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Snake Eater: Counter Boss

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by Goldfish, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    So I'm at the end of the game where you have to kill The Boss and then you become Big Boss. I've already done it, but I did it so she died Lethally and not lethally (which is what I prefer; New Camo, WOO!)
    I tried non lethally and failed since I have little ammo for the MK22 and Mosin Nagant (I was shooting all the USR Soldiers with them; apparently killing is bad in this game). Cig Gas Spray and the Handkerchief are nearly impossible to use on her and stun grenades I run out of since I can only carry 5.
    I did however, was able to counter her CQC with one of my own (and it was real effective), though I did not know how I did it. I did a bit of research and couldn't find anything. All I see are, "you rapidly press circle!" "Move the left analog stick while holding circle!" "Time it!" and some other similar tips.
    I believe timing it correctly is the one though I have no idea when to execute the Circle button in the middle of her CQC to perform one of your own. Anybody here know any notable actions/sounds/rumble in the controller during The Boss's CQC to be able to counter it?
    More so, anybody here actually KNOW 100% how to counter The Boss's CQC?

    ps. The cardboard boxes don't work against The Boss =\
    pss. Yes, I am talking about Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
    psss. How do you counter the Boss's CQC?

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