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Soria: The Beginning of Fate(Actual Rp)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by draco009, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    The capital of Aldinia. One of the greatest cities on the Myr continent. Draco watched the city from afar knowing that if he tried to get in the guards would arrest him. While he was traveling he did jobs to help the folks who couldn't afford their next meal. Unfortunetly, This always ended in conflict with the law. As he overlooked the city, Draco thought back to the time when he stole from a lord's castle to feed a family of villagers that numbered in the thirties. He almost got caught because he was seen fleeing the crime. He grinned to himself as he saw the look of the guards when they were trying to catch him. He looked up from his reverie to see a caravan moving towards the city. He said to himself "This is my chance..." And he bolted down the hill and quickly slipped under one of the wagons. He slowly waited for it to take him into the city.
  2. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Fan enjoyed the fresh city air. It as a nice change to the normal haunts his home town brought (haunts in the literal sense of the word). He also enjoyed the fact that the local book stores had books that were actually about living things as opposed to ones on the dead he had back home. With a sack full of ten or so hard covers, he began to make his way to lunch. Were he found it could be anyones guess.

    Now you may ask yourself how it is that a necromancer can fit in so well with people. Surely the scythe would be enough to scare anyone away. Well for the first Fan is not an average necromancer. He enjoys making friends and has no preference for living or dead. As for the second Fan isn't stupid. The scythe is in his apartment.

    "I think I just found lunch," he said aloud with a smile. Before him a caf'e, and food.
  3. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Raiza awoke to the sound of a brunette woman ripping his sheets off of his body and throwing cold water on him. Shivering and cold he jumped out of bed throwing his clothes on. The woman continued her angry yelling; "Raiza! it's almost noon! GET UP!". Raiza threw his Boots on and bolted down the stairs out the door yelling back to his mother dressed in fair clothing, a corset and long white skirt; "thanks mom! i'll talk to you later bye!". Rushing toward the Guard barracks Raiza knocked over a young kid, he couldn't have been more than 15 with silver hair and fell to the ground, He apologized quickly and rushed toward the barracks.
  4. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Haruki drew back the string of his bow aiming carefully but not taking too long to steady himself. The arrow hit the border right between red and yellow. "Damn...I'm slipping..." he sighed and decoded he would go for some bread from the bakery wagon. "Hey !" he called out to the baker who smiled and asked "So what's your pick today, sour dough or rye ?" Haruki thought for a moment before noticing a boy that looked about to years older than him with silver hair on the ground as if he had been knocked over. "Oh...um... Hello..." he said extending a hand.
  5. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Haruki drew back the string of his bow aiming carefully but not taking too long to steady himself. The arrow hit the border right between red and yellow. "Damn...I'm slipping..." he sighed and decided he would go for some bread from the bakery wagon. "Hey !" he called out to the baker who smiled and asked "So what's your pick today, sour dough or rye ?" Haruki thought for a moment before noticing a boy that looked about to years older than him with silver hair on the ground as if he had been knocked over. "Oh...um... Hello..." he said extending a hand.
  6. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Draco sat there dazed for a moment, and then noticed a hand being held out to him. He grabbed it and pulled himself up. Staring at the guy as he ran towards the barracks he said, "Thank you. I wonder who that guy was..." He turned back towards the guy who help him up. "My name is Draco. Um...Can you tell me what part of the city this is? I kinda got lost. Did you know thhat wagon goes and stops at six other places before here? Each time it stopped there were guards nearby so i couldn't get off."
  7. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Raiza entered the academy and lined up in his squadron. He was always shot glances or sneered at and mostly found himself alone on the battlefield. He thought it might be because he's the new guy but after a few months and alot of teasing, he knew the reason; He wasn't noble.
    As Raiza stared ahead a familiar voice rang up. "Got anotherpair of ratty shoes?, Bet yougot those from the sewer eh?, these arehigh quality genuine leather boots. Got more fashion in this than your entire lowborn body." Hahaha". Chris the 3rd, a Prick in his own standoffish way...worst part, he was a bit different. " Hey Guy's!! So, i wentdown to the old peddler shop to try some new clothes, and guess what? they were all rags! Rubbish!, Like Raiza!".
    Raiza was getting pissed, he couldn't just let some noble punk show him up. "Hey Raiza, where is that lowborn mother of yours anyway? that's right doing my laundrey, She needs it after the night we had in my chambers." Raiza was furious he clenched his fist with the blue tinted plate gloves specially given by his former master and knocked Chris to the ground, punching him repeatedly. "You stuck up noble snob! your comments only match your pig headed face!, your a spineless coward and a weak one at that!!". Several Guards ripped Raiza off of Chris and threw him out onto the street threatening to take action if he came any closer. They warned him that he should be in prison for assaulting royalty but the headmaster requested this. Angry at the snobbish boy with certain tendencies he wandered over to his house and punched the nearby stone wall. "Royal Bastard.."
  8. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Haruki stared at him for a few seconds before stating "Your in Aldin The capital of Aldinia...you aren't from around here are you. " he sighed and grabbed to loafs of bread and walked over to Draco handing him a warm loaf. "This is a residential area, most shops around here are run by nobles and the middle class. "You should be careful though...those of royalty are very violent and will beat you up for the heck of it." Haruki said taking a bite out of the warm sourdough loaf. "The stupid thing is that they never get into trouble...and if you fight back chances are you'll be either executed or jailed..." Haruki said and sighed. "Sadly thats the system........anyway my names Haruki..."
  9. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    Eona slowly walked down the academy hallways, memories; good and bad, all coming back to her. Even though she had graduated a year ago, she didnt expect to find herself back so soon but when news spread that one of the intructors for the eleven o' clock orientation class for new recruits had fallen mysteriously ill, the headmaster and her squadron leader immediately sought her out. To think that her superiors thought so highly of her was flattering but she was unsure about the whole situation. Eona was almost certain that there were at least two other intructors that could have easily taken her place. Turning the corner on her right she quickly pushed the troubling thoughts away and quickened her pace as she was already late, ten minutes to be exact. As she began to climb the stairs something in her peripheral vision caught her attention. Eona looked towards her left, out the series of windows that rose with the stairs out to the courtyard to find that a fight was in progress and the boy on top was winning. Something about the boy was...interesting..and..familiar. She couldnt quite put her hands on what that something was, but she once again she pushed her thoughts away and continued to watch until someone of authority had promptly ended it.

