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Site News (Staff Changes)- 2/15/11

Discussion in 'Site News & Announcements' started by Kitty, Feb 15, 2011.

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  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    • 2 / 15 / 2011
      'Sup, everyone. Just letting everyone know that we've made some changes to our staff. ​

      - Current staff list

      P R O D II G Y
      Desert Warrior

      Congrats to Goldfish, who has been promoted to super moderator.

    • Let's say goodbye to the following inactive staff

      We thank them for their help during their time on staff with us. XD

      Right now, I do not believe that we are looking for any replacement staff members, though if that changes we will let everyone know.

      Cheers :cool:

  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    It's about time that Rawr becomes a super mod. Thought that he would never become one. Yeeesh and whoo hoo! Thanks to the retired staff members too.
  3. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Yeah. GrandShadow definitely had to go. Buggered out like right after becoming a Mod. The staffing does seem very shorthanded, but then again, the site is sort of in a massive lull.
  4. ✰Wayfinder✰

    ✰Wayfinder✰ New Member

    Congratulations to Goldfish and I know I haven't been here long, but I bet the others did extremely well and were good people and wish the best of luck to all of you! c:
  5. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Members do not give up, if you show leadership and you are cool member of the forum, meaning : in all sections, you too can become a staff member because we're always watching.

    Oh I just died laughing inside. Ha!
  6. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    i was laughing my damn head off at this evn though i never met him.
    right i would be glad to try out for staff and be able to correct problems people have and help as well. Is there a staff training you go to if you chosen for a staff role
  7. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    it's gonna feel wierd seeing Goldfish with bluw on his name...not used to it.but hey congratz man.hopefully Destiny can be a Super Moderator soon to
  8. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    If we see that you have potential enough to become a staff you'll most likely get it. Just be a positive member, bring more members to the site and just set an example by helping out.
  9. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Huh, a blue goldfish. Well I'd never.

  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Well as far as staff training goes i personally give you a crash course when chosen. I'm always watchin members that come through for potential candidates. Depending on activity of the site i may or may not open up staff apps soon. But that is up to discussion until i see more members an more posting from the masses.

    Remember PROD is always watching
  11. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Well gratz Goldfish
    you look good in blue ;)
  12. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    That makes you sound like a happy pedophille for some reason i get dunno. But i have another question does the staff have the wonderful delete button they claim to have and where does it appaer. oh and might need some fireworks for Goldfish's promorion party* gives leftover fireworks to PROD* here might wanna set them off NOW!!
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Magical delete button, yeah we got one of those and now goldfish like other supers and admins got the magical ban hammer.

    Congrats to goldfish, you're def lookin' good in da blue.

    And as long as your active, know the rules by heart and you follow them, you're postive about helping the site, you may get a shot at gettin' on staff. Just remember staff is always watching especially Prod.

    ^plus prod, pedaphile, please, who you need to really worry about is Demaian :p
  14. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    Fixed for you
    And how the hell are they Pedophiles do they torment little kids like a program at my school said Pedophiles are 64 year old men who disguise themselves as girls age 13 and trick boys into you know what.
  15. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    plus to be on staff
    you can't be a noob like me or roaringflames i mean iv'e been here 3 months
    roring only one month-ish
    you should prolly be here for a while before your a mod
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I was kidding, neither one of them are pedophiles. And they don't have to be 64 men, a pedophile could be anybody over the age of 18 male or female interested in "looking at children" over the internet or wanting to meet up with them.

    and not necesarily, yeah at least a month maybe two just to see habits on the site. I know when I first was put on staff I was here for 4 months, Demaian was for 3 months.
  17. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Seriously, why are we talking about pedophiles? Spam's not exactly what I'm looking for in a staff member. :rolleyes:

    Can we stick with congratulating Goldfish and saying goodbye to the four we've lost?
    Plasmos likes this.
  18. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    I was so lost as well. Welp we know who not to choose now. Ha!


    Anyways congrats.
    Kitty likes this.
  19. Vor

    Vor Princess Eater

    sorry but hey we forgot his big promotion party which i'm going to help out with (the least i can do for the sig and avatar he allowed me to use). So the four staff members who left will be missed but hey we should throw a good-bye and hapy staff retirement party for them

    back on disscusion WOW you became staff that early what the hell happened to make them do that for you
  20. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    My promo thread turned into a pedo chat. Just one of the many given risks as a Smod, eh?

    Anyway, thanks to all and a farewell to the retired. Missing them already... a tad.
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