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Sorano: Clash of Gods (OOC/Sign Up/Discussion)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by FON, Oct 19, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist


    A land where peace is said to last. Watched over by the 7 gods and goddesses that were created by Alpheomega, the first god, to watch over this holy land. However, one of the deities sought to rule the land by herself, saying how man would listen to her more than the others. Soon, another god thought he would best sere as the main ruler of the land. Soon, most of the gods broke up into a small argument that soon broke into a war between the land, each god and goddess leading their armies of their followers.

    The war itself lasted for a year, until the stress of battle, caused the land to split, Ito seven smaller land masses, now called the Seven Isles of the Gods. The goddess of light frowned upon what had happened, as did her creator. So then, Alpheomega instructed the goddess of light to find seven children to reunite the islands and being peace between the gods.

    And so, the Reformation, begins.

    The Land

    The Island of Light (Avaous):

    A small island where the Goddess of light, Sancia, rules over. She is planning to reunite the islands and ring peace amongst the Gods yet again by the command of her creator. The island itself is very peaceful, tranquil and pure.

    The Island of Iron (Felonis):

    An island smaller than that of Avaous, this island is home to Geomar, God of the Forge and War. Despite his skills, he somehow got the smallest of the islands, which is the most advanced of the other islands, due to his knowledge and power (think steam punkish).

    The Island of Water (Gaois):

    A cresent shaped island that is ruled over by Aldo, God of Seas and Wisdom. He protects the surrounding island with hurricanes and whirlpools to prevent invaders from approaching the land, as he wishes to protect his people.

    The Island of Flora (Veago):

    A jungle like island with tall trees, overseed by the Goddes of Lust and Sex, Edita. The city where people live has a very relaxing feel to it, making you feel off guard and feel like the world is alright.

    The Island of Shadow (Kraoka):

    An island where it is always night time and the mountains are made of obsidian, this island is home to the God of Darkness and Night, Vincenzo. It always might, and it is said that monsters live on this island, and that the people live in fear.

    The Island of Air (Leowana):

    An island where spiral like mountains reach the clouds, it is seen over by the Goddess of Music, Sheilah. The forest floor is where the people reside, listening to music and hiking up the mountains to look over the seas to see the other islands.

    The Island of Ice (Komo):

    An island frozen in ice, the people that live here live underground where it is warmer than the surface. The ruler is Agostino, God of Ice and Snow. The igloos seen on the surface serve as locations to the tunnels to someone's home.

    Character Template:
    Age: (13-20)
    Appearance: (Picture or description)
    Serves: (Those who control a chosen child, can also control the God or Goddess of the homeland they came from)
    Godly Gifts:(Powers handed to them by the Goss of their homeland)
    Other: (Anything else you think is deemed necessary to the Character's Template.

    Rules (MUST READ)
    1.This is a Mature RP, meaning there are curse words, sexual content, gore and us of alcoholic drinks. If you are uncomfortable with any of these, please leave.
    2. No Powerplaying or GodModding
    3. No Bunnying
    4. Be Nice
    5. Don't be a Mary Sue
    6. Have fun.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2012
  2. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Rush Ransom





    Rush is a very energetic and short tempered person who has a tendency to resort to violence to solve almost all of his problems, a tendency which almost always get him into difficult and sometimes life-threatening situations. Part of him is also very cocky seeing as he believes he can solve all of his problems by shooting, slashing, and or cursing people out. While his rough exterior often causing people to see him only as a violent and mindless monster he has a strong sense of justice and will try and correct injustice when he sees it.


    Nobody, he is a solo player and wants to keep it that way.

    Rush had always been gifted with incredible speed and is one of the greatest swordsmen in the world, he is also a skilled marksman capable of stunning accuracy with two pistols at the same time. He is also famous for his acrobatic feats that allow him to escape from authority (Basically Parkour).

    Godly Gifts/Powers:

    From the moment Rush was able to pick up a weapon he trained himself and became an expert by the time he was seven, these skills helped him survive in the violent streets of Felonis. He often had to steal in order to survive with food and ammo, and when he turned twelve he was well known both by the government and people of Felonis and became a wanted criminal. One day after a long drawn out gun and sword fight he was outnumbered and low of ammo. Right when Rush thought that it was over and began to give up a light shined on him, and a voice asked him whether he wanted to live or not, when he said yes he was given his ability and was easily able to hold off his attackers and escape. He is currently living as a bounty hunter.

    Theme Song: Rise Against - This is Letting Go (Lyrics) - YouTube

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