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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Destiny, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Well I need help. As sad as it is to some of you I have not been able to defeat Sephiroth. In the first gae I need help. So here's what I got...

    level 100
    ultima keyblade
    many elixters
    Almost all the abilities equiped

    Again I need help with beating Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 1. Not 2, not com. 1.
  2. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Oh that's tough, even I couldn't beat him. I guess just pay close attention to his attacks, figure out his pattern and hit when he's open. :eek:
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ok thanks. I can never get past the angel of death move. I hate that move.
  4. Halinmonk

    Halinmonk New Member

    The best way is to it him when he says "Sin Harvest" when that happens igf you hit him enoph the attack will stop.
  5. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    alright,one remember that he has invisible health bars.you have no idea how freaked out i was when i didnt know that and didnt think i was doing damage to him at all.two, strike raid is your friend.use it when you have enough mp to spare,it keeps you away from him,and since he walks for about half the fight,usually hits him.also a good way to hit him when he uses sin harvest.stay locked onto him of course.have plenty of elixers,which you seem to have.have aeroga and curega quick-slotted,aeroga damages him and lets you take less damage,while curega,of course,heals you.make sure to have second chance on.also have superglide on,that will help you reach him so you can hit him before he uses sin harvest,and a good way to aviod some of his later attacks.ultima is defintly the way to go.beyond that,you should be able to do it.unless you are at expert,you should be able to deafeat him even at mid-high lvl 40s,so you shouldnt have too many problems.the key is strategy and healing.lots of healing.
  6. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    She said KH1, Not KH2.

    But when he does that sin harvest thingy move, jump and glide at him and attack him. This will stop the attack if you get their quick enough. Also don't use to much items at the start. Save them for when your in dire need

    EDIT=Ive just read dualblade's strat more carefully and realized i said the same thing. But if you follow his strategy you should beat him. Especially because your a high level. But remember for beating him you get nothing
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2008
  7. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    I took the time to write this so I hope everyone pays attention.
    PHASE I- Lifebars 1+2

    Sephiroth has 6 life bars. 5 normal ones, and one "invisible" one that you
    must get rid of before his damage meter starts to go down. This phase really
    isn't that difficult. He has two primary attacks. If you get near him, he'll
    lunge at you with his sword, which reaches a hell of a long way. If you stay
    near him, he'll cast some sort of mega-fire spell, which causes a lot of
    damage. He can also jump across the arena and lunge at you with his sword.

    For this phase, basically you need to ALWAYS KEEP YOURSELF AERO'D! It will
    save your butt. Run at him and right when you think you entered the range of
    his sword, jump up and let him swing underneath you. Then, unleash a combo
    while you are landing. Note that if you successfully land a 4-hit combo, he
    will disappear and teleport behind you to try to damage you, just press R1 to
    lock on and jump out of the way. If he starts his mega-fire spell, either wait
    it out and heal or do Ars Arcanum which does significant damage and makes you
    invincible. The only disadvantage of this is that it takes 3 MP. After you
    take off his first "visible" life bar, he'll enter his next "phase", which is
    probably the most difficult.

    PHASE II- Lifebars 3+4

    Now, he's much tougher. In my opinion, this is his hardest phase. He has three
    primary attacks in this stage. First, he'll run like a madman across the
    arena, slashing you and teleporting directly behind you. There's not much to
    do here except to keep yourself cured and aero'd. However, you need to try to
    time your jumps when he teleports around. His second attack is to teleport
    across the arena and do a spell that is an instant death, unless you have
    second chance equipped, which will leave you with no MP and 1 HP. Finally, he
    will jump up in the air and fly at you, slashing away for about 10 seconds,
    finishing with an unavoidable combo.

    As I said before, while he's teleporting around the arena, he's VERY difficult
    to hit, and you need to time your jumps correctly. Every once in a while,
    he'll teleport across the arena and say "Tired of Final Fantasy??" or
    something to that effect. When you see the orange light on him, IMMEDIATELY
    superglide to him and hit him a few times to interrupt his spell. If you see
    the orange light get to you BEFORE you get to him, IMMEDIATELY SUPERGLIDE
    AWAY!! Get as far away as you can, and go into your item menu. The INSTANT he
    performs the spell, click your elixir, cause he'll be charging at you, trying
    to finish you off. For his third attack, he'll give you about a second warning
    by the arena getting much darker. That's your cue to aero up (even if it's
    already on, it's a fairly lengthy attack). Just repeatedly jump around. He'll
    get you a few times, but if you have aero, he won't kill you. After it's over,
    IMMEDIATELY cure. Then, he will ALWAYS teleport across the arena and do his
    death-spell again, so lock onto him and superglide to him to interrupt it.
    After the entire yellow bar is visible, he'll enter his final phase.

    PHASE III- Lifebars 5+6

    In this phase, he will go to the center of the arena and a huge light will
    come on him. He will then call down 5 or 6 meteors, so jump up to avoid the
    waves of them landing. The meteors will then go in circles around the arena,
    and there's no safe place. He will then detonate the meteors, creating a huge
    explosion. His other attacks involve creating a series of smaller meteors
    around him and bringing them toward you. They don't do much damage with aero
    on though. He will also spin around in a circle and leap at you saying "Stop
    this!" He will also occasionally use the mega-fire spell and the constant
    slashing attack followed by the death spell. However, this time he usually
    does the constant slashing attack two times in a row, so make sure you cure
    and aero in between.

    When he summons the meteors, go to the outside of the arena, with aero on of
    course. Jump up to avoid some of the waves of the meteors landing. When he
    makes them go in circles, I just stayed to the outside and took the damage.
    After he detonates the meteors, heal and run in and get a few hits on him.
    This phase basically involves rushing in on him and slashing away, retreating,
    healing, and aeroing when necessary. However, when he does the constant
    slashing attack, retreat and jump around again, and make sure to superglide to
    him to interrupt the death spell. This part is made even more difficult by the
    fact that your hits appear to do less damage to him. Just stick with it
    though, and this phase won't be too diffucult. Just remember the golden rule:
    HEAL AND AERO!! He will eventually fall.

    I think we've answer the question or help needed, correct.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2008

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