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Sky Runner

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Denki Wolf, Nov 29, 2009.

  1. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    Sky runners was one of the best Sci-fi/Fantasy Disney Movies I have seen in quite awhile.
    It was very well done.
    The actors where very into there roles and really felt like brothers.
    The music was... so-so.
    Not the absolute best, but still good.
    The visual was over the top.
    The Aliens looked real, the animation during flying was very well put together, and the fighting was well done.
    The plot had a very traditional feel to it with a new twist.

    Plot - 8/10
    Acting - 9.5/10
    Visual Effects - 9/10
    Audio - 7.5/10

    34/40 A-

    In all I highly recommend this movie.

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