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Sony Shelves "The Interview"

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Kitty, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Has anyone heard about this? "The Interview" was supposed to be released into theaters on Christmas, but a group calling themselves the "guardians of peace" made threats suggesting terrorist activities reminiscent of 9/11 on any theater showing it, and theaters in the US and Sony Pictures behaved like complete cowards and shelved the movie with no intentions (so they say now, anyway) of ever releasing it, whether in theaters, or on dvd, or what-have-you.

    Now, I'd only seen the trailer unintentionally, and was kind of up in the air over whether or not I'd think it was funny, so I'm not devastated over not seeing the movie based on its own merits. But goddamn, freedom of speech, anyone? A) it's absolutely ridiculous that people would get upset over a movie that I doubt took itself seriously in the slightest, B) Gotta love when terrorists who are threatening violence against others call themselves "guardians of peace" , and C) Just really? I can't believe so many people would just cave to this idiotic demand. I can see how the subject matter could be considered offensive or in poor taste to some people, and I could certainly see theaters in North Korea refusing to show it, but honestly, if people don't like the movie, don't fucking watch it. Leave the rest of us who may want to see it alone. Pulling the movie sets a dangerous precedent, because you know there are always going to be films that some uptight group of idiots gets their panties in a bunch over. Should we cave to all demands for censorship?

    I don't know why I'm surprised by things like this anymore. Anyone have any thoughts, about this situation, or censorship in general?
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Sad that anybody could get so pissed off. Honestly thinking about it I am a bit curious as to why Borat didn't get this kind of stuff to happen to it. In terms of offensive stuff, Borat is just as bad, right?

    Also I hear that supposedly North Korea is responsible for the terrorist threat. But at the same time I hear that any excuse for it being North Korea is too flimsy of an excuse for it to be true.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Honestly, haven't seen Borat, so I can't really compare. But I can certainly see why a movie poking fun at assassinating someone would piss that person and the rest of his country off. The movie really should've been about a fictitious dictator, even if it was extremely obvious who they meant him to be.

    I just can't believe the US, always so proud of their right to free speech, and all "we will not negotiate with terrorists," would cave so quickly. :rolleyes:

    I reckon once the heat dies down and people forget, the movie will eventually be available on dvd, or if nothing else, someone in the know will leak it. If anything, pulling the movie probably ensured that even more people will want to see it. Maybe somehow Sony is secretly a genius? Or so I'd think, if they weren't having so many other issues lately.

    Edited to add: Apparently Sony just released this statement:
    So Sony puts the blame on the theaters.

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