    She shook her head and finished climbing the stairs and made a series of turns around corners till she got to her desired location. She stood outside the door which read: Orientation 101. She could tell by the noise coming from the classroom that it was going to be a long day. Taking a deep breath which allowed her to calm her nerves, she opened the door.

    Upon opening of the door, she was met with silence which quickly turned into hushed whispers.
    "oh my gosh, it that really who i think it is?!!" one girled said.
    "what is she doing here?" asked a slightly overweight boy
    "i dont know but its her, its really her, the pride and joy of Sorian Knight Academy" squealed another girl.
    "Maybe she got demoted or something"
    "shhh dont say things like that, its rude"
    "psh wahtever, its not like she can do anything to me. She isnt even of royal blood"
    "your just a punk asshole who gets whatever he wants."
    "yeah, who cares what you think. im going to marry her" yelled two girls in unison who then shot glares at one another.

    Cute. Looks like i have a fan club already. Eona thought to herself.

    The whispers went on for another 5 mintues before she cleared her throat and the room was met with silence again. Eona simply stared at the class and the class stared back, fear, obsession. jealousy, and anger in their eyes.

    oh joy. Well..lets get started.

    "Welcome to Sorian Knight Academy. I am Ms. Bridgetillia and I am your instructor for the day."
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2011
  10. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    After finishin his lunch Fan decided to travel the city and see if he could find what he was looking for. Much of the history of this world before the war was lost and the only truly intact history of the world was said to be around this city, or at least that was what the rumors were. Necromancers had it easy in this department. They only had to go to the nearest graveyard and call the correct spirits from the lost time line. The problem was that this was many thousands of years and this method, while effective, could take a long time. Best if he found a few books like the "Normal" people.

    He didn't get far when he noticed a boy with silver hair get knocked down by a man who was in some considerable rush. He could also tell this boy had some powers. It wasn't to do with the reflexes, which this kid really didn't have, but more on how he set himself. Confidence and such. "Interesting."

    He walked over just as he over heard another person, also with powers, explain the name of the city. "May I add this place also has some very considerable quisine? Greetings I am Fan of house Lamar. I don't suppose one of you gentleman could direct me to the library here? I am new myself and I haven't had much luck in finding it."

