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Slenderman (actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by TheKnightofAwesome, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: Here's the RP
    Current cast: Slenderman-KnightofAwesome
    Kid#1- 8-Bit
    Kid#2- Key King
    Kid #3- Trio
    kid #4- empty

    also note that I will not exactly get into Slenderman's head. it will be more like narrating what he's doing. He will never speak (save for a strange humming sound)

    IC: The Slenderman: a tall, skinny creature of unknown origins and unknown weaknesses. Truely he is among the most frightening of monsters. This particular monster teands to hide in the shadows, and never lets humans know of his presence. Except for when they are his target. It is sometimes said that those who see Slenderman either in reality or in their dreams are his next target. His tenticles sway almost lifelessly beside him as he stalks his prefered prey: children. The Slenderman walks through the forest, searching for nearby houses that he can find children in. He has now chosen new targets and now begins the time of "observation". he will watch them in their routines for a while, then he will get them alone, and make his final move. He spots a house on a hill just outside of the edge of the forest. Perfect place to examine.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2011
  2. Key King

    Key King Member

    Mark woke up to the same dream, some freaky thing chasing him...but for some reason he couldn't run...the thing grew, and grew, until it towered over mark, and he was powerless...he realized he was cold and sweaty. he got up and reached under his bed. he pulled out a long black plastic case. he opened it. there was his shotgun, with it's full magazine in, and the safeties on (it has two safety things). he locked it and slid it back. he looked out the window. he thought he saw movement in the forest, a brief flash of white, floating...nah, he got into bed, and picked up his laptop. he went to his favorite site, Khplanet (lol), no one on at this ungodly hour, so he closed the laptop and went back to sleep.
  3. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    The Slenderman Looked into the window of the tiny house. inside a sixteen year old boy slept soundly. Slenderman did not enter the boys dreams a second time, instead he quietly slunk around to the next bedroom, where the mother slept as well. There was no father in the house. One less human to get in the way.
    Slenderman emerged from the forest, near the home of another boy he was stalking. This one was fourteen, and more alert. but even this one was unaware of the supernatural presence of Slenderman.
  4. Key King

    Key King Member

    Mark looked around, before going back to sleep. he thought something was walking around, maybe his mother, or his dog, but no, sparky slept soundly at thr foot of the bed. he was an old fox terrier thst had belonged to malcom...Mark went to sleep again.
  5. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Slenderman retraeted from his night stalking for now. Soon the sun would be up and he didn't want to be revealed. He could follow them later, when they left for the day. Slenderman walked back into the woods. Back to where he had come, the depths of the forest. He would rest for now, then continue his grim following later. The children knew nothing!
  6. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Trina woke up with a stretch. she was in a log cabin in the woods...the cabin of the guy she killed...she got up got dressed, got her hunting gear and walked out of the house remembering her dream. "Like any of that fony balony crap is real. why was I so jumpy lastnight about a dream?" then she saw a buck she got out her shootgun and shoot the poor animal. "Yes bigger then yesterday!" she said as she brought it back to the house.
  7. Key King

    Key King Member

    Mark walked into the woods, going down a path into the woods, he was going to meet his girlfriend for the walk to school, today was going great.
    (okay i'm reeealy scared now...)
  8. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Slenderman hid away from the boy who walked into the woods. Now was not the time to make his move, It was still the time for watching. He used his extended legs and "arms" to hide among the tree tops while walking at a distance away from the boy. following him to wherever he was going.
    The Girl in the cabin was very intriguing to the Slenderman. he had watched as she cluelessly stumbled into his territory, and lived with the man in the cabin. he had watched as she killed the man, leaving her alone to be hunted by him. but still he did not make his move, it was no fun to go after prey without observing them for a while. And sometimes his prey learned of his pressence and put up a chase for him. the thrill of the chase was what made it exciting.
  9. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Trina was in her cabin cooking the deerwhen she heard movment in the trees. Damn Ravens! she thought as she walked outside and shot at the trees to where it could be heard for miles. "Stay away from my damn huose!" she yelled. "Rats with wings." then she walked in the house and readied her dinner.
  10. Key King

    Key King Member

    Mark was getting kind of creeped out, normally he'd drive his car down the path and not worry, but today, on foot something had him jumpy...could it be the dream? nah...he kept going, the trip seemed longer this time...maybe he should've just picked his girlfriend up. he palmed his face...why hadn't he thought of that? the car would've taken a minute! Mark continued through the forest. the trees casting eerie shadows, one looked like a man...he wanted to get out of there, so he ran.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  11. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: nice Slenderman sighting I like how you say it was a tree in the shape of a man. instead of vice versa. also feel free to make your girlfriend a character. I can see a few story possibilities with her in the story.

