• Square Elite
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Sony Coverage

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by GrandShadow, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    ok, Sony wasn't as big as expected but was still awesome. heres the stuff-----

    E3 Sony Coverage

    sony starts off with a video showcasing various games and playstation items. which is interesting but we're watching for the new, not the stuff thats already here.
    and sony is jumping the 3D bandwagon. apparently they're going to give an update for the PS3 that makes the games 3D. and more coming by march.

    Killzone 3 - in full 3D
    starting with a 2 section demo. the first bit is in the far north, an arctic region.
    then it showcases a jetpack thing your character wears for better jumps and manueverability.
    and now more where your in a flying turret.
    comng in febuary/exclusive to PS3/ fully compatible with Playstation Functionality(more info later apparently)

    and coming is Motorstorm: Apocalypse, Sly Cooper Collection, Gran Turismo 5, Mortal Kombat: Fatalty, Tron: Evolution the game, a new NBA and MLB game, a new boxing game called the Fight(looks to be set in prison), Tumble(looks like Jenga), Eyepet, Eyepet PSP, and some that were introduced yesterday at EA's and Ubisofts shows(like Crisys 2).

    more Playstation Move info.

    and here's more new games

    Sorcery - uses Playstaion Move
    -you play as a sorcerors apprentice
    -cast spells by flicking the move at the screen. character full follows movement.
    -has potions and varied spells. can combine varius spells to create new spells(fire+whirlwind=firestorm)
    -coming Spring 2011

    Tiger Woods PGA Tour '11 - uses Playstation Move
    *sidenote - the demonstrater sucks at golf*
    -full 1-1 movement. perfectly captures your motions
    -gives real-time feedback to help improve your game
    -has Putt Preview feature(a little foresight ability to aid you putt)

    Heros on the Move - uses Playstation Move
    -uses some of Sony's key stars(Ratchet, Jak, Sly) going through some adventure
    -looks like a third person brawler right now

    Coke partnering with Sony to help promote the Playstation Move.some sweepstakes to give out a free Move.

    Move comes out: US-9/19 Europe-9/16 Japan10/18 Move-49.99 Move extra-29.99 Move and Game-99.99 Move, Game, PS3-399.99
    Tons of new Move games: Bowling, SportsChampions(think OLympic style stuff), Start the Party, Singstar, TV Superstars, SOCOM 4, Time Crisis 3, RE5 Gold, Aragorn's Quest.


    -and new PSP game involving the new PSP camera.

    God Of War: Ghost of Sparda

    -a chronicle of Kratos's rise to power
    -neat video speaking about how a marked one was predicted

    New PSP games- Ace Combat, Gravity Crash, DBZ Tenkaichi, Hot Shots Tennis, Madden 11, Paqtapon 3, Tetris, Piyotama, P3P, Valkria2, 3rd Birthday.

    The Tester: season 2
    -PSN online series

    more new Home features
    -also they've recreated ther E3 booth. head their for anything you missed out on.

    LittleBigPlanet 2
    -sequel to the '09 game of the year
    -Sackbot, Grapple Hook, Movie Maker features, revamped online
    -revamped multiplayer scoring system.

    Playstation Plus
    -subscription based online upgrade stuff. get exclusive free stuff, early access to demos and betas, reduced prices in the Playstation Store
    -starts later this month

    the new Medal of Honor will recieve exclusive content on the PS3
    -new character: Deuce, AFO Wolfpack
    -new multiplayer map: Diwagel Camp
    -a limited editon version: includes a revamped edition of Medal Of Honor:Frontline. exclusive to PS3

    Deep Space 2
    -finishing the demo that was shown yesterday at the EA show

    Portal 2
    -PS3 version will apparently be best
    -gameplay video of Portal 2

    Final Fantasy 14
    -neat video

    Assassins Creed Brotherhood

    -beta is exclusive to PS3
    -world premire video of multiplayer
    -exclusive missions to PS3

    all coming to PS3: Call of Duty: Black Ops, Mafia 2, True Crime, Marvel vs Capcom 3, Castlevaina, Dead Nation, DC Universe

    Gran Turismo 5 video
    -coming Nov. 2
    -full 3D

    inFAMOUS 2
    -exclusive video
    -coming 2011

    and finally Twisted Metal is coming to the PS3!
    -exclusive to PS3
    -coming n 2011
    -sweet gameplay video
    -16 online
    -new flight options
    -each vehicle has 2 unque weapons
    -co-op specials
    -return of the twisted humor and stories
    -new game mode: Twisted Metal Nuke= team capture the flag type. the objective is capture enemy leader then kill them before the enemy does it to you by launching them from missles to giant metal statues of themselves. first to 3 wins.


    ok, opnions?
    Sorcery, LBP2, inFAMOUS 2, and Twisted Metal were the best in my opinion. that Twisted Metal trailer and Ice Cream car were totally awesome!
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2010
  2. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    posted the coverage in the above post
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I don't know why, it but sorcery is one of those games that looks cool but at the sametime it's a case of why would I ever buy this game?
  4. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    true, it's like Harry Potter magic without Harry Potter
  5. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    Nothing really shocked me until I realized that video was Twisted Metal. Then I started freaking out.

    Pretty disappointing though. When I saw Ratchet I was like YES until I realized it was some shitty Nick Toons-esque game.
  6. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Very dissapointed by this years E3. Hoped to see more of BBS at the Sony Confrence. Also I hoped with all my soul that that special announcment was KH3.....U people know when a game developer says they denied having started a game that they are just trying to keep it a secret. Anyway, AC Brotherhood looks cool, and Killzone 3 looks pretty awesome.
  7. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    we still have Konami's conference and i think Square's. maybe Square will reveal it there.
  8. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    That would be amazing. Do you know when these things are scedueld to happen.
  9. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    no, but i'm trying to find out

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