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Shark Week

Discussion in 'General' started by Desert Warrior, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    So it is that time of the year again for the Discovery Channel to start broadcasting a bunch of shows meant to educate people about sharks.

    Or maybe not. Doing a bit of research before making this thread, it seems like Discovery Channel makes up some stuff to throw into Shark Week. Part of my very slight bit of research was that last year's Shark Week included something about how a Megalodon (Essentially a prehistoric shark) still exists, even though it doesn't.

    And last night they were airing a show that was basically saying that Jaws actually exists. It was a truly massive great white shark they called Submarine and that it ate some people who were part of a whale watching trip in South Africa. Which, while the whale watching accident did happen and some people died, the shark is totally fake.

    While I suppose it is good that a massive man eating shark like that doesn't actually exist, it is disappointing that they decide to air fake stuff like that and claim it is real.

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