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Some ideas

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Remedy, Feb 6, 2011.

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  1. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Maybe we could have a chat system rather than having to wait for people to notice somebody wrote on their public profile...
    and maybe we could make it so...
    1.) the site doesnt allow Double posting like after you post once there will be a message that says (Please wait till someone else posts and there will be no text box

    2.) Close thread older than a month. So people can view them just not post in them...

    Well anyway just some ideas
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Most of the oldest threads are closed, but to be honest, it's a waste of my time to go through and close them all. Just be aware of the age of the thread you're checking out and don't post in it if it's too old. Shouldn't be that hard for everyone to do.

    This is kind of like the previous suggestion. I know some forums that have a delay where you can't post again in any thread within a minute or so (to try to cut down on those accidental posts), but I don't know if what you suggest is possible. And I think people should again be able to read the rules and just not double post purposely.

    This has been discussed before and will never happen for various reasons.

    Thanks for your suggestions.
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