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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance' started by DV8playa, Sep 23, 2011.

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  1. DV8playa

    DV8playa New Member

    I never really played The World Ends With You, but I wouldn't be suprised if Square Enix attempted to pass this Neku guy of as Sora' 2nd Nobody.
  2. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    -_-..i would because thats impossible..
  3. DV8playa

    DV8playa New Member

    Square Enix is good at making the impossible happen.
  4. Noir


    What do you mean?
    Neku is from another story and just got in KH3D, why he would be Sora's 2nd nobody? He even doesn't have an "x" in his name.
  5. Wave57

    Wave57 New Member

    Well, Namine didn't have an X, that was just an organization thing.

    And also, there is no way Neku would become Sora's nobody, he already has one and he hasn't turned into a heartless since KH1.
  6. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Neku isn't Sora's nobody...
  7. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I'm guessing Zack Fair is Ventus nobody.

    Neku is from another world with his own story. He and Sora have no relationship.
  8. DV8playa

    DV8playa New Member

    But, what I'm asking is, do you think Square Enix would do it, even though it's impossible? Plus, weren't all of the Final Fantasy characters from different worlds and different stories?
  9. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    No, never, it would contradict everything that has happened so far.
  10. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    No way is Neku Sora's nobody. That's lie saying Winney the Pooh is Riku's nobody.
  11. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    well I woldn't say that Neku could be a part of sora but what if he is the clock that is showing sora how long he has untill an eternal slumber...
  12. Noir


    Anybody who is from another story cannot be nobodies, but I think someone are one.
    But there is no WAY Neku will be Sora's 2nd nobody, he is from another story/world, he has his own destiny.
  13. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    well yea but like I said Neku could be showing the time that Sora has left before Sora falls into eternal slumber...
  14. DV8playa

    DV8playa New Member

    Mmm... the whole clock theory does make since... maybe....
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2011
  15. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    I don't see that making sense at all. how do you figure.
  16. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    well from what I heard from one of the creators its saposed to be Sora and riku trying to wake up from an eternal dream...hence the clock that Neku has...anyways the Dream eaters are a pretty clear sign that it is in a dream...
  17. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    I still don't see the tie to Neku, In TWEWY he had the clock thing anyway right, at least that's what my friend who played the game told me. He had like a time limit to complete a mission and that's what the timer was.
  18. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    well he had days to get out of town be for he was killed by reapers...anyways its just what I heard but I could be miss enterpreting it...
  19. Wave57

    Wave57 New Member

    Looks like a sound theory to me.
  20. Noir


    You mean the numbers in Neku's hand? It is by a game. When he loses, he will die. When he wins, he will win the game.
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