    >Anyone wanna make this library hard to get in? Like royal palace or some such. It can be our first adventure in the rp. And it could let us give some back story on our characters.<
  11. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    > I just got kicked out, and my character knows the palace this outta be fun!<

    Raizia turned to Fan and introduced himself. "Hi! I'm Raiza( Rai-Za) If your looking for books your out of luck, the Aldin City Library was set aflame a few years ago and a very famous scroll was stolen. All official records are kept in the palace for safekeeping. I know how to get there...but you'll have to follow me. Besides i have to look something up. Raiza had caught a brief glance of that woman before being thrown out...who was she..why did she seem so familiar? he had to know about her, and more than that...he had to know everything about himself, why he couldn't remember anything, why his parents always yelled at him, why they never looked...like him.
  12. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    "Hmmmm...a very famous scroll..." Haruki said grinning. "Hmmmmmm....wonder where it went..." he said rummaging through his bag. "You mean this one !" he said pulling out a fancy looking scroll. "While the library was burning I decided to go in and.....salvage a little something. " he said, obviously proud of himself. "Anyway I got plans in that academy...see ya !!!" He said running in through the fancy door quickly ducking behind a large flower pot when a guard passed by, then running up the stairs where all the Academy's treasures were held.
  13. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    > Ugh...I hate Catch up posts<

    Draco watched the same guy who knocked him over, walk towards them. He didn't say anything at first because as soon as he saw the guys face he remembered the day his dad brought home one of his apprentices from the palace. He never forgot a face. Draco then heard a man behind him say something about a library. He remembered that he had plans that involved the library. So he decided to go with these two people....
  14. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Haruki dodged a few guards and sneaked into the treasure room and walked up to a tall bookshelf and jumped into the air and pulled one of the books without a title on the spine. "This should be it..." he said hearing the bookshelf move to reveal a small chamber with a sword in a glass case. "That was easy he said picking the sword up. It had a nice curved blade with an interesting pattern on the sword guard. "That was easy..." he said before hearing the guards. Haruki cursed under his breath and put on his hood.He quickly ran out of the chamber and seeing twenty or so guards running into the small room. His forte wasn't magic but he knew a few good spells, "Seal 24 Baindo Sākuru !!!!" he said as a bright yellow circled appeared around the guards stopping all movement. With that Haruki ran down the stairs.
  15. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    Raiza stared at draco who who jumped right in to join them and then signaled for the two to follow. He began heading towards the outside of town, a place many travelers had gone to and from. but stopped short and ducked through an opening in the wall. Down in the damp mossy undergrowth, Raiza opened a grate and climbed in the smell of waste was enough to drive most people away but they had somewhere to be. Raiza turned to the two and stated these sewers lead into the royal palace's Kitchen only a few blocks from the Library's archives. The hardest part would be seaking past the guards.

    Treading through the stone walkways Raiza began thinking to himself. (Just who am i?, why do i know that silver haired boy where do i come from? and who the hell was that woman?! i feel like she's...more than just an acquaintance...).
  16. Bjoacx

    Bjoacx New Member

    As Bjoacx entered the city, the first thing he noticed was a group of people jumping into a sewer! He glanced behind him, no one seemed to notice him or the others... He slowly inched towards the Sewer, (Hm, it's nothing but darkness, but I see a light up ahead! Its probably those people...) He jumped down in the darkness, all of a sudden he was struck by something! His heart jumped!!! HEARTLESS!!! He sumoned his key blade and started slashing it about wildly!!! (For he could not see.) He got hit again, and again, and AGAIN! All of a sudden, he whited out and started falling, as he was fading away he heard voices getting closer, he fell in front of Draco...
  17. Blackrose

    Blackrose New Member

    The first three minutes of class consisted of roll call. Once that was over Eona immediately jumped into the fundamentals of the class but not without a warning."Alright, listen up. I'm going to say this once and only once. I. AM. NO. PUSHOVER. i will run you into the ground in preparation for when the day comes when you will have to protect Soria. If i sense an once of weakness, i will snap it out...personally."

    All the girls seemed to melt at her mini speech and a few of the guys shifted in their seats, slightly uncomfortable but trying not to show it. And with her speech out of the way it was time to move on.

    "How many of you know the history of Soria or the ancient ruines of forgotten civialtions or the workings of our military?" Eona asked with interest in her voice. She wanted to get a feel where the class was at academic wise. Only 3 people raised their hands. Eona looked a little discouragedat that. What have they been doing their whole life that they didnt even know their own history? Pushing the thought away she turned towards the chalk board, picked up a piece of chalk and was about to begin her lesson when an academy guard came rushing into the room out of breath.

    The guard pulled himself together and began with his news," Sorry for the interuption but all classes on the second, thrird and fourth floors have been canceled due to an intruder in the Sacred Artifact room. You are to began evactuating the area immediately and wait outside in the courtyard.There is another guard waiting at the stairs. Students are to follow single file. As for you Ms. Bridgetillia, you are to come with me to aid in the capture of this ignorant fool."

    The entire class broke into a series of gasps and whispers once more.
    "Whoa, someone actually got into the treasure room."
    "Yeah thats insane."
    "Awww this sucks. i wanted to be near the action and they go and send us outside."
    " Yeah yeah, i wanted to see Ms. bridgetillia in action for sure"
    "But order are orders so its whatever."

