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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days' started by TheAlphaTurtle, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. TheAlphaTurtle

    TheAlphaTurtle New Member

    Alright, so I know we've all heard a similar discussion to what I'm about to state but hear me out. I have a slightly different take on it.

    What if Roxas is the nobody of Ventus? I know you're saying, "they have said in the series that it's the nobody of Sora". I know this, I've played 1, 2, and 3D many times. Not quite as informed in the other games but I've played them and know a good bit. However, it wouldn't be the first time in KH that later reveals change everything you thought previously.

    Roxas being Ventus' nobody could explain why both Sora and Roxas can still sort-of exist at the same time which no other nobodies (except Namine and Xehanort) can do. When Sora released his heart, he obviously released Kairi and Ven's also. We assume that means the sora/ven blend made Roxas look like Ven but is actually Sora's Nobody. Shouldn't Ven also have a nobody if his heart did the same thing? This explains how Roxas can exist while Sora does to an extent. They even make a point to say Roxas and Xion are similar to Ventus in the Secret Reports.

    Roxas is assumed to wield a keyblade because Sora can. Well this could be the case if Roxas is Ven's nobody as well. Roxas has no memories. We only know what people assumed about him which is that he came from Sora. This is true but the same can be true for Ven being the one used to create Roxas.

    We have the argument that Ven shouldn't have a nobody as he is just sleeping in CO. However, his body is basically just an empty shell (similar to a nobody) while his heart is with Sora. By releasing his heart, Sora could have created the nobody of Ven.

    The name Roxas would seem like it was obviously made for sora with the whole rearranging the letters and adding X thing. The problem I have with this is that Roxas didn't even know his name. He was named by Xemnas. When asked if he knew his true name, Xemnas told him it was Sora also. Xemnas is the reason that Roxas thinks he's the nobody of Sora.

    Roxas' lack of memories can be attributed to the fact that Ventus' heart is split all over the place.

    Xion could be the failed replica of Roxas because they tried to copy him of Sora's memories when he is not actually Sora's nobody. Everyone thinks it's Sora's nobody, including Xemnas obviously but shows on quite a few occasions that it's not that simple.

    We all think that Roxas is special because he's got Ven's heart but is Sora's nobody... All I'm trying to say is what if that is reversed. Roxas could easily be Ven's nobody but have feelings due to having Sora's heart, still explaining the connection to Namine. This also would explain why Sora isn't complete while in CoM but can still exist. It could be interesting in Kingdom Hearts 3 to have Sora release his heart once again in order to put Roxas into Ven to wake him from his sleep.

    This theory makes more sense to me than the craziness they threw together about how Sora is just special and can be a nobody and person at the same time. Please bash this everywhere possible. I'm sure there are a lot of holes in my plan but just wanted to get this out there
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I have to disagree. Roxas is Sora's nobody.

    Sora released his heart and Kairi's heart. I believe Ventus heart stayed within Sora's body and soul. Which would make sense.
  3. Elfdemon

    Elfdemon Member

    When Sora stabbed himself with the Keyblade of Heart, Ventus' heart stayed behind in Sora's body/Nobody, Roxas, instead of getting released like Sora's heart and Kairi's heart. Roxas looks like Ventus because Ventus' heart is within him. He's Sora's Nobody, but he has the appearance of Ventus. If Ventus' heart wasn't within him, then he would've looked like Sora.

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