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Sephiroth or Sesshomaru?

Discussion in 'General' started by EtherealSummoner, Oct 12, 2009.

Who would win? Sephiroth or Sesshomaru?


  2. Sesshomaru to the top! He's a slick demon to the core!

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  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD Right now, I'm real curious as to who would win? Sephiroth or Sesshumaru from Inuyasha. Both of them are very powerful, but who can aactually win. I need to hear this from all of you!!


    Last edited: Oct 12, 2009
  2. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Sephiroth.Mostly cause I dont like Inuyasha that much and thus dont know much about it,but also cause even if Seph dies he can come back stronger and kill Sesho off.Though really they both lose to the heros do to the unfortunate circumstances of birth *Being created into series where the heros will eventually win*
  3. Probably Sephiroth; he has more Yaoi pairings, L.O.L.
  4. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Oh yea,I forgot,that gives him so much more power!Defintly sephy now!
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    To me, I have to say Sephiroth. Sephiroth is way quicker than Sesshomaru & he can inflict more pain than Sesshomaru can handle.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member


    But between the two, Sephiroth would win. Mainly because Inuyasha is like DBZ for girls. It is a horrible anime. But that's not the point. Sephiroth can only be killed from a super strong, multi hit, Limit Break.
    Kitty likes this.
  7. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    hehe,DBZ for girls.VG Cats I believe

    Anywho,Kefka alright.I say Sin would make Spehy wet himself,but to each there own.Though Kefka would be more likely to become Sin's core then wet himself.Think of what THAT Sin could do
  8. alchemistz

    alchemistz New Member

    Sesshomaru got my vote.
    I just love the tenseiga and he's also a demon.
  9. You have a good point. But doesn't he just have a Straight Sword?
  10. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Sesshi for the win!

    Sesshomaru is much more badass than Sephy.
  11. Really, come on! Being able to call down a meteor capable of totally destroying a planet, having a masamune, turning into a Seraph, and the ability to look good doing compared to being a demon of the moon that has a whip and a straight sword and can turn into a big wolf . . . end result: NO CONTEST!
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD Let's first know about Sesshomaru's powers:

    [edit] Abilities

    • Poison Claw: Sesshomaru's claws release deadly acidic poison which can melt flesh. Sometimes he uses it like InuYasha uses his Sankon Tessō attack, but he can also use it to spray venomous acid from his fingertips.

    • Whip of Light: Can generate a thin whiplike strand of energy from his fingertips that can slice through almost anything.

    • Dragon Strike: It is his signature move but it is mainly seen in the movies (three times in the third and twice in the fourth). Its strength is comparable to his brothers Bakuryuuha (Backlash Wave). The Dragon Strike takes on the form of a dragon-like lighting by Sesshomaru waving his sword in the air and from there it takes form. He can also put in the ground which allows him break an enemy's barrier. Unlike the Wind Scar or Backlash Wave, however, this attack is born of Sesshomaru's own power rather than that of a sword, as he is seen using it with both the Tokijin and Tenseiga in the third movie.

    • Flight: Ability to hover in the sky or generate a sparkling dust cloud to ride on.

    • Super Speed: Ability to move at blinding speed in short bursts, Sesshomaru can move faster than the eye can see, both on land and through the air. When he does this in the anime, he leaves behind a fast-moving blur. He can also instantaneously close long distances without being detected by others.

    • Super Strength: Sesshomaru possesses physical strength far beyond that of a normal demon; he was able to easily lift InuYasha by the throat into the air with one hand in one of their earlier encounters. In addition, Sesshomaru was seen carrying the boulder-sized demon head of Goshinki in one hand with little to no effort. In the InuYasha profiles manga, Rumiko stated that Sesshomaru has Herculean strength, even with only one arm; his strength with only one arm is double that of InuYasha's full strength; InuYasha's strength allows him to lift a 9 to 10 ton boulder using one arm with little effort, so Sesshomaru would naturally be capable of lifting double that or far more with the same amount of effort.

    • Teleportation: Ability to morph into a ball of energy and move over great distances over a short amount of time.

    • Psionics: Though Sesshomaru's psionic capabilities have never been specifically quantified, he has demonstrated powerful feats of both telepathy and telekinesis in both the anime and manga. Examples of such being his ability to mentally levitate and fling skulls at InuYasha and Kagome in the anime's 7th episode; as well as his ability to overwhelm Goshinki's powerful telepathic aura in order to claim Tokijin as his own.

    • Taiyōkai: As the descendant of a great dog demon lord, naturally Sesshōmaru is a far superior yōkai with heightened senses, intelligence and strength. While he appears to be an elf-eared human bearing splendid clothing and armor most of the time; he can transform into his true form at will, which is that of a gigantic acid-breathing flying canine with fluffy white fur.

    • Immortality: Being a demon, Sesshomaru does not suffer from old age the way humans do. He appears to be a young man in his 20s. However, he has been around for at least a few hundred years.

    • Regeneration: An ability that allows Sesshomaru to seemly replace limbs lost in battle and recover from similar severe damage. This ability was obtained once Sesshomaru found the necessary strength to summon Bakusaiga, he not only regrew his lost limb but healed from severe wounds inflicted earlier.
    [edit] Equipment

    • Staff of two Heads: Locates his father's grave, can fire streams of flame and generate floods of water. The staff is usually held by his assistant Jaken. It features an old man's and a woman's head. They can speak when the staff is used.

    • Mokomoko: is the "fur 'sash'" on Sesshomaru's shoulder that can stretch to long distances. He uses every once in a while, he once used its to grab InuYasha. It can be extended to great lengths and used to whip or constrict people.
    [edit] Weapons

    • Tenseiga : The Tenseiga can revive the dead and heal the living. It does this by letting Sesshomaru see the pall-bearer demons that take away the souls of the dead so that he may destroy them with Tenseiga. It usually does not show this happening. In extreme cases, the Tenseiga also protects Sesshomaru from potential lethal attacks. When in use, the Tenseiga has a blue aura. It was another of the swords fashioned by Totosai from InuYasha's and Sesshomaru's father's fangs. But it doesn't quench Sesshomaru's thirst for power from Tessaiga.

    • Tokijin: Sesshomaru also wields the sword Tokijin, crafted by the evil sword smith Kaijin-bō from the fangs of Goshinki. It can fire off extremely powerful blasts of pure hate energy and is thought to beTetsusaiga's equal. There are two different ways of using it. One is to extend your arm and point it at your opponent to blow them back and injure them with a powerful pinkish-purple aura. The other way is to slash with it releasing a powerful wave of blue energy.
    Bakusaiga : After the destruction of the Tokijin, Sesshomaru obtained a new sword called Bakusaiga that looks like a Nodachi. It has the power to destroy thousands of demons with one swing and can decompose any organic material the blade cuts. The latter ability stops the regeneration in any demon body part that he cuts off with it. He obtained Bakusaiga after he lost his interest in Tessaiga

  13. Bah, Inuyasha Wiki is no match for the fan base of F.F.VII
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