    The students got up from their seats and headed towards the flgiht of stairs and began their descent. Eona watched tthem till they were gone and when she was positive they were all out of ear shot, she turned towards the guard that relayed the message.

    "Whats your name soldier?" If Eona was going to be working a partner, even for a small task such as this then she needed his name.

    The guard snapped to attention and began speaking. "My name is Kenta Tel. Im in the 4th division of squadron 6."

    hmm, I have a special one on my hands, Eona thought to herself and then gave Kenta a small smile. "Well Kenta by all means lead the way."

    He returned the smile, turned around and began a light jog into another corridor which contianed the flight of stairs that led to the fifth, sixth, and seventh floors; the seventh being the room were some of the most valuable relics were kept. As they reached their destination, Kenta turned towards Eona like he had something to say.

    "What is it?", Eona asked.

    "I just want to warn you that the person that broke in is part of the rebellion thats plagued our nation and government for some time now. Further analysis allowed us to I.D the perosn as the leader of the rebellion itself, Haruki. As to what he's after is unknown. But how he was able to slip by security undetected until now is beyond me."

    Eona raised her eyebrow slightly at this new piece of information. This wasnt going to be some street thug she would be able to take down with a single punch. And as they reached the door that led to the room and heard various yells, grunts and moans, it served to give her more reason to believe she'd have to probably go all out. She turend towards Kenta and gave him orders.

    "Go round up the rest of the guards who arent out watching over the students and have them set up perimeter on the rooftop, fifth and sixth floors. Noone is getting in or out without my approval."

    Kenta nodded his head and went back toward s the stairs and quickly vanished.

    Eona prepared herself. She couldnt use her claymore without causing significant damage to the relics so hand to hand combat would have to do. She pushed the marble doors inward and leapt into battle.
  18. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    "Haruki whirled around to see Aona jumping through the door "OH COME ON !!!!!" he said drawing his katana and backflipping five feet away. "I don't want any trouble…just back down and you'll be just fine..." he said having electricity surge through his body.Haruki saw the look in her eyes. "Fine you dont seem like a one to surrender !" he said, he started to charge his sword with electricity.
  19. Reprise

    Reprise Semi-present

    Larissa had only one routine. Work. Eat.- the cuisine was just as good as it was made out to be and more. It was, however, very expensive; if she wasn't well payed, she wouldn't be able to survive as she could barely make toast without burning herself. (She could always use her fire spell, but using it in a small space wasn't the best idea)-Practice.-her favourite part of the day-Walk. She loved to walk and see the sights, relive the memories. It was the best way to keep herself occupied. But today, something caught her eye.
    The Courtyard. Almost Ungaurded. Something huge must have been going on for that to happen.
    Something that she wanted to be a part of.
    The only thing in her way were those few guards. And the kids, of course. How would she get past them without being spotted?'I Wonder...'It's quite a big risk; it might stop working in front of the guards, and it may not even work, but if I could blend in with gravity to make myself invisible...But first I need to get out of view!' She thought.

    She carried on walking , and covered herself with a very low amount of gravity once she found a small alleyway and checked her hand- well, where her hand would be. Invisible. 'Perfect!'

    She walked back to the courtyard, slipped past the children and guards, and pushed the huge marble doors inward.
    When she saw what was going on in there, she immediately wished she hadn't. Eona, a powerful Twilight Knight, in a heated battle with Haruki, the leader of the Rebellion she'd joined all those years ago.
    And, of course, her makeshift invisibility spell chose to die on her at that very moment. She knew both of them knew she was there. She'd made too much of a racket opening the doors. 'It's too late to flee. And besides, the only way I could flee from the guards is via some kind of miracle. I guess I'll just have to kill Eona and maybe loot a few treasures... It's a shame I left my scythe at home...', she quickly composed herself, 'No Mercy.'
    She charged one hand with fire and the other with electricity, adrenaline coursing through her veins as she prepared to fight.
    ''Sorry 'bout this...'' She offered awkwardly, although her words were contradicted by the growing smirk on her face.

    >Yeah,I know that was incredibly stupid on Larissa's part, but it's part of her personality. Inquisitive, rash and such.<
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2011
  20. grandia20

    grandia20 New Member

    Shimon woke up in the bed of an inn he'd been staying at recently. He stands up and stretches, then gets changed. He walks downstairs.

    "Ma'am, I apreciate your hospitality but I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave now." He hands her $300 and walks out.

    "I wonder if anything interesting is going on today." He shrugs. "Well, may as well have a look around to see." Shimon lights up a cigarette and starts walking around town.

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