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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by Kairi831, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. Kairi831

    Kairi831 Active Member

    Doesn't Sephiroth seem to be a bit more of a challenge to fight in KH2 rather than KH1?

    In KH1 Sephy was so easy to battle.
    Now, I just can't seem to kill him off :/

    Any opinions or what not??
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Personally I found KH2 Sephiroth so much easier than KH1 Sephoroth.
  3. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Once I learned his moves in KH1 and 2, he was no challenge for me at all in both games. In KH1, when he tried to use Sin Harvest, all I did was either Super glide to him and attack, or use Strike Raid. In KH2, the Jump boost and Glide easily prevented Harvest Angel. And if I could reach him in either game, I always timed my Mega Elixers right
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I'm with Destiny; I personally found KH II's Sephiroth much easier than KH I's Sephiroth. I thought his attacks were more easily blocked and Sora was able to handle the damage fairly easily when combining some of his abilities. Though like ADogX says, once you figure out how to counter his attacks, are sufficiently leveled, and time your heals right, neither version is terribly difficult. There were bosses in both of the games that gave me much more trouble.
  5. juliuxking18

    juliuxking18 New Member

    I'm with Destiny too. I kicked Sephiroth's ass on KH2 but it was really hard to beat him in KH1
  6. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    KH2 Sephiroth is more intimidating at first glaance because he's faster, and he tends to attack in flurries which gets rid of your health much faster as opposed to in KH1, where he did slow single hits for the beginning of the battle. Your tools in KH2 however are MUCH better, and its much easier to beat him just by mashing guard/counter 90% of the time, or reflect if you really don't feel like trying. In KH1 you had to react to him and it took a lot of time/healing items/correct calls to beat him. In KH2 you just have to use all your overpowered abilities.
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Once I beat him once in KH1, I never lost to him again.

    KH2 is so much easier though...
  8. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I found that Sephiroth in KH II was more challenging than KH I, like Kairi831. Once you figure out a decent strategy to take on Sephiroth, he becomes less difficult to beat, but I found that the battle in KH II was harder because he moves a lot more quickly.

    Now, when I faced Sephiroth for the first time in KH II, he took me out in a matter of seconds (it was the most terrifying thing ever); However, when I fought him for the first time in KH, I was able to bring down his life pretty far before he got me. Ultimately, you need to be at a decent level and bring some good potions a long in order to take him out, but for me he was less challenging in KH I.
  9. Jixx

    Jixx New Member

    I actually found him much easier in khII mainly because, as stated before, you were given more powerful tools in khII. At least this is what it seams like to me.
  10. Idec Sdawkminn

    Idec Sdawkminn New Member

    I found him easier in KH2. I found Guard to be better in 1, but overall I seem to be able to take more damage and heal that damage easier and faster in KH2. Also, after attacking, he stands around and lets you hit him, unlike in KH1.

    I made a video of me fighting him. Also, the Forms with 2 keyblades reminds me of someone else, so I added a special thing to the end.

    YouTube > JJTHjojYZ0M

    EDIT: Oh wow, I looked at the last post date and saw 8-8-2012 and was thinking 8 meant October, not August. Sorry for the necro.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Sephiroth on the first time around is always the hardest. I know that almost NONE of us would ever anticipate Sephiroth to do a move that will take us out almost instantaneously unless we, the game player, hit that triangle button real quick. Sephiroth in KH1 is harder in all honesty.
  12. XionXIV

    XionXIV New Member

    Sephiroth is actually kinda easy if you keep your head in the game. But if you let your guard down for ONE second, you can get screwed bad. It helps if you have lots of ethers and elixirs.

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