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So what's your opinion on the game so far?

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIII' started by Ventus, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    For me, I feel quite disappointed. I don't feel like I have enough freedom and also there is no leveling up system. Also in the beginning, I can't change my characters. I have to stick with the same character for long periods of time. The game though, is awesome. It is one of the best looking games I have seen. It is the 2nd best looking game and the first is Uncharted 2. I think it is very well voiced and the story has potential to be great. I will probably get further involved into the gameplay as I get more freedom. Oh by the way, I'm stuck. I can't figure out how to beat the second summon (or how to prove Hope and Lightning worthy)

    What's your opinion?
  2. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    I'm not sure how far youve gotten but there is a level up system :S
    Well I think there is.

    I've been playing it for quite some time, at first I was really disapointed but i knew I would be after all I had imagined the ultimate game and hearing reviews before hand and already seeing the ending to it literally spoiled it for me. At first I didn't like the battle system but the further you get into the game the more additional features are given to the battle system so right now in the current stage I am it holds similar features to X and X-2.

    Although maybe I would have prefered a more free battle system similar to Kingdom hearts.

    The game it self the story is quite good, as a total lightning fan girl I feel the vast amount of time with lightning is great. More of the game seems to be story than actual playing but I guess with the complex storyline it's better tha way.
  3. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Do you mean the crystallarium system, when you say level up because I don't find that very rewarding and it doesn't feel like the characters are growing.
  4. alchemistz

    alchemistz New Member

    I miss the levelling system

    Anyways the game is all boring until you unlock Paradigm Shift
    Sweet storyline but not feelin the classic FF atmosphere anymore
  5. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    yeah that's the feel I have to. Also the victory theme is missing.
  6. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    I have to agree on you with that DX
  7. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Actually, I can explain the one-character thing. The writers wanted the player to bond with the character more. Unlike in XII, where the characters were mix-and-match, they wanted the player to hold a closer connection and grow as the character grew, thus getting a much stronger feel.
  8. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    So in your opinion, is the game worth buying? Despite knowing that I'll likely be underwhelmed and disappointed, I still feel like I should try it out. Damn addicting Final Fantasy series. <_<
  9. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    I've been playing 9 hours (up to the part where you control Hope) and it's all been story line. I haven't seen any freedom in the game yet, all I can do is follow the path and get to the end.
    I'm liking the battle system though, it reminds me of Cronno Trigger on the SNES. If you want something new from Final Fantasy, I'd recommend it. Also, resetting and loading from last save point has now lost all meaning. You can simply restart battles. It is convenient but now there's no more pressure of dying in battle and laughing at others when they get the game over screen. And last disappointment, You can max out stats until you receive the ability to max them out again by beating bosses. In other words, there is a stat/level cap as soon as you start (level up system is similar to X's minus freedom and spheres).
    Still, go buy it. Your disappointment will at least be covered with "Hey, I have Final FantasyXIII!"
  10. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I just got the game a couple days ago, and other than the CONSTANT party switching to various groups of the main cast because for some reason we can't all just get along >.<, I have been VERY pleased with Final Fantasy 13. The game is sort of a gathering of the positive parts of all the previous games, however that brings along a lot of negatives also, just how it works. A quick pros list from WHAT I'VE SEEN SO FAR, I'm not that far in so I don't know everything about it

    The Crystarium: Basically the sphere grid from final fantasy X, but you gain CP instead of EXP from battles which allows you to use it (no specific items are required to learn skills, i.e. "Power Spheres", just reaching a skill learns it)

    The Battle System: AMAZING. It's just a more advanced version of the original ff battle system. It's like playing final fantasy 5, but being able to change jobs mid battle via the "paradgim shift" system.

    Eidolons: The summon system, which is basically a different yet similar version of the Aeons from X. Instead of one character getting them all, each character gets one, personal summon. While that does limit your summon selection CONSIDERABLY, it adds a feel of personality to the summon, instead of just being a random beast that you call, it's a part of you.

