep wound in your side.

    I'm glad to hear that you laugh. It is so corny, but laughter is a damn good remedy for everything. The day my cat died, I went upstairs, and read the funniest book I could find. Within a few hours, I wasn't even half as sad as before.

    The lyrics to the song on that video were brilliant. They really made me think of what had happened. They would truly be the lyrics to remember her by.
  10. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Laughter is by far the most powerful medicine available to mankind. No pain can truly resist the healing powers of laughter.

    Here's a funny for ya. Hope it works though.

    Last edited: Oct 9, 2008
    shadoweddestroyer likes this.
  11. Omega

    Omega New Member

    yep, that's true. that's why whenever i'm sad i tell jokes to other people and hearing their laughter cheers me up.
  12. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Can you guys see that comic pic?
  13. No, I'm afraid not. It's literally one of the red cross box thingymabobbies :)
  14. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Grrr....brb, gonna see if I can fix this.
  15. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Hope this will work.

    Just check the attachment.

    Okay, nevermind that then. I'll say what's going on. Sephiroth sees a magazine, and picks it up. You see him freak out. He tosses the magazing, and a pic of him and Cloud kissing flies out and you see that as he's walking away, ticked, and surrounded in fire. Then you see Cloud and Aerith talking to Sephiroth. Aerith asks, "So, you burned down Neibelheim because they read gay porn?". Cloud's in the back looking guilty. Sephy's just "Yeah.". lol

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
  16. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Lol, now it worked. :D Good that you also explained it, 'cos I can't see the text very well.
  17. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Lol, now it worked. :D Good that you also explained it, 'cos I can't see the text very well.
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