    IC: Slenderman followed the boy, not getting very close to him. Why should he start the chase so early? He still had much more to observe, where could the boy be going? And with such a long trip, why didn't he take one of the human's metal transports? Slenderman would never understand human reasoning, but he didn't have to understand them to catch them.
    Slenderman was at the cabin deep in the woods. the girl inside ate the deer she had just killed. Barbaric, yet intriguing at the same time. The girls need to kill was very interesting to Slenderman. Would she try to kill him as well when he made his existance known? Either way it would be pointless, wasteing time trying to kill Slenderman, was just a way to quicken your death.
  12. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Trina noticed that the sun was riseing more and she dicided to go and see what she could find so she left the cabin. she then noticed that a boy was runing and she wanted to know why. she hopped on he bike but left her wepons at home and chased the boy.
  13. Key King

    Key King Member

    OOC:actually my girfriend has other plans...
    Mark heard something and whipped around to see a girl on bike. He didn't recognize her and he kept running.
    The girl was gaining, getting close, too close. Matt picked up a strong stick and threw it into her spokes. she wrecked. "Try and mug me again!" he yelled, still running. Up ahead he saw his girlfriend in the distance, waving to him he turned around as Sparky came runningdown the path, barking up a storm. he turned around, what was his dog doing? he turned around again, and his girlfriend was gone! "What the-?" he swore and kept running, he was sure she had been there. he stopped where she had been, a small piece of cloth was there, bloodied at one end. Sparjy ran up and growled at the woods, holding his ground. "What is going on?" thought Mark.
  14. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Trina inraged ran up to the boy and takled him to the ground "YOU TRY TO PULL A STUNT LIKE THAT AGAIN I WILL PERSONALY KILL YOU!!!" then she got up and tried to get her bike out of the bushes while at the same time asking "What the hell was that for? I was just rideing up to say hi. you realy don't have to fear me unless your an animal...have to live of the land right?"
  15. Key King

    Key King Member

    Mark picked himself up. He held the cloth. It was silk, most likely from his girlfriend...what had happened here? he decided to skip school today. He started back towards his house before glancing back at the girl. You can come with me. he said. "My mother will be gone I'm sure it'll be fine" he started walking.every once in a while Sparky would growl, but Mark would drag him along, more afraid than ever now.
  16. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Trina didn't know what to say. she got the bike out, wich was now busted and felt her stomace. she had not eatin anything but meat for a year geting some realfood sounded great right about now. she ran to the boy saying "Do you have A bike repair kit too? you owe me."
  17. Key King

    Key King Member

    "I'm not sure." he said. "I might, i mostly use my car now...What's a girl of... (mark studied Trina) I'd say 8, doing out here right now? Don't you have school, or a family? You don't look that well..come on, I'll get you some food, and Ugh, you could use a bath!" He kept going, a car passed and he had to walk into the forest to give it room to get through the narrow path. a shadow passed over him, he turned around but there was no more shadow. "Let's go. he sad, beginning to run.
  18. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Trina ran with him wondering what that was about. "ok a couple of things, one I am 10, two I have had nothing but meat to eat for an intier year, and I take a bath in the pond every night yet you smell no better than I do." she said chuckleing at her last coment.
  19. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    OOC: guys, I know i've been gone for like an hour but please, no machine gun posting, I know there are only three of us but still i liked the pace we had going. and also Trio, please try to have your posts over 4 lines long.

    IC: Slenderman had not intended to kidnap the girl so quickly, but she was just a distraction, a useless pawn in some great game. But now the boy and the girl were together, at least it would make the stalk easier. He followed them back to the boy's house. one of the human metal transports were gone, so Slenderman could tell they were alone. He decided to peer in the window through the cover of a hanging tree branch, that way he would not be spotted. He wondered what the human children were up too. This was behavior Slenderman had never seen before.
  20. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Trina was scarfing down all Kinds of food at the boy's house. Hotdogs, brocolie, Tosirolls, she didn't care if she got a bellyach. THIS IS THE BEST FOOD I HAVE HAD FOR LIKE, ALL YEAR! she thought. when she was finished she cleaned all the dishes. even though she did this enough at her house she dicided that this was the best way to thank the boy for leting her eat here. she looked down and thought about home and if the cops would ever find her. ...I need to get back to my cabin before that happens. she thought but I can't just leave this boy with out saying thanks. but then he would get arested because of me. what do I do? once she finished the dishes she went and sat on the boy's couch to think but she thought too hard and ended up falling asleep on accident.

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