    Characters: Most of them are VERY cliche mind you. Lightning is just Cloud with a bra on, Snow is Dante from Devil May Cry, Hope is your generic emo teenager, Vanille is your generic overly happy girl that is in all japanese programming, HOWEVER, you really come to bond with the characters in 13. Unlike 8, where any attempt to get to know Squall made you dissinterested because honestly, he was dissinterested in the story also, Lightning and the other protagonists show a great range of emotion and you can really begin to bond with them.
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Got the game. Want to keep playing it.

    I created two Padigrams. One where Lighting is a Ravager and Hope is a Medic. The other is both of them being Medics. Switch between those two, and you should be able to beat Odin.

    I'm at Chapter 7 and it is still like that. Only dissapointment for me. Well, that, and Hope's emoness. I've got a feeling he's gonna stab Snow soon.

    Can you ever choose your party? Still haven't gotten to that part yet (If it exsists).

    Love the Crystarium. But I do have a question about it. Does each stat boost count only for the specific role? Or does getting a +2 strength as a Commando, +4 Magic as a Ravager, and +10 HP as a Medic give those stats to all roles?

    Odin took me a few tries. Filling up the Gestalt meter when fighting along side the summon is a tad bit difficult. At least trying to fill it up completely.

    Sazh seems to be the most original character of them all. He's probably one of the most popular characters. Mainly because of what you said.
  12. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Odin's bar raises A LOT when he is struck by magic, just switch between Double Dose (Medic/Medic) and Dualcasting (Ravager/Ravager) and he should go down very easy.

    Won't spoil that for ya

    I'm not there yet, but I hear that in around Chapter 11 the game becomes COMPLETELY free roaming and you can choose your party

    The stat boost count for the Character, not the role, so if you get +10 HP in the medic crystal as lightning, She gets +10 HP, not the role.

    It's not THAT difficult, depending on the summon. So far I've only used Shiva and Odin, and I've had no problems doing that either time

    Eh, I'm not to big on Sazh, he's kind of irritating. Although I do respect everything he's trying to do, he seems to be going about it in a horrifyingly awful way, he doesn't even have a plan
  13. alchemistz

    alchemistz New Member

    Free roaming at chapter 11. The battle system is boring because of the "auto-battle" feature but I love Paradigm Shift.

    "Lightning is the female version of Cloud", SE said that.

    And by the way, I really like Fang. She reminds me of Lulu.

    Hope is emotional, Vanille is cheery, Sazh is mature and so on. Great balance of characters.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2010
  14. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I know SE said that, it's why I made the blatant comparison :p
  15. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    I felt sad about this too, however it would get a bit I don't know too repetitive if they put the usual theme back in.

    As for crystalisation mentioned somewhere previously, it just takes LONG to get your characters to level up. I've almost finished the game so I'm not going to spoil it, but it just takes ages to get into till you really like it. Additional things crop up along the way which makes it worth playing if you don't like how it is towards the first 14hours of game play or so.
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I know. I'm able to get certain roles to Level 4, and the CP required is phenominal (sp?).
  17. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Yeah, I just got to the "good" crystarium part, but the CP required is unreal
  18. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    I finished the game (well, the story anyway) this morning, and I LOVE IT!!! the story, the battling system, the characters, everything just seemed to fit into this wonderfully crafted game. Of course, it has it's flaws, but then I think about the ending and that doubt seems to just vanish. for those of you that are thinking about getting it, GET IT. for those of you that have, but are feeling a little underwhelmed, for whatever's it's worth (To me it's worth a lot), FF XIII gets A LOT better as time goes on. Oh, and for the CP costs, progress further in the story, it evens out.
  19. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I'm outside the final battle... When does it even out? I still am spending nearly 40,000 CP just to get one crystal
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I'm guessing he means that it balances out by how much CP you get at the end of a regular battle. Oh, and for some help go after mission 55 ASAP. It gives you an item called a Growth Egg. It doubles CP recieved per battle.

    Oh, and I'm still against Barthandelus in Chapter 11. I guess I'm just gonna have to train alot before fighting him again.

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